Have a berry merry christmas
By Stickitoffee

20 Dec, 2010
squirrel eating berries in the holly.
Comments on this photo
like it Stickitoffee - a very happy Christmas to you too. Great picture
21 Dec, 2010
thank you!!
21 Dec, 2010
What a beautiful picture - you've got the artist's touch! x
21 Dec, 2010
lucky shot sheila!
21 Dec, 2010
Gorgeous pic... Merry Christmas Sticki :o)
21 Dec, 2010
Merry Christmas Stickitoffee :o)
21 Dec, 2010
Happy christmas Stickitoffee xxxx
21 Dec, 2010
Lovely photo, caught in the act!
21 Dec, 2010
Happy Christmas to you, Sticki, love this pic. : o ))
21 Dec, 2010
A very Happy Christmas to you too St, thats a great picture of that cheeky Squirell gone on my favourites;0)
21 Dec, 2010
What a wonderful close up picture StickiT. I hope I'll be able to get some nice close ups of wildlife with my new camera.I got it today and it's better than my old one, although nothing supa dupa, just a snaps camera!
I'll do welll to get anything as good as this picture.....excellent!!
22 Dec, 2010
Wonderful pic Sticki, a perfect Xmas card. Have a lovely time....:o)
23 Dec, 2010
Lovely shot.
25 Dec, 2010
many thanks all of you ~ i just take lots of photos and hope that some turn out!!
28 Dec, 2010
beautifull pic sticki, happy newyear as im late haha
28 Dec, 2010
thank you ~ happy new year to you too ~ ive only just got back on today!
28 Dec, 2010
Hope you had a lovely Xmas. Lovely pic.
29 Dec, 2010
thank you ~ hope you did too!
29 Dec, 2010
Yes i did thank you Stickitoffee........
29 Dec, 2010
29 Dec, 2010
Half a dozen of these would be enough for a New Years feast!
29 Dec, 2010
half a dozen squirrels?? to eat????
there were 6 in the garden yesterday!!!!
29 Dec, 2010
They are very tasty roasted with veggies and a rich gravy!
29 Dec, 2010
and what do you do with the tail??
is there a stuffing?
29 Dec, 2010
Hazelnut stuffing and the tails should be discarded or hung on the fence to warn off other squirrels!
29 Dec, 2010
i had a feeling you might say that
did you read squirrel nutkin???
29 Dec, 2010
Not at all. My boss has eaten squirrel and says it really tasty. We (me, my wife and kiddies) have decided to have some ostrich for Christmas lunch next year for a change. This is really nice meat. We get it from an ostrich farm in Lincs.
29 Dec, 2010
i gather alligator is good too?
how about llama meat is that good?
29 Dec, 2010
Alligator would have a bit of a bite to it I imagine....Not sure about llamas, but Alpaca meat is supposed to be really nice. I will eat virtually anything edible, but wouldn't eat dog, cat, horse or bushmeat (monkey, lion, elephant etc). I have eaten mynah bird food before with milk.
30 Dec, 2010
my mum cooked a goldfish once ~ but i dont know what it tasted like. [she didnt kill it! the cat had done that!]
yes i imagine alligator would have a bite and horse would have a kick to it no doubt!!?
30 Dec, 2010
I have eaten cichlid fish (farm raised Tilapia). The other day at work (for a dare!) I crunched on the empty shed skin of a giant hissing cockroach that I retrieved from its tank! It didnt taste of anything but was suprisingly tough.
31 Dec, 2010
ive eaten tilapia ~ they have it in my supermarket ~ as for cockroach ~ i think i shall send you on:
Im a cockroach-eating gardener ~ get me out of here!!!???
did the skin hiss when you ate it???
31 Dec, 2010
No it was empty: just a shed skin. I regularly eat the berries on my Fuchsia plants. There is an edible honeysuckle I have my eye on for 2011.
31 Dec, 2010
i would have thought they were poisonous but either i was wrong or you are immune!!??
so what are you having for your new year feast? you could go tasting round the world?? ~ a few hours ago ~ when midnight strikes for each country?
kiwi ?
31 Dec, 2010
The plant is a Lonicera. I have pasted the following for your info from the RHS website:
A new edible honeysuckle!
Posted by Graham Rice on 02 Jul 2008 at 05:11 PM
Grow-your-own gardeners are becoming more and more interested in unusual fruits - and shoppers, too, are increasingly looking out for something different. So what about a honeysuckle with edible fruits?!
The Honeyberry produces fruits which look rather like large bullet-shaped blueberries with that same colour and that same dusty bloom. Click on the picture to see them more closely. They taste rather like blueberries too and they can be eaten straight from the bush, made into jam or ice cream and they also freeze well. They are also said to make good juice.
Botanically speaking the Honeyberry is Lonicera caerulea var. kamtschatica and it originates in the Kamtschatka Peninsula in north east Siberia which is exceptionally cold - so it's certainly very hardy. The little bushes only reach about 90cm in height, are rarely troubled by disease and, once established, are drought resistant. The flowers are small and not especially showy, but the berries ripen earlier than most fruits and the seeds are so tiny you don't notice them. Just one thing to keep in mind: you need two plants to pollinate each other. Sounds well worth trying.
I will be making some space for some!
31 Dec, 2010
me too ~ sounds like the plant we've all been waiting for! thanks for that ~ are they scented too?
1 Jan, 2011
No idea: it would be nice if it was.
1 Jan, 2011
what a brilliant photo, well done, Happy New Year
2 Jan, 2011
thank you and happy new year to you too!!
2 Jan, 2011
Fantastic photo! Not seen my friendly squirrel for a while- miss her even if she did dig in the pots! :-)
7 Jan, 2011
Your squirrel was really tasty Red aly!
7 Jan, 2011
geraniumdad have you been hunting ~ over the pennines?
7 Jan, 2011
I can't say! The dentist said it would be better if I didn't eat things still covered in fur......
7 Jan, 2011
oh, not covered in chocolate this time then?
7 Jan, 2011
Another great idea!
8 Jan, 2011
Outstanding pic!
10 Jul, 2012
thanks rose!!
10 Jul, 2012
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Happy Christmas ST
20 Dec, 2010