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Oemleria cerasiformis

Oemleria cerasiformis (Oemleria cerasiformis (Indian Plum))

Very early flowering shrub.

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Is this suckering yet spritz?

8 Feb, 2013


very pretty shrub

8 Feb, 2013


For some reason, it looks scented??

8 Feb, 2013


i thought that too sheila

8 Feb, 2013


No, Andrew - I don't think so. I keep hoping it will!

I don't think it's scented - it's up on a raised area, so you'll have to ask Andrew to sniff his. ;-)

8 Feb, 2013


I've just Googled it Barbara, and the 'Shoot' website says that it is "fragrant" . . . so that's a bonus!

8 Feb, 2013


I love those pendulous panicles! never heard of this, it's wonderful!

8 Feb, 2013


Thanks, Sheila. Now I know! :-)

Karen, it doesn't mind some shade - very useful. I always think the flowers look like ear-rings. lol.

8 Feb, 2013


I've already checked it out on burnoose B....surprise...not! Thanks...on my wish list for the white shade garden!

8 Feb, 2013



8 Feb, 2013


I don't grow it (yet?). I've got an area that may need replanting this autumn, so I'm thinking ahead a bit! Just while the weather is cold and I'm stuck indoors you understand
PS. First plant order arrived earlier today - found a box in the greenhouse at 5pm - I do wish couriers would put a note through the letter box - grrrr

8 Feb, 2013


I don't care about the note, as long as plants keep arriving! I bought hydrangeas today! ;)

8 Feb, 2013


...the best thing is when Hayloft deliver....about six months after you paid for the plants, and you really have forgotten you bought them...that's like Christmas for me! Lol

8 Feb, 2013


What did you get, Andrew?

I really thought you grew Oemleria...

Karen! Where will you find space for such large shrubs?

9 Feb, 2013


Spritz - well it's quite a long list so here goes:

Achillea 'Rose Madder' - pink flowers and allegedly takes less than ideal soils
Actaea pachypoda 'Misty Blue' - small shrub for shade with white flowers followed by white berries, slightly blue-green ferny leaves
Cardamine glanduligera - small woodlander with purple flowers
Crocosmia 'Saracen' - red flowers and tawny leaves
Diervilla sessilifolia 'Cool Splash' - variegated suckering shrub with yellow flowers, takes dryish shade
Fatsia japonica 'Spiders Web' - slow-growing form with white speckling on the leaves, great for a dark corner (once you've seen this, you must have it!)
Kerria japonica 'Albescens' - white, single-flowered form
Lobelia 'Tania' - perennial with bright pink flowers
Paeonia vietchii var woowardii - small paeony
Papaver orientale 'Papillon' - pink poppy
Pulmonaria 'Blakes Silver' - has narrow, silver leaves (saw this in Ireland last September)

They were all from Cotswold Garden Flowers - they are all in their catalogue, but not all are on their website due to only small numbers being available, so you have to ring up and check

9 Feb, 2013


Cotswold Garden flowers are so lovely to deal with, aren't they Andrew . . . Bob Brown is fun. Btw, we're having a discussion in our garden group: is Crocosmia what was once Montbretia or are they different? I won't say yet which side I'm on!

9 Feb, 2013


Sheila - yes it is. Officially, it is the name given to C. x crocosmiiflora cultivars, and as many early varieties came from this cross, the name montbretia somehow stuck - it's one of those cases where the Latin name and common name have become mixed up

9 Feb, 2013


Thought so - many thanks Andrew. We have a dear lady (86 years young) who said she had plenty of Montbretia but would like some Crocosmia (we're always doing swaps) . . . we just didn't like to correct her!

9 Feb, 2013


I expect she has the orange-flowered one Sheila. Perhaps someone has a red or yellow one they can give her?

9 Feb, 2013


That's very perceptive of you, Andrew. Yes, exactly, and she now has a red one.

9 Feb, 2013


You've got a lovely selection of plants, Andrew, and yes, I have seen the Fatsia at a rare plant sale. I had to put my hands firmly behind my back. I thought it was wonderful! I have the Cardamine...I think it came from cgf. I like the sound of the Pulmonaria - I have it on my list for my new shady area.:-)

9 Feb, 2013


Spritz - there's a picture of the pulmonaria on one of my blogs on Irish Gardens from last September

9 Feb, 2013


I'll take a look. Thanks! :-)

10 Feb, 2013


This is a new one on me Spritz, you do have some rare'uns and I've never seen a white flowered kerria Andrew. Haven't time to google yet, I wanted P Blakes Silver too:-)

10 Feb, 2013


I had an email yesterday from Elizabeth MacGregors asking me to pay almost £60 in the next two weeks for my order (placed in idle moment last year lol) Oh well I'm sure they'll all be lovely quality plants:-)

11 Feb, 2013


BA - I've not seen the white kerria in a garden, but it was on a nursery stand at one of the RHS Shows last year. It will go well against the fence at the back of my white border (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

11 Feb, 2013


Lol Andrew, wasn't sure if you meant you were sticking to the fence. I still have things in pots bought last year on impulse. I will gradually remove shrubs, perennials etc which are either past their best or those which have not impressed over the last few years ....then I will have room. I did remove a viburnum last year which used to be lovely, but had been repeatedly devastated for the past maybe 5 years by viburnum beetle. I don't want to use chemicals, so although I had loved it, it had to go:-( more room for new:-))

11 Feb, 2013


what a gorgeous shrub. how much space and shade does it need/tolerate?

Bob Brown's is a wonderful place and all his plants have always done well for me.

11 Feb, 2013


Hi Sbg - it can spread, so it does need some space. It's facing east, and it's under the Eucalyptus tree, so it's getting quite a lot of shade. Andrew says it suckers, and there's one in a garden up the lane which has - it's walked to a small thicket over the years! Mine hasn't - yet.

11 Feb, 2013


Mmmmm, dont think I'll try it if it suckers. Fed up of the kerria and the lilac suckers.

11 Feb, 2013


What a beauty B, I do love white flowers.....
Andrew I have the Fatsia Spiders Web it was worth every penny, we do grow several varieties of Fatsia, they do seem to like this garden...... Bob Brown came to our group in the Midlands once an excellent speaker.

11 Feb, 2013


DD - sadly our Horticultural Association is more interested in catering to allotment holders than serious gardeners, and the travelling costs would be prohibitive for him to come here.

12 Feb, 2013


we have had him talk to the east yorkshire HPS 4 times now. every time he has been fantastic and he will bring preordered plants as well as other choice plants. I always take plenty of money with me when he comes. It tends to be the fuel costs that tend to be the problems in organising speakers.

12 Feb, 2013


Oh dear Barbara, I'm way behind in joining in this conversation now. But, I've got this shrub as well, in my white garden, haven't found it suckering yet ! Bob Brown is great as are his plants, he has been to our H.P.S. club in Cornwall and, Spiders Web is lovely.

1 Mar, 2013


Oh dear Barbara, I'm way behind in joining in this conversation now. But, I've got this shrub as well, in my white garden, haven't found it suckering yet ! Bob Brown is great as are his plants, he has been to our H.P.S. club in Cornwall and, Spiders Web is lovely.

1 Mar, 2013


Sorry B. having trouble with site.

1 Mar, 2013


Andrew, I purchased a Diervilla 'Cool Splash' in November 2010 - wrote a blog titled "Interesting comment" in August 2011 as the plant breeder had commented on GoY - it has been re-sited near the base of a large Cordyline and is therefore in dry shade and is thriving.

1 Mar, 2013


Shirley - I planted one of those a couple of weeks ago, but since my shopping trip (see the blog "Do You Take Plastic?") it will need to be moved further along the border

1 Mar, 2013


Andrew, I hope you have a sunny day soon to move plants around ... yet another grey day down here ... :o(

3 Mar, 2013


And here, but I have a large job to carry on with...all will be revealed. ;-)

4 Mar, 2013

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This photo is of "Oemleria cerasiformis" in Spritzhenry's garden

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