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Is it dinner time yet?

Is it dinner time yet?

Not quite what I expected to see on the table!!

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Beautiful cat. I love the way they wrap a tail round their feet.

26 Nov, 2011


rrrrrr she is one beautiful cat

26 Nov, 2011


i think i am wrapped round her little finger too Oji!!
thank you both!

26 Nov, 2011


Beautiful cat. I love the furniture too :o)

26 Nov, 2011


great pic Sticki, but i'm more of a dog person myself sorry :-)

26 Nov, 2011


thats ok, i love dogs but at the time i had this little monkey i couldnt have a dog.
used to have one when i was 12 till i left home ~ loved her to bits and cried cos i hadnt got her any more when i got married.

26 Nov, 2011


aww i bet, i grew up with dogs for as long as i remember, now my kids are older i hope to get another soon...

26 Nov, 2011


Gem was a mixture dog ~ part spaniel, part retriever etc, she used to run off occasionally and a few times she brought back a box of eggs ~ taken from a doorstep about a quarter of a mile away, one day she brought a live chicken back!!
i used to talk to her!!!
what sort would you choose?

26 Nov, 2011


aww she sounds lovely Sticki..

i would like a black Labrador we had one when the kids were born but he died when the kids young.. but it's my OH's choice this time :-(

26 Nov, 2011


she was lovely SL, my sister used to dress her up in a nightdress and wheel her round in a dolls pram!!!

she had long black hair, with a white splash like a star on her chest, i loved her.

26 Nov, 2011


I can't get a good photo of my black cat. He's totally black, whiskers and all, so he comes out in a photo looking like a silhouette every time!

26 Nov, 2011


oh i know that problem, i had a black cat a few years ago, loved him but photos were really difficult.

26 Nov, 2011


Lovely pussy cat, looks so neat and tidy waiting for his dinner ;0)

26 Nov, 2011


no dinner arrived though!

26 Nov, 2011


she must have loved that sticki.. Mine always used to greet me with one of my slippers or shoes, and was never far from me..

26 Nov, 2011


they are such great friends arent they!!

not sure if Gem liked the pram but she lay still enough ~ my sister liked it!!!

26 Nov, 2011


they are yes, i'm sure gem enjoyed it to, they have a way of letting you know if they don't !! :-)

26 Nov, 2011


thats very true!! she would have jumped out!!

26 Nov, 2011


She is a lovely cat, Sticki ... mine is currently being a nuisance ... rubbing round my legs expecting me to feed her ... just another 22 minutes to wait ... lol!

26 Nov, 2011


can your cat tell the time shirley???
minty doesnt do that leg thing she just stands by her bowl and cries or she comes to me and cries till i follow her to find out what she wants.

26 Nov, 2011


Lol, Sticki ... she has 3 meals a day ... pretty much at regular times ... it was NOT funny this morning at 5.30am when she thumped onto our bed & then walked across the pillows ... an hour later would have been ok ... :o)

26 Nov, 2011


A lovely puss.....

26 Nov, 2011


She's a gorgeous cat Sticki :)

26 Nov, 2011


Your cat must be teaching my cat things Shirley, she does things like that too!
Thanks DD and Scottish, she is now leaping around the lounge and up and down the stairs like a completely mad thing.

26 Nov, 2011


Mines are all lying about snoozing - they were getting fed up being blown around by the wind. They were most indignant as they couldn't understand why it was happening!

26 Nov, 2011


Poor things.

26 Nov, 2011



26 Nov, 2011


so lovely sticki :o))

27 Nov, 2011


thanks pixi and sanbaz

27 Nov, 2011


AHHH she is so pretty:)

1 Dec, 2011

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