"'I am very 'umble, sir!' replied Uriah Heep."
By Muddywalters

28 Jun, 2012
This Wood mouse (also known as Field mouse and Long-tailed Field mouse), Apodemus sylvaticus, likes to dive out from cover to collect seeds that the birds have dropped from the feeders in my back garden.
Comments on this photo
Love uriah, one of my very fave. characters in Dickens books! Cute pic.
28 Jun, 2012
Blimey, he must be fit to flit between my garden and yours Pixi! Lol! Know what you mean though.
This little fella and his family live under my neighbours decking . . . but I don't think the lady of the house has spotted them yet - not heard any screams! :-)
Thanks Grandmage :-)
28 Jun, 2012
lovely photo!! love the different colours in his fur
28 Jun, 2012
That is bright eyed..Look at his fingers. great shot Muddy.
28 Jun, 2012
Brilliant !!!!!!
28 Jun, 2012
What a fantastic photo Muddy! Wow! loved this..He is not after your Galaxy choc bar again is he? hahahahaha..
28 Jun, 2012
Great picture Muddy,ours gets inside the nut feeder which is on a tall pole, being trying to get a picture in vain!
28 Jun, 2012
haha mine lives under the shed or maybe under neighbour's decking..it comes out a wee hole at the side i watch it sometimes.;.Suki goes down there every day waiting..watching lol
28 Jun, 2012
Galaxy? . . . there's a recession on! Thank you all for your kind comments - much appreciated. :-)
28 Jun, 2012
I would probably scream too Muddy...but he is cute...:>)
28 Jun, 2012
He is so sweet , a lovely photo Muddy :o)
28 Jun, 2012
Hahaha . . thanks Moti and Amy. :-))
28 Jun, 2012
That is just a perfect picture, look at those little fingers holding on to that seed. I love them.
28 Jun, 2012
Brilliant photo
28 Jun, 2012
Yes, Mw...what an amazing photo. They always make me think of Robby Burns...wee timit cowrin creature...apologies to the bard...but he does look very 'umble...too sweet a creature to be a Uriah though, don't you think? He does have a notch in his ear though!
28 Jun, 2012
Bit of a tough guy on the quiet perhaps....with the notchy ear?
29 Jun, 2012
Probably where his piercing used to be! ;-)
29 Jun, 2012
I am so envious!! We used to have a family of wood mice, (even an extended family I think!) in our garden, but the next door neighbours didn't like me encouraging them & they put down traps to catch them, not even humane traps, so eventually I think they killed them all off & I don't see any at all now. :(((
I am so sad about it - I do miss them because they were so pretty to watch & I don't believe they do any harm at all & don't normally come indoors, so nothing to worry about there.
Now they seem to have been replaced by common-or-garden house mice, so neighbours might have a problem there!!! .... & they are not so pretty anyway!!
29 Jun, 2012
Brill photo Mark
30 Jun, 2012
Sigh . . . we can't choose our neighbours Shirl.
Thank you Carol - I approached him slowly and quietly and either he didn't see me or I didn't bother him. He probably knew he could run faster than me! ;-)
30 Jun, 2012
One of my cats bring them in the house alive and i just go very slow up to them as they seem to freeze and i just scoop them in my hands and go put them safe somewhere outside where they have time to get thereselves together and go some where safe i hope:)
30 Jun, 2012
we get these to muddy, so cute but my cat chases them, but then again is the cats didnt do this we woudl be over run with them, still think they are cute though and i save them if i see him with one.
30 Jun, 2012
I just love that, what an amazing shot! Well done you!
30 Jun, 2012
Thank you Sandra and Karen. :-)
1 Jul, 2012
Great photo, MW, of a beautiful little animal. I have one visit my bird table in the evening but he is very shy unfortunately and seems to know when I am lurking with the camera behind the kitchen door :)
1 Jul, 2012
Us lurkers eh? . . wot are we like!!! ;-)
1 Jul, 2012
Great pic,Muddy..so sharp too..he/she is a lovely little thing...and love your new Avatar..proud dad and lovely daughter together..nice to see you both I didn't realise one of your girls got married ...:o)
2 Jul, 2012
Thanks Bloomer :-) One daughter down, two to go! (Although they're only 17 and 15 so there's no rush!) ;-))
2 Jul, 2012
Definitely not,Muddy..:o)
2 Jul, 2012
There is a process I believe where-by you get more people Picksi, - but I wish they would slow down a bit!!!!!;)
We want to keep our green spaces - not have houses & shops etc built on them!
Wave the banner!!!!!;))
4 Jul, 2012
what a superb photo
9 Sep, 2020
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Loookslike the mouse that goes up on my birdtable. THey are building houses along the road and i suppose they have to find homes elsewhhere as their firelds are being taken form them..more houses..and more houses..where does everyeone come form!
28 Jun, 2012