Winter fruits ring cake
By Stickitoffee

13 Dec, 2010
a cake to celebrate the winter ~ it has apples and sour cherries, raisins and hazelnuts in ~ oh yes and a sprinkling of snow!!
Comments on this photo
its an adaptation of a sarah raven recipe ~ how come you have time to do this and answer a quiz in 2 minutes
13 Dec, 2010
I agree, we want the recipe.
13 Dec, 2010
I'm an absolute genius mate, I'm quick at everything, were's the recipe then. me and Cinders want to recipe, like NOW.
13 Dec, 2010
i dont think cinderella is a very demanding character ~ im sure she wouldnt be saying 'we want it now'
13 Dec, 2010
im going to make you wait now!!! ;o)))
13 Dec, 2010
Hey Cinders, look whats she is saying, you know why she is going to make us wait, she has to check out the box it came in. bet she's been to Sainsburys,
13 Dec, 2010
you should be on the stage Yorky!
it wouldnt be sainsburys anyway!!!
13 Dec, 2010
looks yummy sticki ;o)
13 Dec, 2010
Lidl, or Aldi, I got you weighed up.
13 Dec, 2010
What can I say Yorkie, - you have got to learn patience my dear
13 Dec, 2010
no wrong again yorkshire
cinderella you are quite right ~ i will send you the recipe first !!
...after the ball!!??
13 Dec, 2010
Hey Cinders, I thought you was my bestest mate, now your siding with the enemy,
13 Dec, 2010
O but I am, I am. Calm down, Yorkie, everything comes to she who is patient.....You can't make it today anyhow, its too late.
13 Dec, 2010
"I will send you the recipe first cinderella," Creep well see if I care, anyway the shops don't close until ten so I could still get there and buy one, don't try and get round me Cinders, its to late, I am heartbroken you sided with the ENEMY.
13 Dec, 2010
Yorkie when i put the recipe up its whoever sees it first!!! shops open till 11 here and all night in next town! but you wont see my cake in the shops
13 Dec, 2010
just as well I don't like Winter fruit ring cake, so there, anyway its not a ring because it has a chunk missing, bet you didn't think of that, your going to the gallows now not the tower, AWAY WITH YOU WOMAN.
13 Dec, 2010
Tis the season of goodwill Yorkie, and I am not siding with the enemy ! I'm off now, going to a party. Ponder...
13 Dec, 2010
Sorry Sticki, your cake looks lovely,
13 Dec, 2010
It looks scrumsious and well made too.
13 Dec, 2010
sorry sticki she says, humbug, and whats all this, tis the season of goodwill, anyway, enjoy your party,I suppose your going with your friend Sticki.
13 Dec, 2010
ok here we go ~ are you looking first cinders?
cream together 250g butter and 250g brown sugar till light and fluffy
Add 350g self raising flour, 100g chopped hazelnuts, 100g dried sour cherries, 100g raisins which have been simmering in a little water until plump, 5 beaten eggs and 3tsp vanilla extract
fold in 3 peeled and chopped up apples [i used braeburns] that have been tossed in lime juice
Spoon into a ring tin appx. 30 wide and bake for appx 50 mins on 170/gas 3 ~ check that it is done by using a skewer ~ if it comes out clean the cake is done. leave to cool in the tin for a few minutes and turn out onto a wire rack.
decorate by spooning a little white icing on top and a few cherries.
this is based on a recipe by sarah raven ~ mary stearns' apple cake but ive changed several bits of it.
13 Dec, 2010
Thank you Sticki, appreciated. Will be trying it soon
13 Dec, 2010
no problem! hope you like it ~ it made a bigger cake than i was expecting!! but thats no bad thing.
13 Dec, 2010
Looks yummy ST will certainly give it a go thanks for the recipe;0)
13 Dec, 2010
you're welcome!
13 Dec, 2010
Wow that looks so tasty.........
13 Dec, 2010
Looks great Sticki! Shall have to buy one of those ring things though first. Have put on faves....:o)
13 Dec, 2010
thanks janey ~ you can bake it in an ordinary tin ~ would take maybe 10 mins longer ~ the original recipe was in a square tin i think. if you buy a ring tin make sure its a good one ~ i cant remember where i got mine from but its quite heavy and the non stick really works!!
i like it cos it looks pretty and the slice is a nice size to serve ~ easier than from a square tin.
14 Dec, 2010
I see everyone beat me to it, thanks Sticki,
14 Dec, 2010
;o) you're welcome!
14 Dec, 2010
I guess you've eaten it all now... looks tasty :o)
15 Dec, 2010
about 2 slices left ~ gave most of it to the builders and i ate some for lunch and tea and supper!!!
15 Dec, 2010
Have you made this yet, Janey ? :o)
17 Dec, 2010
Looks yummy, Sticki.....I have one of those bundt pans that I use for making a Christmas buffet cake but I have not made it in recent years. I can't find anywhere locally that sells green maraschino cherries (loads of red ones) but the cake takes both colours to look effective.
I will have to see about getting some hazelnuts and the apples so I can have a stab at this one :)
19 Dec, 2010
i have a feeling that angelica is also off the shelves ~ i think its a colouring thing. the red cherries are now darker cos they dont put all the colours in ~ could you use apricots to give orange, cherries for red and pistacchio[?] for a greenish tinge??
20 Dec, 2010
The recipe has pecans so not sure about adding pistachio nuts. I once tried angelica but it didn't work as well as the cherries. Very kind of you to make alternate suggestions, Sticki...thank you.
I can order green cherries online but they are ridiculously alone was £6, before buying the green cherries!
I'll search out the cookery books (I have quite a few) to see about some other recipes where I can use the pecans and red cherries...or may opt for making the cake with just the red cherries doubled up!
20 Dec, 2010
pecans and red cherries? be lovely in a sweet dough to make a type of stollen or brioche???
i cant even count my cookery books ~ would you believe i have a bookcase in the kitchen?? well 3 shelves!
20 Dec, 2010
I too have many cookbooks (most I brought with me from Canada)....never counted them either and I seem to keep making the same recipes repeatedly...soon found my favourites! :)
The Christmas buffet cake has philadelphia cream cheese in the batter which adds a nice ingredient to the mix...and the pecans are nice (not a bitter nut, like walnuts can be sometimes).
I've decided to double up the red cherries and follow the recipe. Just won't be as colourful as it would be with the two colours!
A bookcase in the kitchen is a great idea....I have shelves at the end of my run of units where I keep my cookbooks and a couple of appliances.
21 Dec, 2010
How about calling this ....fairy ring cake, and may I suggest that as you eat a portion from it you make a wish........
27 Dec, 2010
wish cake? now that sounds a good idea but ive eaten it all now i cant wish???
28 Dec, 2010
this looks lovely mum used to make this ... yum
7 Jan, 2011
Sticki, I've just saved this recipe - it looks amazing. I have thrown out or given away so many of my recipe books - I just can't get the ingredients over here. Every time I come back to the UK, though, I head straight for the (well I did when it still existed) Julian Graves shop to stock up on fruit cake ingredients. Shame they've gone now. I shall have to survive on what Sainsbury's stocks.
7 Jan, 2012
glad you found this!! i had forgotten about it.
i have so many recipe books cos i cant resist them and then magazines on top!
so my challenge this new year is to sort out the best of each kind and put them in a folder so i can easily find the one i want ~ saves me going thru a pile of 10 possible options each time!!!
so amazing you cant get the stuff in italy when its almost thought of as the food capital of the world!!???
i think there are julian graves shops around still ~ i tend to buy my things in the supermarket i work in!!
which are your favourite recipe books?
7 Jan, 2012
The one I have been using for over 40 years now is the Reader's digest Cookery year - bought Daughter a new one for Christmas, as she keeps ringing up for basic recipes. Then the Delias, and occasionally Jamie. More for inspiration than recipes.
7 Jan, 2012
ah yes, i know the one, often looked at it in libraries, but i dont have it. delia is so reliable i use her books frequently, but also have an old Good Housekeeping, small version, i like nigel slater and particularly like james martin.
you might like sarah raven; it was recommended on a blog i quite like called 'a wee bit of cooking'
7 Jan, 2012
I have bought Sarah Raven seeds in the past. I mostly take a basic recipe and run with it, according to what ingredients I've got available.
7 Jan, 2012
i used to stick to the recipes religiously but increasingly i change them nowadays.
same sarah raven ~ plants and cooking.
7 Jan, 2012
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Looks delicious, " Recipe please "
13 Dec, 2010