Sorbaria ... Sem...
By Amy

22 Feb, 2013
Pretty new growth
Comments on this photo
The one you sent me is doing ever so well Amy, so pleased with it.
22 Feb, 2013
That's lovely Amy
22 Feb, 2013
i havent noticed any suckers on mine? they are really pretty amy, especially at this stage, mine hasnt grown as much as yours though!
22 Feb, 2013
Maybe this is a different one to those I see a lot around here! there are lots of varieties!!!!the new leaves are gorgeous!
22 Feb, 2013
Very pretty Amy. Quite advanced too!
22 Feb, 2013
Thanks all , I'm glad your shrub is growing well Angela ,
You are right Paul they do have a lot of suckers ,I've taken several off mine to give away ....
22 Feb, 2013
They are such a welcome sight.
22 Feb, 2013
Lovely to see some new spring shoots :o)))
22 Feb, 2013
this is Unique:-OOO
23 Feb, 2013
Hi Amy@What is the full name of this shrub and how high does it grow? Looks pretty.
23 Feb, 2013
Thanks all , I'm pleased you like it :o) Kat the full name is Sorbaria ...sorbifolia 'Sem ' It grows to 1 metre likes sun and semi-shade flowers during July /Aug.producing creamy white blooms ,good winter hardiness .
23 Feb, 2013
This is lovely Amy. You say it doesn't mind semi shade, does it have a soil preference?
28 Feb, 2013
Thats pretty Amy.. mines just started to grow as well
28 Feb, 2013
Annella I've found and looked at the plant label it doesn't actually say anything about the soil requirements ,it says winter hardy -likes sun and semi shade , I assume it doesn't need anything special , my soil is slightly acid if thats any help .. Thanks Holly did you have anything on your label about soil requirements ?
28 Feb, 2013
Thanks Amy
28 Feb, 2013
28 Feb, 2013
no mine were from cuttings someone sent me.... ive just got mine in a pot with normal compost.
28 Feb, 2013
I love new red foliage, striking,and it looks a pretty plant..shame it suckers so much,or I might have begged one of them from you ..:o) just haven't got the space..:o(
4 Mar, 2013
Well if you change your mind Sandra let me know :o))
4 Mar, 2013
I will,Amy..I will ! A lady's privilege to change her they say :o) Thanks x
5 Mar, 2013
Amy can I beg Bloomers one as she doesn't want it? I will happily send the postage :o)))
6 Mar, 2013
Have sent you a PM Annella :o))
6 Mar, 2013
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This photo is of "Sorbaria 'Sem '" in Amy's garden
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What a lovely picture! These are lovely shrubs but I've always resisted because they(some species) do tend to send suckers up all over, don't they?
22 Feb, 2013