Bag Puss !
By Valadel

5 Jan, 2011
Comments on this photo
Ha ha ha, Val, love the title and the pic! : o )))
5 Jan, 2011
Cute :o)))
5 Jan, 2011
Just great
5 Jan, 2011
Many thanks Lulu,Shirley,Terra, and Cinders for your comments.
Dolly just loves this bag, jumps in and stays there quite happily until Alf comes along and then they have a scrap! ;0))
5 Jan, 2011
like it - :)
5 Jan, 2011
Thanks Paul.
No more snow then ???
5 Jan, 2011
Aww Dolly is a sweetie;0)
5 Jan, 2011
No more snow here - hope it keeps off for a few days - not too bothered about it returning at all
5 Jan, 2011
Val that is one spoiled Cat,great picture
5 Jan, 2011
Thanks Brian.
Spoilt ????? My cats ???? Noooooooo ! ;0))
5 Jan, 2011
as snug as a bug in a rug, i think spoiled too :o))
5 Jan, 2011
Ah !!!!! that is so cute, she is gorgeous, our cats love to curl up in shopping bags,......
5 Jan, 2011
She looks so smug there room at all for Alf!! Great pic....:o))
5 Jan, 2011
No ..... no room for Alf, so he tries to knock her over and then fur flies ! :0))
Linclass, shopping bags, boxes, cupboards and under rugs, (snug as) Joan.
Thank you all, glad she made you smile.
5 Jan, 2011
lovely photo,Val,she looks so content in there.:o))
5 Jan, 2011
That's the funny thing Bloomer, she snoozes quite happily, like sleeping sitting up .:0))
5 Jan, 2011
Oh just look at me......I am the cat that got the bag!! lovely pic.
5 Jan, 2011
Sleeping bag, Dotty :0))
5 Jan, 2011
bless her...she looks very cute
6 Jan, 2011
Thanks Elsiemay.
6 Jan, 2011
Isn't there something called a 'dollybag' Val? Looks like you've got one anyway.....she's just gorgeous and looks like she thinks so too! :o)) Great pic.
6 Jan, 2011
Thanks Lily, "dollybag" is very apt ;0))
6 Jan, 2011
did she get in there by herself?
7 Jan, 2011
Oh yes Sticki, I did leave it on the floor because as every cat owner knows they love bags and boxes and I expected her to pull it over, but no she just sat there. :0))
7 Jan, 2011
just lovely! there is a poem or a book ~ cats love boxes ~ or something like that!?
7 Jan, 2011
She couldn't afford to buy you a present so she presented herself to you in a gift bag.
I'll give my mum a Christmas gift
Now where's that shiny bag?
It's empty so I'll use it,
It hasn't got a tag.
Now if I climb inside it
she will know it's from me,
as when she opens up the bag
I'll pop out so she'll see.
I'll wish her Happy Christmas
and purr and meow loud
I'll leap out from my wrapping
and stand there very proud.
8 Jan, 2011
very good linkak
the book i was thinking of was 'my cat likes to hide in boxes'
i think it is in rhyme and has all sorts of places for a cat:
'the cat from norway got stuck in the doorway'
but after each different cat i think it says but my cat likes to hide in boxes
8 Jan, 2011
Twinkle used to love to go into large paper bags to hide in and shopping bags. You'd see an ear sticking out and she'd suddenly pounce out at you.
8 Jan, 2011
Lindak, thank you for that poem it is brilliant.
So so sorry to hear about Twinkle, god bless her little furry socks
Stick' am intrigued by the book you are thinking about ,must look for it.
8 Jan, 2011
its a childrens book ~ usually in paperback ~ its on amazon i know. its written by eve sutton, picture book format for quite young children.
8 Jan, 2011
Going to library on Mon. Sticki', will have look....... better still I have a friend who works at one I will ask her.
Childrens book ?, she will think I am in my second childhood. ;0))
Thanks for that.
8 Jan, 2011
i used to work in a library but also in schools ~ thats how i know it. its only a very simple book
second childhood? i havent come out of the first one!!
8 Jan, 2011
Hee hee !
8 Jan, 2011
Love this picture Val..your cats certainly find some fancy places to sleep! (dont tell anyone Sticki..I have a whole cupboard full of my childhood books sat in rows..and I occasionally read them too)
10 Jan, 2011
oh T ~ i wont tell anyone if you dont tell anyone i read mine too! i just love them and cant resist the childrens book corners in any shop
its the pictures!!!
do you have mabel lucy attwell pictures?
10 Jan, 2011
No, I dont Im afraid..when I look at them now I cant believe I didnt have any..but I was animal crazy so all of mine are about horses or dogs/cats or wild animals..Joseph E Chipperfield, Ruby Ferguson, Walter Farley etc..not an Enid Blyton or a Beatrix Potter to be seen!
10 Jan, 2011
i dont know those names ~ was that chipperfields circus?
10 Jan, 2011
No, I thought that once, but dont think he was related, he was Cornish. Walter Farley wrote the Black Stallion books and Ruby Ferguson the "Jill" series...wot makes you think I was horse mad???
10 Jan, 2011
thats why i dont know the names ~ my real name means lover of horses ~ but im not particularly.
how about black beauty ~ i quite liked that.
10 Jan, 2011
Yup, got that (film version too) oh my.Im definitely still in first childhood
10 Jan, 2011
aww well cute val :o))
8 Feb, 2011
So sweet.
8 Feb, 2011
Thanks San and Clarice, the bag is a bit battered now, think its time to throw it out! :0))
8 Feb, 2011
you will have to get another one val i thinks lol, they make me laugh how they have to go sit in anything ahah, off now so enjoy the rest of your evening val, nite x
8 Feb, 2011
Nite, God bless x
8 Feb, 2011
Pictures by valadel
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Terribly sweet!
5 Jan, 2011