What do you think.....
By Gee19

9 Dec, 2012
...should I cut back on the feeding? :)
Comments on this photo
Oh I like this Gee....a couple of senior citizens there, very plump and content......you haven't been putting out cake now have you Gee.....:)))
9 Dec, 2012
Is it collage or real photo? Both creatures are lovely.
9 Dec, 2012
It's just two photos, Kararina :)
9 Dec, 2012
Ah You and your clever computer work again Gee :o)) smashing They are a pair of chubby chappies you've been treating them to well ....
9 Dec, 2012
Lovely pic Gee it looks like the pigeon has his beady eye on the squirrel
9 Dec, 2012
Lol gee they both look very well fed.
9 Dec, 2012
A little more exercise to be encouraged there I think!!
9 Dec, 2012
Very clever editing Gee.
9 Dec, 2012
I'm still trying to work out some form of squirrel-proofing, but all I can think of is to make a wire cage with small mesh and hang the feeders inside; would keep air-rats out as well as tree-rats, I hope!
10 Dec, 2012
Hi Franl, I posted a blog on 11.8.11 - The birds in the garden. Have a look at that because I bought a round ball feeder with a central tube for seed and one for nuts from a Garden Centre. They cost arund £35.00 each. In more recent times Aldi and Lidl have offered the ones you can see on the blog for under £10. The little birds love them and fingers crossed the only large birds attempting to use them are the woodpeckers. They cling on and access the food through the mesh but the tits, finches and sparrows feed inside the mesh. The lid just lifts off for refilling and it is attached to the feeder by a small chain. We used to use just a mesh tube but the squirrels ate their way into them.
10 Dec, 2012
Hi Gee ..
... Well-fed happy creatures in your garden :o)))
11 Dec, 2012
thanks, Scotsgran. I do have one of these, sort of, but the "mesh" is hardly worth the name, only very widely spaced, which proves no obstacle at all. I had thought of geting some thin wire and weaving more layers round to make the gaps smaller - as with everything else, not got around to it yet.
I've also got a squre metal mexh "box" for toast or suet balls: the squirrels nicked the entire thing, I finally found it on the grass on the other side of the fence; they'd taken it off the hook, dropped it over and got into the lift-up lid - I had to tie an S-hook to some string and fish for it until the hook caught and I could retrieve it. I'd need to chain the lids down *and* chain the feeder in place.
maybe if I buy some chicken wire I can double that to make a smaller mesh and build a cage to hang on the fence, then hang all feeders inside: won't look pretty but it'll be easier than nailing each feeder down individually
12 Dec, 2012
Best take them for a walk Gee......or sign them up for Zumba sessions!
12 Dec, 2012
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Lol Gee. great capture. Our pesky squirrell is really fat, suppose they are about to hibernate for a while!
9 Dec, 2012