Soppy Camellia
By Grandmage

12 Jan, 2012
I sent OH up a ladder to take this photo Lol! Look at this Camellia flowering at this time of the year! I am sure these shrubs will get hit by the dreaded frost soon, if we ever get any!
Comments on this photo
Hi Yorks, not forcast here, at least I dont think so, these shrubs are too big now to keep covered :~( Keep warm.
12 Jan, 2012
worth checking the forcast G/M
12 Jan, 2012
Looks lovely ... let's hope Jack Frost avoids it... ;o)
12 Jan, 2012
The things your OH does for you,G.! a lovely pic..mine are still in closed buds..Yorkshire is right,about the temps here..but it has been a lovely sunny afternoon,once the wind died down this morning..but it felt like -4 at the swings ! ..not keen on this Grandma lark in this weather !brrr..
12 Jan, 2012
Isn't that amazing ?
12 Jan, 2012
google forecast has 2 degrees tonight and -1 tomorrow for london.
12 Jan, 2012
They are lovely...I have the same worries as you about the frost GM, Winter will arrive at some point surely?
Oh a sad story about a neighbour cat, the cat went missing for two days and was found in a very poor state. Tests at the vets diagnosed Anti freeze poisoning...The poor thing had been drinking from puddles contaminated with De-Icer...had to be put down. That is something my cat does all the time.
12 Jan, 2012
poor cat, if anti freeze or de icer had a strong smell surely that would put animals off drinking it??
12 Jan, 2012
that is so sad about the neighbours cat,
12 Jan, 2012
lovely Grandmage, hope we dont get hard frosts
12 Jan, 2012
Fingers crossed no sharp frosts. Beautiful flower :)
12 Jan, 2012
What a beauty!!!
12 Jan, 2012
Beautiful Gran . . . not in the least "soppy"! Hope it survives: down to 3 degrees tonight, -1 tomorrow. Let us know!
12 Jan, 2012
Its gorgeous, havent seen the weather forecast but hope we dont get a hard frost, I have just been admiring all the buds forming on my Camelia, it was the same last year but they all dropped off with last years frosts.!
12 Jan, 2012
My white camellia has several flowers in spite of wind and rain, Grandmage, and the pink one is full of buds. Frost is forecast so my fingers are crossed :)
12 Jan, 2012
That is such a beautiful picture - a bit like a Redouté painting
12 Jan, 2012
So pretty.......
12 Jan, 2012
Ooooohhhh hello all! Sorry couldnt get onto computer yesterday pm. so just logged on to find all your lovely comments! Thanks folks, this flower is very beautiful but I fear for it being out so early, surely Camellias arent in full flower until about May time! My small bushes are still very tightly budded so they will be alright, but this one? Thats is why I called it 'Soppy' (great word!) It is far too early for its own liking! Lol. We have woken to a very heavy frost, havnt looked out in the garden yet! Brrrrr too cold. (B. you have to push that swing harder,Lol) Bye all, have a nice day.
13 Jan, 2012
Yes, very hard frost here too Gill. Had to be up very early (plumber arriving) - and the bonus was to see two foxes exploring the garden! Have a good day too.
13 Jan, 2012
Lol.Grandmage..any harder and he would have been over the top !..he likes to live 'on the edge ':o).Very frosty here too,but a lovely sunny morning,and no wind.Probably go for a walk this afternoon,well wrapped again .:o)
13 Jan, 2012
Lol B. they have no fear do they? Enjoy your walk, well wrapped up, it is nice out there in the sunshine. Sheila, we were up early because we hoped that the builder was calling :~(( No, he didnt!!! but the frosty garden did look pretty from behind closed doors! Lol.
13 Jan, 2012
Beautiful Camellia Gill, it is all Topsy Turvey isn;t it
First Snowdrops opened on the 10th Jan, Daff up 4/5" with buds (daft things) and Peris almost in flower !!! Two Scented Azaleas which don't normally flower until May/June is in heavy bud...think we may loose them.. Fri night frost here was -6 and allday Sat at -2 to day a little warmer 1/2'..but the sun has been shining and the Solar power cells have been generating !!!!ya yaya free Electricity !!!
Keep warm all Grandmamoy
15 Jan, 2012
Hi Moy, it certainly is topsy turvey, even someone on the question page thought they heard a cuckoo!! I said maybe it didnt migrate because of the strange seasons we have had and got told off and told 'of course they migrate' by someone wjo has no sense of humour! LOL. Its jolly frost here now so winter has arrived at last! Great to have free leccy, you keep warm too. xx
16 Jan, 2012
Ah, what a gorgeous sight...I adore Camellias. Mine has loads of buds this year..not one flower last year after I moved it. I am very excited to see it again!!
20 Jan, 2012
Fingers crossed Karen, mine are full too and the lower flowers are already busting open!! Wish they didnt its far too early, but I adore them.
20 Jan, 2012
Yes, me too. Mine are still very tightly closed, so hopefully they will appear in March.
21 Jan, 2012
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This photo is of "Camellias" in Grandmage's garden
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that is just goegeous, be careful for frost tonight, minus 4 up here for us tonight,
12 Jan, 2012