Clearing the dead moss
By Pimpernel

1 Jul, 2012
Comments on this photo
amazing creatures! i used to like watching these curl up into a ball when i was little, they lived under the crazy paving in the garden.
1 Jul, 2012
I squish them! ewwwwwww
1 Jul, 2012
I always feel guilty when I move a tub,and see them scurrying away....
1 Jul, 2012
They're good guys Pixi... You can't go exterminating everything that moves!!
1 Jul, 2012
lol ok! Sorry :(
1 Jul, 2012
I once heard that all the good guys are fast movers wise ! Lol.....they clear all the rubbish,Pixi ...:o)
1 Jul, 2012
oh dear I apologise to all Slaters!
1 Jul, 2012
Yes, Pixi, we call them slaters, too. I wonder, is this general throughout the country or just a Scottish thing?
1 Jul, 2012
Not sure..always called them that always hated them..but now I have respect! lol
1 Jul, 2012
never heard of slaters, where does that word come from?
1 Jul, 2012 jsut found this..dont know where the name came from tho.
1 Jul, 2012
Never heared of Slaters either... Jean in that link is from Western Australia. So I guess the name has travelled.
1 Jul, 2012
Maybe..I dont know :)
1 Jul, 2012
thanks pixi
it has all sorts of names
1 Jul, 2012
Talk about community living, their abundance knows no bounds. Slaters, also known as woodlice, sowbugs or pill bugs, generally ignore green plants, preferring decayed damp material. They are sensitive to hot, dry conditions and will die of dehydration if exposed too long, especially in their young moulting stages.
Slaters are beneficial insects in that they help breakdown organic matter, but if there is a population explosion, they have been known to dine on ripe, soft fruits touching the soil, such as strawberries, and very occasionally plant roots, and even young growth shoots.
1 Jul, 2012
Just looked as well Sticki.
"Names include: "armadillo bug",[2] "boat-builder" (Newfoundland, Canada),[3] "carpenter" or "cafner" (Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada),[4] "cheeselog" (Reading, Berkshire),[5] "cheesy bug" (North-West Kent),[6] "doodlebug" (also used for the larva of an antlion),[7] "pill bug" (usually applied only to the genus Armadillidium),[2] "potato bug",[8] "roly-poly",[8] "sow bug",[9] "roll up bug",[10] "chuggypig" or "chucky pig" (Devon),[11][12] "slater" (Scotland, New Zealand and Australia),[13][14][15] "gramersow" (Cornwall),[16] "butcher boy" or "butchy boy" (Australia),[17] and "wood bug" (British Columbia, Canada).[18]"
1 Jul, 2012
We are well educational this morning !!
1 Jul, 2012
Ah Scotland NZ and Oz! :)
1 Jul, 2012
Hahaha never googled so much in such a short sapce of time! lol
1 Jul, 2012
But they can eat strawberries and young shoots!
1 Jul, 2012
I like chuggypig best..butchy boy ?? mmm,not sure about that one ! Lol.Thanks for that,Pimms ..can't believe this little creature has so many varation of names..never heard of Slaters either ..
1 Jul, 2012
Simples,Pixi..don't grow strawberries lol ..and can't believe how quick you have both been,looking this up ! :o)
1 Jul, 2012
I dont have strawberries lol
1 Jul, 2012
They don't damage Strawbs Pixi..The slugs do that then the Slater (lol) comes for a nibble when the damage is already done.
1 Jul, 2012
I see,Pimms..sneaky little Slaters :o)
1 Jul, 2012
I'm surprised we Canadians have so many different names for them. Usually we are so agreeable ;)
Very informative you lot!
1 Jul, 2012
Look what you started, Pimpernel. Who would have thought this humble bug would give rise to so much discussion? It must be raining again!
1 Jul, 2012
Awesome close-up Pimp (added to my Favs). Woodlice in S.E. London but when I moved to Kent they were called Cheesy Bugs (as shown in the above list). Don't know what they're called here in Lancs, I'll have to ask around!
1 Jul, 2012
oh I see lol.
1 Jul, 2012
I just call 'em big wood lice!!
1 Jul, 2012
My OH has always called them flatbacks !..
1 Jul, 2012
Just wood lice for me as well...
Thanks Muddy ...
1 Jul, 2012
Thats right, Cheesy Bugs down here.
Always have been, Always will be!
Damm, I've got chocolate all over my keyboard, Lol.
1 Jul, 2012
Don't worry,Willi..i had crisps in mine the other day..sometimes it's Kit Kat ...but choccy digestives are the worst ! Lol.
1 Jul, 2012
Lol, it was crumbs off a big lump of Fruit & Nut.
I hate it when you get Digestive crumbs down your clevage, Lol.
1 Jul, 2012
I'm really hoping you are indeed female right now Willi ;0
2 Jul, 2012
I call them 'chookie pigs' an old fashioned name from a now 95 year old lady in wiltshire!!
2 Jul, 2012
Ha Lil, Whats wrong with Moobs! Lol.
2 Jul, 2012
Hahahaha! ;-))
2 Jul, 2012
We call them Piggy -wigs , I wonder why they didn't evolve into something that would cut grass ?
2 Jul, 2012
remind me of robot wars!
2 Jul, 2012
Slaters in Northumberland too. No idea why :-)
2 Jul, 2012
Coz the are the colour of slate?
2 Jul, 2012
Love it! :D
3 Jul, 2012
great shot pimp, it reminded me i saw a pinky-red one the other day whats all that about, it was regular size??
i like the cheesy bug name better than boaring old woodlouse! :o)
4 Jul, 2012
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Just look at the way it's put together, fascinating!
1 Jul, 2012