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Alarming reports of bamboo disappearing from gardens !

The thefts started in Scotland and then worked their way southwards ...

Does anyone have an explanation ?

Please report any suspicious-looking characters ...

This pic is from a CCTV camera above my raised bed ...

Comments on this photo


haha Terra - very pretty plants

5 Dec, 2011


LOL! Theres your panda Paul!!!! lolol

5 Dec, 2011


What panda, Pixi ? Where ???
Am I missing something ?

Look out Paul... you have some lovely bamboo, and the thieves are heading your way ;o)

5 Dec, 2011



5 Dec, 2011


:)))))))))))))))))))) ;)))))))))))))))))))))

5 Dec, 2011


lol Terra, have i missed something here :o))

5 Dec, 2011


Not sure Sandra ...
I need to see things in black and white ;o)

5 Dec, 2011


lol Terra iv seen where this started now haha, cheered me up on this rainy day :o)))

5 Dec, 2011


Actually it really was coincidence ..
I put this pic on BEFORE I saw Paul's photo !

5 Dec, 2011


how spooky Terra... :o)

5 Dec, 2011


Let's hope the police are out in their Panda Cars ... looking for suspects ... ;o)

5 Dec, 2011


what am I missing.....

Ohh... its not Chi Chi any more is it?

5 Dec, 2011


Hi Pam ...
Surely you are not blaming the newly-arrived
Tian Tian and Yang Guang ... ?

... aka Sweetie and Sunshine ...

5 Dec, 2011


Completely lost me too!! :)))

5 Dec, 2011


The bamboo in Lagos should be far enough away to be safe ... but who knows ????? ;o)

5 Dec, 2011


Made me laugh TT ...

5 Dec, 2011


lol Terra that's very good :-))

5 Dec, 2011


oh, Terra - maybe the Sunshine is to blame? There was an article in today's newspaper about panda arriving somewhere in UK -sorry, wasn't reading carefully as my breaks at work are so short.....

5 Dec, 2011


Oooh.. careful Kasy.. could be heading to Wales ;o)

Thanks Sheila and Surreylad ... keep a look out !!!

5 Dec, 2011


Now where have I seen that face before ! oh, looks like me hundreds of years ago,when I couldn't be bothered to take my mascara off,after a good night out ! Lol...could have got on the ears as well,by the look of it !
Good one,Terra..:o))

5 Dec, 2011


Very topical.

5 Dec, 2011


Oh bless........They have heard about you TT Escaped already and gone to ground with the hounds ha ha ha Lol............

5 Dec, 2011


Love it......have security guards looking after our bamboo lol

5 Dec, 2011


Guess wot???? They are now my next-door neighours!!!! Yes, just over the high wall next to my workplace!!! The TV crews were still around at 7pm last night! No wonder the poor Pandas had dark circles around their jet-lagged eyes, having to pand-ar to the paparazzi like that, after that flight!!!

Sorry, but this may well be me, caught in the act. Couldn't see a damned thing through that costume. Wanted to make them feel welcome but, in that "hir"suit, may have become a bit bamboozled, and strayed a bit too far south, Sorry! Now, for Pauls' garden.....

5 Dec, 2011


At least I won't get mistaken for this thief ;o)

6 Dec, 2011


That could be arranged,Hywel :o)...

6 Dec, 2011


lol :D Send that new hat quickly TT ! :o)

6 Dec, 2011


Ha Ha...hope Tt hasn't found a black and white one ! :o)

6 Dec, 2011


On no ! lol I hope not :D

6 Dec, 2011


nah..she wouldn't ...would she ?..:o)

6 Dec, 2011


Probably not. She's one of the nicest people I know :o)

6 Dec, 2011


Still lost in Lagos here...but the fog has cleared...a bit! lol!

6 Dec, 2011



6 Dec, 2011 have fog ?I bet it's warm fog though..not like here..more like a tropical mist.?..that sounds better :o)
Freezing here..but no snow yet,like some places..not nice..

6 Dec, 2011


Thanks everyone for keeping alert ...

Hi David ..
Yes, I'm very aware you have new lodgers so close to your workplace ... but your repeated leaping over the high wall is just a ruse, isn't it ...
... a clever way to get in extra training for your specialised Wellie Olympics event ... the North Pole Vault ...

So, no, I won't be bamboozled by your panda suit ..

.. and don't try hiding behind my raised bed ... all you'll find there is a guilty-looking Hywel wearing a similar black and white costume ...

The CCTV cameras are watching .... ;o) x

6 Dec, 2011



6 Dec, 2011


:D :D hahahaha. !!! lol !

6 Dec, 2011


So nice to have blogs like this to raise our spirits in winter times eh? :)

6 Dec, 2011


Yes i agree with you Pixi25 I just love them, they cheer us all up Hehe :)

6 Dec, 2011


Glad you both like this one ... :o) xxx

6 Dec, 2011


Ahhh, I get it now TT !! IT's takes a while for news to filter its way across the snowy Alps .....

6 Dec, 2011


Hi Terry.
Your British friends will be very impressed with your up-to-date knowledge of goings-on in the UK ;o)

6 Dec, 2011



6 Dec, 2011


They don't know I have my secret informants ... hehehe

6 Dec, 2011


Oh, hehehe ..
we had better be careful what we tell you ;o)

6 Dec, 2011


You can trust me - my lips will be sealed WHATEVER you tell me .... :o)

6 Dec, 2011


I'm worried that my pages keep coming up with ads..

"Show you care with a Lindt bear" ..LOL.

I don't want the pandas to get jealous ...

6 Dec, 2011


Holy Himalayas, Tt! Should have known that you'd suss me out pretty quickly. :-) Am sure that I just caught a gimpse of Hywel in that costume, in the passing. Must admit to having been a bit bamboozled, myself, at first glance! Hope those cameras shoot first, and ask the questions later. Hope that he wasn't whisked away in one of those Panda cars. The poor man's already been through enough! :-(

Hadn't thought about entering the North Pole Vault event.....had been thinking of applying for Dancing on Ice, performing a Pandango?

6 Dec, 2011


lol David! :)

7 Dec, 2011


Oh jsut realised you are from Fife!!!!!!!!!!! Where ABouts? I;m in Dunfermline. :)

7 Dec, 2011


Dancing on Ice ..??
Pandango on a Frozen Planet ??
Have I opened a Panda-ora's box here, revealing your true identity, Sir David ... ???

7 Dec, 2011


It all looks very black and white to me,..:o)

7 Dec, 2011


You lot a blooming nuts!! but in a nice way;-)))

7 Dec, 2011


Hi Justdawn .. Thanks ..

That's the nicest compliment I've had today ;o)))

7 Dec, 2011


i must spell check! i meant you lot ARE blooming nuts!! but im sure you know what i meant lol, i glad im not the only nutty one!

7 Dec, 2011


Justdawn ... you are very welcome on GoY ..
you'll fit in just fine... plants, pandas, pooches, pussycats... you name it ;o) x

7 Dec, 2011


You name it they are all on TT's page, including gnome toilets!

7 Dec, 2011


Thanks Annella... :o) x
... and the latest blog "Hats for Hywel"

7 Dec, 2011


Off to have a look TT!

7 Dec, 2011



7 Dec, 2011


Sorry, Tt, a case of mistaken identity there (a bit like Hywel). I might consider entering a "martial" arts event -Kung Fu Panda style????

Hi Pixi, I'm in nearby Glenrothes. :-)

7 Dec, 2011


Never mind, David ..

You're still my Knight of Glenrothes ..
.. in shining armour ... Lol.

Martial arts ...
... very clever to those in the know ;o)
... better than martial law. Lol...

7 Dec, 2011


We met a lovely family from Glenrothes,at a caravan site in Skegness,many years ago..their daughters and ours,were pen pals for a long time....till other distractions came along in their teens ! :o)

7 Dec, 2011


Brill TT. you have a great sense of humour!! I will keep my eyes open though!!

7 Dec, 2011


Hi Grandmage ...
Thanks... Yes, please do keep alert ...
... London could be next .. ;o)

7 Dec, 2011


Lol !!! :~)

7 Dec, 2011


Hahaha nice one Terratoonie, I like it LOL!!!

7 Dec, 2011


Hi Louis...
I'm pleased Santa Claus likes this...Lol. :o)

8 Dec, 2011


LOL... TT... :))

8 Dec, 2011


Lol. Holly :o)))

8 Dec, 2011


Great fun TT. you never run out of ideas to make us feel cheerful.

8 Dec, 2011


Thanks Bob..
Pandas last seen heading south for Surrey ;o)

8 Dec, 2011


Oh! good TT, I'll look out for them LOL.

8 Dec, 2011


Lol... protect your Bamboo NOW.. ;o)

8 Dec, 2011


Is this an illegal immigrant that got in with the other two pandas visiting Scotland at the moment. I haven't heard any reports of one going missing from the zoo up there.
.......LOL. Lock up your bamboo plants in Wales. I wonder if he'll reach the Isle of Wight.

9 Dec, 2011


Isle of Wight ?
Panda last seen heading to Jersey in search of a new jumper ;o)

9 Dec, 2011



9 Dec, 2011


Sooo glad I found this site..feel like I have found my're ALL as mad as I am lol!! Bril foto TT - which is where this all started - I think!! :-D

10 Dec, 2011


Oh youre jsut along the road then David lol..I used to live there yearsssssssss ago! :)

10 Dec, 2011


Hi Pixi :o)

Lol. Jeanette ... Thanks ..
I was so lucky to get this pic. of the mystery intruder ..
please stay on the alert ... ;o)

10 Dec, 2011


the only black and white things I get in my garden are Magpies, but they steal things don't they? Haven't seen a panda Yet........

11 Dec, 2011


Bad magpies..but I lkove to look at them! Most gorgeous birds.

11 Dec, 2011


What panda, Linda .. ?

Hi, Pixi ... is there a panda ? ;o) x

11 Dec, 2011


Lol not here! Magpies robins and I saw a wren today :) lol

11 Dec, 2011


oh, that's just panda-ing to the media panic ...

14 Dec, 2011


Lol. Fran ...
Soon there'll be yet more media panda pics ..
Friday 16th Dec. is the day when the general public have a chance to see the recruits up close :o)

14 Dec, 2011


you know what they say - "bamboo shoots" - so it should be able to protect itself!

14 Dec, 2011


Lol... Fran. You are extra-witty today :o)))

14 Dec, 2011

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