Please may I start now?
By Stickitoffee

16 Apr, 2012
This is what happens when I turn my back!!
Comments on this photo
thankfully not!!
16 Apr, 2012
A cake left unattended is a lost cake in this house...Bruce is the Keeper of the Cakes..and the pies, the odd chop and anything with cheese.
16 Apr, 2012
Naughty Bruce!!!
This cat is no saint! she will take things if she has a chance. [she doesnt like cake though]
16 Apr, 2012
not usually ML, she has quite a bit to say if she wants her biscuits, or a drink or to go outside or to be let in ~ in fact quite demanding!!
16 Apr, 2012
you cant judge a book by its cover ~ or a cat by its smile???
16 Apr, 2012
wouldn't get a cake left on the table here, not with me about...... :-)) great pic Sticki ...
16 Apr, 2012
usually she shuts her eyes if i point the camera!! ~ thanks SL
no one to eat the cake here, i shouldnt be eating it!!!
16 Apr, 2012
'I trust this is for me' she says 'Next time I'd like icing on and a chocolate button please!'
16 Apr, 2012
so would I wildrose!!!
16 Apr, 2012
Aww she is lovely and what a well behaved and patient puusy cat, hope you didnt kep her waiting too long!
16 Apr, 2012
Aw :)
16 Apr, 2012
i never keep her waiting PP, i spoil her!
thanks pixi
16 Apr, 2012
They should be spolled! Suki jsut had some Dreamies..does your like them?
16 Apr, 2012
i havent seen dreamies ~ but she LOVES temptations!!!!
16 Apr, 2012
prolly the same kinda thing :))
16 Apr, 2012
trouble is she has eaten them all up!!!!
16 Apr, 2012
Heh..Yeah SUki goes into the cupboard where hers are kept and tried to take them out! lol
17 Apr, 2012
Minty just sits waiting next to where they would normally be!
17 Apr, 2012
Aw lol
17 Apr, 2012
Think I had better go to the shop today!
17 Apr, 2012
Pronto!!! Meow! Meow! Meow!
17 Apr, 2012
17 Apr, 2012
bless him, what a lovely photo,
17 Apr, 2012
couldnt resist it yorks
17 Apr, 2012
why are you not at work again
17 Apr, 2012
i work on wednesdays, thursdays and fridays!!
and in between i do nothing at all
the last bit isnt true
have you got that picture up in your hall yet?
17 Apr, 2012
no waiting for her to send them to me, don't forget she is 200 mile away,
17 Apr, 2012
email? then you print it off??
17 Apr, 2012
I will tell her what you suggested, Lol just put a blog on revealing who she is,
17 Apr, 2012
aha! the best kept secret is no longer!!
17 Apr, 2012
Awwww nice one.
17 Apr, 2012
she is funny isnt she!?
17 Apr, 2012
OOO cat people. I like. I am servant to a short hair chocolate seal point and she behaves more like a dog than a cat will post pic now I know there are cat groupies out there
19 Apr, 2012
I know just what you mean G s ~ I am forever opening doors, turning on the tap [she prefers running water] getting out special biscuits etc. but i wouldnt have it any other way!!!
20 Apr, 2012
Cute but sly hey!
22 Apr, 2012
not sly treetop, she is too spoiled for that!!!
22 Apr, 2012
Mummy is this special treat for me and me alone?
Now if I were a doggy mum, it would have been a bone.
But this is baked especially, and placed upon the table,
Now if you turn away from me, I'll eat it if I'm able.
......He! He! He!
23 Apr, 2012
Oh, that's very clever Linda, thank you! I'm sure if minty could speak she would say thank you too.
She is a very lucky cat to have a poem written for her, thank you!
23 Apr, 2012
23 Apr, 2012
He is saying " go away and let me get on with it ! and take that camera with you "
23 Apr, 2012
most likely is amy!!!
23 Apr, 2012
Thats a good cat, mine would have been on the table even with me there ,try to stop them but it never works for long, lol...
23 Apr, 2012
mine like sue`s would have been on table testing it haha
23 Apr, 2012
Just love that expression.....
23 Apr, 2012
if it had been raw fish or chicken this might have been a different story lincs, and sanbaz
she is funny DD, she does not like the camera!!
23 Apr, 2012
finished the painting Sticki and changed it a bit for a laugh.
25 Apr, 2012
its really clever and i love what you have done with it, thanks linda ~ its the grin that amuses me most; she looks so pleased!!
25 Apr, 2012
Thanks Sticki, thought I'd add a half eaten cake.
25 Apr, 2012
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But not ON the table, at least, Sticki!
16 Apr, 2012