Not so Nitty Nora
By Muddywalters

28 Jun, 2012
Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata 'Nora Barlow' growing in my back garden.
Comments on this photo
Started off with that one years ago because I liked it, now I have about twenty different semi double and double and all shades,nice though
28 Jun, 2012
lol Great name!
28 Jun, 2012
And promiscuous too . . . as Bjs says, as she crosses with other Aquilegia's and seeds herself around the garden, you never know how they're gonna turn out.
But that's half the fun right? :-))
28 Jun, 2012
Brill name Muddy.
28 Jun, 2012
that really is a beauty
28 Jun, 2012
Thank you ladies :-)
28 Jun, 2012
That is the name we gave to our 'nit' nurse at school! Lol
28 Jun, 2012
pretty - we also have these
28 Jun, 2012
I wondered what my one was called Muddy, and now you have enlightened me my friend. It is such a gorgeous Aquilegia, and like you, I am more than happy that it self seeds..Beautifully photographed too if I may say so..\0/x
28 Jun, 2012
how do you corss breed them? jut put mixed seeds together?
28 Jun, 2012
I also have this one Muddy...But she has finished flowering for this year...:>)
28 Jun, 2012
It's all come flooding back Grandmage . . . that metal comb and the glass of white liquid - line up now . . happy days lol!
Thanks Paul and Flori.
The Birds and the Bees Pixi . . . well just the Bees really! Although I imagine you could have a go yourself with a small paint brush - and I know you've got one of those! ;-)
Hi Moti - yes my one has gone over now, but I'm waiting for the seed to mature. If you cut them to the ground, will they flower again?
28 Jun, 2012
These are everybodies summer favourites ,they are so pretty and look English country garden :o)
28 Jun, 2012
Spot on Amy - you gotta love 'em.
28 Jun, 2012
Love Nora Nitty or Nutty, it is a lovely aquilegia. I agree she does cross pollinate very easily but it is so exciting seeing all the different variations that you can get.
28 Jun, 2012
Lovely to see your pics again!
28 Jun, 2012
Great pic - Lovely flower!
28 Jun, 2012
Oh yes of course lol! :)
29 Jun, 2012
That was my mum's name. Very pretty it is too. whatever I plant of named Aquilegia, never ever, ever comes up again. I got the most fab white one and it was so lovely. Never seen again at the GC or in my border.
29 Jun, 2012
Dorjac, I had a plant of Aquilegia fragrans last year with a Honeysuckle-like scent and white flowers - alas it disappeared. But if I see it again I will give it another try.
Have you got a new avatar Lil? . . . looks like you're getting younger as I get older! Nice one. ;-)
29 Jun, 2012
Not sure if you are being a cheeky monkey or a smooth talker Mark! Have you not heard.....50 is the new 30?
29 Jun, 2012
In that case I'm 36 with 56 year old knees . . lol!!!
29 Jun, 2012
LOL :)))
30 Jun, 2012
You've changed it again! . . . I'm Mr Boring, not changed mine in years . . .hahaha
30 Jun, 2012
This one is current, taken last night. Hope you approve ;)
Besides, it is a woman's perogative ;)
30 Jun, 2012
Like this
30 Jun, 2012
Very nice Lil . . . changed mine too - in fact I may do it more often! ;-))
Thanks Carol - did you ever visit Catforth Gardens?
30 Jun, 2012
No but i'll put it on my list then if ever there is a coach trip i'll book it in.
30 Jun, 2012
I approve Mark, a change is good every so often :)
You should read my 'Enough Already' blog, something like that. Dare you, though I do believe I have seen a pic of you with your dad??
30 Jun, 2012
I love it!
1 Jul, 2012
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This photo is of "Aquilegia Vulgaris 'Nora Barlow'" in Muddywalters's garden
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Aquilegia Vulgaris 'Black Barlow'
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Aquilegia Vulgaris 'Nora Barlow'
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That is lovely Muddy
28 Jun, 2012