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Paddy and Mick

Paddy and Mick

Paddy and Mick put down the garden fork and survey their work!

Comments on this photo


lol they are lovely

13 Jun, 2008


Thank you Irish - they're my babies!!!!

13 Jun, 2008


They look very intelligent.

13 Jun, 2008


Paddy is, but Mick is a bit of a Father Dougal!

13 Jun, 2008


Love them

13 Jun, 2008


Which one's which? I'm guessing the nearer one is Paddy and the far one is Farther Dougle!

13 Jun, 2008


No, he's just far away !

13 Jun, 2008


What lovely little terriers :)

13 Jun, 2008


It's like me and Blodyn my cat. - I do all the work and Blodyn does all the surveying lol : )

13 Jun, 2008


Mick in the foreground, Paddy at the back.

14 Jun, 2008


Oh ok - I just thought the far one has that familier doggy look of 'I haven't a clue what you're doing or why you're doing it, but I love you anyway!'

14 Jun, 2008


Beautiful pair of terriers! Hello boys!

12 Jul, 2008


They are beautiful but Mick (at the front) is in the dog house (ho ho) having chewed my mobile this week. He clearly needs anger management classes!

12 Jul, 2008


oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh

12 Jul, 2008


My Dream dogs!! I've wanted a jack russel forever but gray says not till I retire and I'm there to look after it which isn't for a few years yet :-( Laura came home with a kitten 3 months ago without any consultation which didn't please him and it was a bit of a shock for me too but we both dore him now...perhaps that's what I should do :-D

9 Aug, 2008


Hi Paddy & Mick. I could use some help in the garden when you're done there :)

9 Sep, 2008


Well that's an interesting offer. I'll get their pet passports in order. Terms and conditions of employment - as many dog biscuits as they can manage and a nice long sleep in the afternoon!

10 Sep, 2008


Beautiful dogs :o)

15 Jan, 2009

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