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Who Needs Lulu and Sticki? :(:(

Who Needs Lulu and Sticki? :(:(

In case you thought I was kidding Sticki, just back from my basement for glass and store for adhesive. Will keep you posted unless I cut myself and bleed to death or glue myself to the table :)

Comments on this photo


That looks different Lil, is there no end to your talent.

31 Aug, 2011


Lil! Have missed you today...and now I see why! Its looking like you're going to have another 'diversion' :)

Love your workshop, awaiting the finished products...and does the pussycat stop the glue from setting too quickly? :)

31 Aug, 2011


Interesting :o)))
adding to GoYpedia Mosaics ...

31 Aug, 2011


Just that a tin of Moosehead there, Lil? You planning to make those mosaics grow, eh? :)

31 Aug, 2011


More talent :)

31 Aug, 2011


I see the pusscat is helping!!
Good luck................and no pouring over plaster of just don't work!!!!
Looking forward to seeing finished product..ssssssssssss!

31 Aug, 2011


now why am i not surprised to see the mosaics out ~ when i saw you had posted a photo i knew what it would be.

they look lovely to me ~ clever stuff eh??

31 Aug, 2011


I think we now need royalties Sticki!

31 Aug, 2011


you will have to sort out that signature or special mark somehow!!
always remember ~ yours was first!!!

31 Aug, 2011


Bless you! Wonder what Lil is up to!!?

31 Aug, 2011


probably got mucky fingers by now!! perhaps the cat will take the photos for us!!

31 Aug, 2011


Just poured the grout, not plaster of paris :)
Will update soon.
Lulu, is it ok if a wee bit of blood mixed in with the grout? :)

31 Aug, 2011


too much information lil!!! what have you done??

31 Aug, 2011


Um...........why? Oh you cut yourself, well just have pink tinged grout!!

31 Aug, 2011


you can paint on top if you dont like the pink!!! ~ is that right lulu?

31 Aug, 2011


Good eye Karen, but no, not a can of MooseHead, lol, can of Canada Dry ginger ale. Off alcohol, sleep study tomorrow night.
The rubber mallet is there in case the cat tries to help.....KIDDING! Relax :)
Not sure whether to say thanks to 'interesting' TT and Rose, but thanks :)
No royalties Lulu and Meanie, not until I can create what the 2 of you have. Then we can discuss a Canadian franchise perhaps :)

31 Aug, 2011


Meanie has the royalties??

31 Aug, 2011



31 Aug, 2011


Until Meanie makes a mosaic, def NOT!!
Good luck with the sleep study. Apparently I was crying in my sleep last night?!

31 Aug, 2011


the one on the left is my favourite ~ i like those little pebbles/stepping stones under the reeds!

31 Aug, 2011


what is a sleep study??

crying in your sleep lulu? did you dream??

31 Aug, 2011


There were burglers in white face masks, I was trying to call out to tell them to go away!!
I think sleep study is when you are monitord as to how well you are actually sleeping?

31 Aug, 2011


Correct Lulu, measuring loads of stuff, REM, breathing, snoring, camera on you all night as well with sound. Hopefully I won't embarrass myself :)

31 Aug, 2011


they tried hypnosis on a tv program to help with insomnia.

burglers wearing grout i think lulu!!!

31 Aug, 2011


Tell you what, that cats pretty clever, do they do mosaics if you feed them coke?
Apparently I laugh in my sleep sometimes!

31 Aug, 2011


laughing must be a good thing??

a cat that can sleep, drink coke and make mosaics all at the same time!! some cat!!!

31 Aug, 2011


Sometimes I am waking up and conscious of it and am laughing out loud, then I wake up and cant remember to joke!

31 Aug, 2011


My cat has never done coke Stevie, just a bit of weed now and then, in the garden, fav is dandelion :):):)
I scream, thrash and beat with my fists. Have no recollection when awoken. Strange

31 Aug, 2011


Good night everyone, sweet dreams and no thrashing, yelling or punching!! Or telling jokes..........

31 Aug, 2011


goodnight lulu ~ im still working on a blog!!

31 Aug, 2011


Nice one Lil! :)

31 Aug, 2011


Thanks Pixi. Bit difficult without the master teaching me but I wasn't invited :)
Will post finished pics once they're cleaned up.

31 Aug, 2011


Hows it going!!

1 Sep, 2011


lovely stuff again LIl :)))))))))))

1 Sep, 2011


I keep forgetting Lil is a few hours behind us Paul! Can't wait to see finished work!

1 Sep, 2011


nor me ~ is lil about 5 hours behind us?

1 Sep, 2011


Results are posted Lulu.
Thanks Paul!
That sounds about right Sticki. When you are all up to your mischief, I am asleep and vice versa :)

1 Sep, 2011



1 Sep, 2011


mischief? moi???

1 Sep, 2011


You (all) know who I'm talking about :):)

1 Sep, 2011


I'm sure none of us know what you mean, Lil... ;)

1 Sep, 2011


I'ym a good girl I am!!

2 Sep, 2011

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