Canterbury bells close up for Pimp
By Pixi25

2 Jul, 2012
Comments on this photo
THansk ST :)))))
2 Jul, 2012
Sticki beat me to it..Thanks Pixi it's in my Faves now.
2 Jul, 2012
Hehe thanks ! :))))) Not as good as your pics!
2 Jul, 2012
It is..I nominated it for GoYpedia as well :)
2 Jul, 2012
i second that pimms
2 Jul, 2012
I like how luminous it is...and the raindrops
2 Jul, 2012
Lovely. Added to GoYpedia :o)))
2 Jul, 2012
That is fantastic Pixi!
2 Jul, 2012
There lovely.
2 Jul, 2012
Such a fresh look to this photo Pixi - it's great. (It's an old photographers trick to spray water on the blooms, but I'm guessing you didn't need any help with the wet stuff?) ;-))
2 Jul, 2012
Stunning Pixi - I don't come on here often now - glad I caught this picture though :))
2 Jul, 2012
Great shot Pixi :)
2 Jul, 2012
Love the raindrops on them
2 Jul, 2012
Memorable PIx.
2 Jul, 2012
Oh my goodness thanks for nominating! :)
No MW! lolol plenty damn rain here..all day..most days...:(
Thank you all for comments..glad you saw it Paul :))
2 Jul, 2012
This is the only time I have thought the raindrops looked beautiful!!! Too much damn rain at the this past few weeks, all the flowers are getting sodden & bowed (right spelling?), spoiling roses & most flowers in the garden!!
My carnations flower heads are right on the ground!! Luckily they bend over on to the grass so they don't get too dirty! Maybe they will lift up again when this rain stops & gives them a chance!!
I know we need rain, but it's tooooo much just at the mo'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
Still - luckily we don't get flooded here - at least, not our house.
Coo having said that, the sun has just tried to put in an appearance!! It is VERY HUMID today!
4 Jul, 2012
The sun made an appearance here today briefly..but yes very humid here too..we need a right good thunderstorm to clear the air!!!! i hope! love them!
4 Jul, 2012
ugh!! Hate thunder storms!! Had a crack of lightening right near our house during one storm a few years ago - frightened the living daylights out of me!!They say lightening never strikes in the same place twice so I hope they (whoever 'they' are!) are right!!
4 Jul, 2012
lol i love them! Last year there was one in the early hours of the morning..i was wakened by i got up and opened the back was so humid..pouring rain flashes of lightning booming i went and stood out on the grass(i used to have!) ot soaked to the skin but it was sooo exhilerating!
5 Jul, 2012
It is a beautiful example pixi! :o)
5 Jul, 2012
Thanks :))))
5 Jul, 2012
ooooooh!!! rather you than me! I prefer my shower indoors! :))
5 Jul, 2012
They're lovely Pixi
6 Jul, 2012
oh i dont know was quite exciting! :)
Thanks PAul..I see you a re back to your normal self again :)))))))))))) x
6 Jul, 2012
6 Jul, 2012
6 Jul, 2012
6 Jul, 2012
hahaha ;)
6 Jul, 2012
as the song goes:- "anything you can do I can do better"!!:))
7 Jul, 2012
Oh show off hahaha!
7 Jul, 2012
It does you good to be silly sometimes! Laughter is the best cure they say. :o))
7 Jul, 2012
:) so true :)
7 Jul, 2012
I missed loads of pics over the past two weeks..but glad I found this one..well taken,Pixi..stunning ! :o)
15 Jul, 2012
Aw thanks Bloomer :))))))))
15 Jul, 2012
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glad you put this on, in my favourites, just lovely
2 Jul, 2012