Heron on rooftop
By Sanbaz

26 Feb, 2012
the Heron has been about all winter watching over the gardens for a fast snack, we have a large fishing fishery in staining but i guess the fish are low down so garden ponds are easy picking, i have a net over mine
Comments on this photo
Good pic Sandra. Glad you have the net :o)
26 Feb, 2012
26 Feb, 2012
if it's female is it - "her on" the rooftop ;))))
26 Feb, 2012
It's an excellent shot
26 Feb, 2012
Is it on your roof San ? we use to have one that arrived at our garden at the same time everyday at our last place ,we had to keep the pond covered ., it's a shame because it spoils your enjoyment of it :o(
26 Feb, 2012
Beautiful bird, that is unless you have a fish pond.
Good shot San.
26 Feb, 2012
Lovely...The next road away I guess, who has a pond?
26 Feb, 2012
amazing Sandra. lucky you..:-)
26 Feb, 2012
Lovely pic,San..aw..get down to the fish shop (no chips ) ! Lol.
26 Feb, 2012
OMG Never seen that before! Hope he doesnt steal too many pond fish! I dont have a net over mine..not sure if we have herons here..never seen one anyway..great pic tho :))
27 Feb, 2012
Brilliant photo, Sanbaz. Good job your pond is netted.
27 Feb, 2012
Brilliant pic Sandra......Glad he's up your way not down here.....lol
27 Feb, 2012
thanx peeps for all your comments.
he is on the neighbours roof at the back looking at my pond and then moves to a few houses down and looks again at others most days.
they are wonderfull birds but never quite look right perched on a roof top.
he has landed in my garden a few times, once scared joe to death and joe scared heron haha
once fishing season starts he flys right over to fisheries for the big fish lol.
it does spoil the pond having a net but cant take any chances.
soon be putting new pond in im hoping when weather keeps warmer :o)))
27 Feb, 2012
Great shot, the biggest I get in the garden are Doves!
27 Feb, 2012
I surpose he has to eat to :(
27 Feb, 2012
Lovely photo Sandra. I love herons, but they took some of our fish when we lived down the road from here and so we had to have a permanent net over the pond. We always left one end open at the shallow side so that the wildlife could get in and out of the pond. We had a waterfall with steps as well and the birds used to love bathing in that.
28 Feb, 2012
lol Tog, will send him to you for his hols :o))
i like them to Linda and like you i keep a gap at one end and love watching the birds bath in waterfall :o)))
28 Feb, 2012
Hi very nice picture.We had one of these a couple of years ago but never got a picture.Our neighbour HAD a pond with fish!!! not no more.
29 Feb, 2012
lol mark they will take every last one given the chance, even when i change my pond i will still have a net to be sure :o))
1 Mar, 2012
Lovely picture, my neighbour opposite use to have his smaller koi carp go missing then I too was lucky enough to get a photo of the offender. My neighbour soon got netted up after I showed him the photo.
1 Mar, 2012
Hello!! Sanbaz,How are my frens here in GOY??? Hope i was not forgotten for my long absenses, I was about to fix my papers for a while bcoz my name and my birthdate mistakenly registered wrong by my parents since birth, I will work as a nanny and tutor for kids,who was in other country, but thats a Big problem bcoz my name and my birthdate is wrong, I will consumed 6mos to fix it according to my lawyer but If my employer is going to fed up bcoz of long months to be waited and they need me now but i cannot go for now immediately and, if god will permits me to leave for the sake of good life but if not, it would be ok for me to stay here in the philippines, bcoz theres a lot to care of, im so tired for handling it, anyway,THIS IS VERY NICE PICTURE, LOVE THIS!!
2 Mar, 2012
I'm on the war path with our local Heron, it has taken at least half the fish in the pond. I have a strong 12" high wire around the perimeter, a plastic heron which I hate. Movement activated clickers ( from a pound shop) plastic windmills which again I'm not keen on. The only thing I don't have is a net which I might have to get but I think it will spoil my enjoyment and the appearance of the pond. Its a shame they are protected as I could think of some permanent solutions - but I'm not that way inclined any way.
I have never caught him on camera but I am determined to so great photo.
4 Mar, 2012
im sorry about your fishies KF its so sad isnt it when they get taken.
i had a giggle at all your devices haha, sounds like high security prison lol
i agree about the net, i hate mine but will have to keep it at least untill my new pond is in, i thought about a small bridge across to make it look nice and also the deture heron landing, a thought or more plants around to stop it landing at the edge.
a tough one isnt it.
hope you dont lose anymore KF.
4 Mar, 2012
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Poor hungry bird.
26 Feb, 2012