sunset over worcestershire
By Stickitoffee

8 Dec, 2010
a frosty evening, looking towards the malverns
Comments on this photo
i love silhouettes. and i cannot resist a sunset, nearly missed this one altogether ~ was driving back from shopping and saw the red sun in the rear view mirror
8 Dec, 2010
Smashing pic... :o)
8 Dec, 2010
thanks ~ dont know if i should have called it sunset or moonrise?
8 Dec, 2010
Lol its lovely what ever you call it, I would of done the same stopped and took the photo.
8 Dec, 2010
think im becoming like one of those storm chasers ~ but a sunset chaser instead!!
8 Dec, 2010
Nominated for GoYpedia Sky pictures :o)
8 Dec, 2010
beautiful photo Stick, great that you spotted it in mirror bet you didnt notice any cars lol. :o)
8 Dec, 2010
you know me too well joanella!! isnt that what the mirror is for?
8 Dec, 2010
fantastic ST - you should have that one framed !
8 Dec, 2010
& i thought it was for making sure your hair looked ok
8 Dec, 2010
as you are driving along no doubt!!!
thanks SB
8 Dec, 2010
as O H is driving Stick i dont drive. lol
8 Dec, 2010
ah! that gives you an excuse then ~ i was driving ~ but dont tell anyone!!
8 Dec, 2010
i would not do anything like that Stick..what time are you going out tomorrow ? lol..hello is that the police..:o))
8 Dec, 2010
ooooops!!! 5.30 AM!!!! only sleeping policemen around then!!
8 Dec, 2010
ha ha, i think they must sleep all day & night here..
8 Dec, 2010
oh dear you could be in trouble ~ good thing we dont put our number plates on here!!
8 Dec, 2010
ha ha thats a good one,funny thing is my OH actually does work for them lol.. :o)
8 Dec, 2010
now im scared. at least he doesnt know which road i use for work!
8 Dec, 2010
ha ha ,you can sleep easy Stick your secret is safe. lol :o))
going to bed now horlicks is kicking in..spk to you tomorrow, goodnight. :o)
8 Dec, 2010
A lovely pic Sticki :-))
9 Dec, 2010
guess which car went along my road this mornig ~ at 5.30 am joanella???? ~ a police car ~ i cant remember the last one that drove along here!
thanks annella
9 Dec, 2010
honest i did not say maybe they are on GoY watching us lol..:o))
9 Dec, 2010
so thats what they are doing!
9 Dec, 2010
ha ha :o))
9 Dec, 2010
brilliant shot.
10 Dec, 2010
10 Dec, 2010
Wow Sticki.....fabulous photo!
10 Dec, 2010
thank you janey ~ just in the right place at the right time ~ with a camera!!
10 Dec, 2010
Wonderful Sunset Sticki! This would make a striking wall picture....Love it! \0/
11 Dec, 2010
thank you!
11 Dec, 2010
You are most welcome! \0/x
11 Dec, 2010
12 Dec, 2010
Beautiful sunset...I can't resist them either.
12 Dec, 2010
arent they fantastic!
12 Dec, 2010
lovely pic sticki
13 Dec, 2010
thank you!
13 Dec, 2010
Beautiful..I bet it was cold that night with such a clear sky!!!
13 Dec, 2010
Fantastic sky it looks on fire, would make a good sketch ST
13 Dec, 2010
i love silouettes but im not good enough at drawing
13 Dec, 2010
That is beautiful!
18 Dec, 2010
thank you! i am completely fascinated by sky but if they are like this i just think they are magical
18 Dec, 2010
definately - and me being into weather I understand
18 Dec, 2010
18 Dec, 2010
Love space too - tried to get the moon - but it just blurs - very annoying /:
18 Dec, 2010
3 Dec, 2011
thanks steve and welcome to GoY
probably took this on the sunset setting on my camera
3 Dec, 2011
One of your best and crystal clear!
13 Feb, 2012
Oh hello Tet! Thank you!
13 Feb, 2012
10 Jul, 2012
thank you rose, i like sunsets, do you?
10 Jul, 2012
Those were the days of clear skies and warm weather!
11 Jul, 2012
Only joking! I can see its frosty lol!
11 Jul, 2012
dddecemberrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr tet! winter is best for sunsets i believe?
11 Jul, 2012
ppppprobably warmer than now!
11 Jul, 2012
you may well be corrrrrrrrrrrect thererrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
11 Jul, 2012
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Beautiful sunset looks warm with wonderful red glow and the tree makes a gorgeous silhouette.
8 Dec, 2010