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Penstemon 'Thorn'

Penstemon 'Thorn' (Penstemon)

On its second flush of flowers.

Comments on this photo


Very pretty ... oddly named though ! Spritz ... I have Penstemon cuttings in a jamjar of water ... tiny roots just showing ! Thanks for the info. on this method for propagating them. : o ))

2 Nov, 2010


Oh I AM pleased, Shirley. I'll have to take a look at mine!

This is a really lovely plant, but I love'em all, so I find it hard to choose my favourite.

2 Nov, 2010


Mine are 'Tayberry Ice' and 'Garnet', so, two totally different colours.

2 Nov, 2010


I have both of those - I find that'Garnet' will take a little shade. :-)

2 Nov, 2010


Thanks ... I'll remember that when they're sturdy enough to plant out ... some way off yet ! : o ))

2 Nov, 2010


Oooh no. Not for ages yet! They'll be fine, you'll see. :-))
Patience, patience. LOL.

2 Nov, 2010


If only I could click my fingers in a Mary Poppins kind of style ... Winter would be gone ... Spring would be here ... lol !

2 Nov, 2010


These just go on and on don't they, I have one very similar to this thats still flowering 'Apple Blossom', was going to take a picture today but so busy in the garden it was dark before I remembered :-)

2 Nov, 2010


Yes, most of them have still got buds! :-)))

I don't think I've got 'Apple Blossom' - but I inherited one that's nameless.

Oh Shirley, that would be a shame...I have a number of winter-flowering shrubs! And what about the Hellebores???

2 Nov, 2010


I've never heard of this one Spritz..its lovely..I also have some rooting in water...'plum jerkum' and 'Czar'.....Thank you for the advice.....:>)

2 Nov, 2010


You're more than welcome - it really works, doesn't it! :-))

2 Nov, 2010


Love this variety, I still have garnet out in the border, even though I moved some along a bit to blend in with others, they didn't seem to mind. How obliging they are!

2 Nov, 2010


I wouldn't be without them, that's for sure.

2 Nov, 2010


I've tried penstemon cuttings in water, but they just rotted, instead of rooting. That was a hybrid of two desert species, though: P. superbus and P. parryi.

3 Nov, 2010


Well, if you will have exotic ones, Tug...they'd need at least a glass of champagne before they'd root! LOL.

3 Nov, 2010


Lovely plants spritz but how do you taking cutting in water ? I must have missed that bit, I would love to know as I have several I like to try....

3 Nov, 2010


It's a bit late for this year, but I get non-flowering shoots from the plant, cut them across at a leaf joint about 5" down, take off the bottom sets of leaves and pop them in a jam jar of rain water, with a seed label in the jar. It doesn't take more than about 3 weeks to get roots, but I don't pot them up (individually) until the root balls are big enough. Then I keep them in the cool greenhouse or cold frame until they've grown on, potted on again, and hardened off ready to be planted out next spring.

I tried them in gritty compost, but this way I get much more success.

3 Nov, 2010


Thank you Spritz for that, shall give it a try.....

4 Nov, 2010


You wouldn't lose anything by taking just a few now, would you? It might just work...

4 Nov, 2010


I am trying both methods to see which does the best!

4 Nov, 2010


As Bellflower said, they are very obliging, i have had good success with cuttings too....

5 Nov, 2010


In water, or in pots?

5 Nov, 2010


That remains to be seen lol

5 Nov, 2010


Not Champagne, Spritz. These are natives of southern Arizona--a polychrome figured eathenware beaker of chia water, instead!

6 Nov, 2010


LOL. Well done, Tug! Keep it local. I should use cider here, I suppose - did you know that Somerset is famous for its cider, Tug? It's strong stuff, too! It would probably blow all the leaves off the cuttings. LOL.

6 Nov, 2010


Maybe as an antifungal? ; D

I love what's sold as "apple cider" here in the States, but I'll admit that I've never had the hard stuff!

6 Nov, 2010


Oh, it's potent, I gather, Tug!

6 Nov, 2010

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