By Janey

7 Nov, 2011
C'mon Mum, you know I'm far better looking than Pops!!
Comments on this photo
Bless, he looks very determined :)
7 Nov, 2011
Now now Janey you mustn't show any favouritism they will be fighting like cats and dogs LOL... how is Lottie does she keep Pop and Ted in their places ?
7 Nov, 2011
Ted is lovely!
7 Nov, 2011
Lovely cat . . . . .
7 Nov, 2011
Beautiful photo, Hi Ted
8 Nov, 2011
lovely Teds, so handsome janey :o))
8 Nov, 2011
Hi Ted you are a handsome boy!!
8 Nov, 2011
Awwww Teds! Looking as stern as ever, feel like he's annoyed with me, lol. Love them both Janey.
8 Nov, 2011
haha i agree with dawn lol !!
10 Nov, 2011
Lol Cris, gorgeous isnt he, along with Pops
10 Nov, 2011
Thanks girls! He is leader of the pack at ours, a proper Lionking. Lottie goes so far with Ted, then he chases her off Amy, a lion can only stand so much, especially when there's all that dozing to get through...Lol. Like Pops, he has a set expression Dawn, but blinks his eyes to let his subjects know he approves.....:o))
10 Nov, 2011
Love Ted's expression, along with Pops, they make me smile. My Ron has a similar expression, obviously not as stern, lol but he blinks like Ted.
14 Nov, 2011
Ted is very like our old Sandy we had for 14 years. Just that soft kind of ginger.
He had an accident as a kitten (which we never found out how it happened!!) and had to have his back leg amputated. He just crawled in one day with a mangled leg, poor little thing.
Strange thing was, I had seen him only half an hour before that sitting on the wall, so goodness knows what happened in that short time!!
It didn't stop him though he was a very lively cat for the 14 years we had him and GORGEOUS!!
29 May, 2013
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Nice pose!
7 Nov, 2011