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For KarenFrance

For KarenFrance

Not nearly as good as yours, but I also have a 'quick click camera' on my Xmas wish list. Alas, seeing as I've been a bad girl, ot likely to get one :)

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I see 'im! Lil!
Sadly, it is the same here...unless I can save some brownie points...and keep away from that market! :)

Or perhaps there's some other way..........? lol!!!

29 Aug, 2011


Lol, been working on that. Maybe that's why.....oh never mind :)

29 Aug, 2011


SIMW, Lil! :))))

29 Aug, 2011


You'll have to catch up on that one... :)

29 Aug, 2011


????? If it's very bad, pm me :)

29 Aug, 2011


SIMW!...No! lol!!..It's laughing out out so much that I'm...'Spluttering Into My Wine' !

Don't know what time it is with you, though?

29 Aug, 2011


Any time is a good time for wine :):):)

29 Aug, 2011


Love the pic. Lil but what have you done to be such a bad girl!

29 Aug, 2011


:):):) lips are sealed Rose.

29 Aug, 2011


Regroup and find a way through! gonna have a new camera for Xmas......! (else I'll be dead! Killed by a Puff-adder!...How's that for leverage??) :)

29 Aug, 2011


What the heck is a puff-adder and can I use the same threat? :)

29 Aug, 2011


Tsk tsk Lil! You naughty....I just don't believe it :)))

29 Aug, 2011


Karen....should have read this 1st and I would have known what SIMW...doh!

29 Aug, 2011


What is SIMW???? Seriously, am I having a blonde moment?

29 Aug, 2011


Lol! Sorry, I just made it up, Lil. I keep reading things like LMAO RALMAO and others...and I haven't got a clue what they mean! lol! So, when you made me (s)plutter (i)nto (m)y (w)ineglass with laughing it became SIMW...too many apperifs with my friend...seemed a good idea at the time... :)

30 Aug, 2011


Good luck figuring this one out Karen :):):)
Felt so dumb, especially when Scottish got it. Almost googled it :)

30 Aug, 2011


Lol! Lil! SIMW! except it's too early and I haven't got any!

Right...think I've got the first bit! :)
How long have I got?? :)

30 Aug, 2011


Not long as I'll soon forget myself :):):)

30 Aug, 2011


So we've got the first bit...
Does it say...You Karen Make Up Another...I Can Figure It Out!!! Lil? By any chance..............? :)

By the way, a puff-adder is a nasty snake that you'd rather not get close-up and personal with...hence the need for a DSLR...good plan, eh? :)))

30 Aug, 2011


You Kept Me Up All Night.....I Couldn't Figure It Out.
Very close on the second one!
'eh' bit of Canadian in you Karen? :):)

30 Aug, 2011


LOL! Lil!...I was close...and, maybe...or is it that Crawford connection? :)
Going to get a glass of wine so that I can splutter into it later! :)))

30 Aug, 2011


Very nice photo. Really. Heavenly atmosphere.

2 Sep, 2011


Thank you Katarina!! If you like this, you should check out the real master, KarenFrance. She is the Queen of Blooms'n'Bugs :)

2 Sep, 2011


SIMW!......I love you, Lil! :)))

2 Sep, 2011


Slipping In My Weeds???......English....please :)

2 Sep, 2011


Smiling In My Wine????

2 Sep, 2011


Exactly! Slipping Into My Weeds/Wine...who cares?!
For me it's SIMW! :)))))

2 Sep, 2011

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