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First in the queue !


By Bloomer

First in the queue !

I had just filled the fat balls up..didn't take him long
to notice :o)

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he is determined!!!
is it a jackdaw?

13 Apr, 2012


It is,Sticki..where there's a will,there's a way :o)

13 Apr, 2012


squirrels are like that too!!

13 Apr, 2012


nice one!!!

13 Apr, 2012


I know you have experience of those Sticki..Lol.I have never seen any here,but you have the woodland ,haven't you ?
Cheers Paul..I put a stale hot cross bun on the small wall in the corner for it,but Russell decided to do some jet washing,and blew it away ! Lol....not the Jackdaw ! :o)

13 Apr, 2012


i probably get more squirrels than birds!! although there is a robin that now visits several times a day

13 Apr, 2012


Oh that's nice..I haven't seen ours for a while,but although it is dark now,I can still hear the Blackbird singing it's heart out..such a lovely sound..and we have had Starlings this week,the first time I recall seeing them here..hence the fat balls demolished in quick time ..looks like there will be plenty of competition for them :o)

13 Apr, 2012


no starlings here, i always see/hear a blackbird on my way to work ~ lovely song.

13 Apr, 2012


I love hearing them too..they are so busy just now..:o)

13 Apr, 2012


Jackdaws are real opportunists aren't they? There seem to be fewer starlings generally this year - so my husband tells me, he is the keen bird watcher in this house!

Do you feed the birds all year Bloomer?

13 Apr, 2012


We used to watch thousands of them,taking off early evenings,when we lived on the coast,in Cumbria..but the area we live now,they are few and far between..and yes,we feed them all year,Wildrose...

13 Apr, 2012


We have lots of Starlings here at the moment, there is a poplar tree full of them in the evening...the sounds are incredibe.. I hardly ever see a jackdaw though.

13 Apr, 2012


lol Bloomer :D

13 Apr, 2012


I agree,Pimms..they sound amazing..quite a few Jackdaws here....
:o)) Paul..I'm just picturing the Jackdaw water skiing on the end of the jetwasher ! Lol.

13 Apr, 2012



13 Apr, 2012


Wheeeeeeeeeeee! straight into the bird bath .:o)

13 Apr, 2012


A hell of a trip :D

13 Apr, 2012


I'll be thinking of that when I see it tomorrow,Paul...:o)

13 Apr, 2012



13 Apr, 2012


The birds are very active on and off the feeders at the moment, there are lots of Long Tail Tits,BlueTits, Coal Tits,Chaffinch , Dunnocks, Blackbirds and Robins feeding off the Fat balls at the moment, but havent had a Jackdaw as yet! yours must be more attractive to the Jackdaws than mine;0)

13 Apr, 2012


It's strange how we get different species in our gardens,isn't it Carole ? We get a few Jackdaws,but never seen the Blackbirds or Robins on the feeders...they stay on the ground....We have the blue tits ,Coal tits and Sparrows,on them..and never seen a Chaffinch,or a Dunnock here either.....My fat balls are from Harrods ! do you think tht's the reason ? Lol.

13 Apr, 2012


OOh Posh balls! get you! ;)

14 Apr, 2012


lol Pixi

14 Apr, 2012


Mornin Paul! ;)

14 Apr, 2012


morning !!!!

14 Apr, 2012


Morning to you too,Pixi..and Paul :o)...ha ha,Pixi...I tell lies,I get them from the other classy shop,..Wilkinson's .Lol...just had a nonsense day yesterday...:o))))

14 Apr, 2012


morning :)))))))))))))))))

14 Apr, 2012


A cold one here,Paul..keen frost whenI got up this morning ! ..started off sunny,but now dull and cloudy..:o(

14 Apr, 2012


Hehe..well good morning again..went back to bed as didnt sleep most of the a flu virus thingy..:(

14 Apr, 2012


Oh dear,Pixi..hope it doesn't last long..makes you feel awful..stay in bed,and keep warm..X

14 Apr, 2012


Al the family have it! SIL started it! grrrrrrr

14 Apr, 2012


get well soon Pixi :))

14 Apr, 2012


Hope you all feel better soon Pixi.
We hardly ever see Jackdaws here. They have eyes like little jewels. We get woodpigeons and doves, a robin, blue tits, great tits, long tailed tits, starlings, sparrows and a sparrow hawk, blackbirds, thrushes and the goldfinches have been about too. We also have a pair of pereguins nesting on Belper Mill down the road next to the river. There will be a few less pigeons up there this year!

18 Apr, 2012


Quite a fearsome looking bird, Sandra ... have never seen one in our garden but we do have a pair of very sleek Crows coming in daily now ... they scoop the bread up and then dunk it in the bird bath ... no need for that today as it's rained hard for most of it ... :o(

18 Apr, 2012


It does look fearsome,Shirley,but it doesn't seem to scare the others quite neighbourly it seems :o)

18 Apr, 2012


Hi Bloomer we don't seem to see jackdaws here. Good picture. We get magpies and large crows, sparrowhawks, and the small birds keep watch before entering garden. Haven't had any wrens this year. Lots of sparrows though, and finches. We also get two squirrels. One a youngster, very acrobatic and agile and the other an elderly one who almost could do with a walking stick poor think. He's very stiff in the joints and slowly walks everywhere.

11 Jun, 2012


I haven't any fat balls out now,Lindak..only they don't come to the feeders now..but all the little birds do..and the Magpies just scrounge for seeds that fall to the ground..or what I throw on the Sparrow family are back this year,or their babies..counted 6 so far,but last year there were about 10 or 11..they always come together too..lovely :o)

11 Jun, 2012

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