Shades of pink!
By Stickitoffee

9 Apr, 2013
Saw this in the local garden centre today and thought it made a nice change!
Comments on this photo
Beautiful ... remind of the species, Sticki ... drawn a total blank!
9 Apr, 2013
Is it a tree heather?
9 Apr, 2013
oh sorry shirley ~ its Erica Hiemalis ~ so a type of heather?
9 Apr, 2013
i forgot to check how tall it would grow...........hold on a minute louisa ~ just going out to read the says 15 - 40 cms. its currently just over 20 cms!
9 Apr, 2013
It's a stunner - thanks for the I.D., Sticki ... :o)
9 Apr, 2013
you're welcome! they were new in today at the GC
9 Apr, 2013
At least I got the heather bit right!lol It's very educational here on GoY:)
9 Apr, 2013
absolutely right ~ its like a giant heather flower louisa ~ you never know quite what you will learn on here! its not just plants either!
9 Apr, 2013
Gorgeous Sticki...:>)
9 Apr, 2013
I had one like that the other year Sticki I loved it but it didn't make it through the next winter :o(
9 Apr, 2013
thanks motinot
i cant imagine this one lasting very long amy but since they said i could put it outside now and there wasnt much else i thought i would enjoy it for now at least!
9 Apr, 2013
Its really pretty.
9 Apr, 2013
So pretty, it has that tender look about it though!!
9 Apr, 2013
that's beautiful, I've never seen this before :)
10 Apr, 2013
wow that is stunning.Fantastic colour:))))
10 Apr, 2013
many thanks everyone, i think it was about 2 degrees last night and it seems fine today! so im hoping it will be ok?
10 Apr, 2013
It looks quite delicate, but if it's related to heather should be sturdy enough.
Hope it survives for you, Sticki. :-)
10 Apr, 2013
i hope so too mouldy, thanks, im not at all certain it will though ~ i wonder if the flowers will fall off in heavy rain?
10 Apr, 2013
Wow! It has so many flower heads. Like the colour.
11 Apr, 2013
thanks linda, its raining here now and it looks quite pretty with the raindrops on!
11 Apr, 2013
I take it the flowers didn't drop off in the rain, Sticki?
11 Apr, 2013
nope ~ i counted them ~ all still there! ;~/
12 Apr, 2013
A most welcome splash of colour after all the white stuff Sticki !!! Hope it has all gone had more than your fair share !
13 Apr, 2013
Oh, thank you BB, yes finally the snow has gone! we have rain instead today but its certainly not so cold and it only rained for half the day!!
13 Apr, 2013
Great..things are looking up then now...and not before time!!! Rain needed here in North Yorkshire...those easterly winds have been relentless !! Dare I say...roll on summer..?
13 Apr, 2013
are we skipping spring this year?
i dont really mind what season we call it, so long as it gets warmer!
13 Apr, 2013
Looks that way...and hear hear for warmer weather.Warm and wet apparently...lets see...:)
13 Apr, 2013
Glad to hear it. :-)
14 Apr, 2013
warmer today, definitely, a bit of rain but i dont mind some rain so long as its warmer and doesnt rain all day!
they are still all there mouldy!
14 Apr, 2013
Lovely flowers for a heather. Never seen one like this before. Hope it does well for you Sticki. Can you try to take some cuttings or do you have to bend the branch down under to soil to gain roots? Can't remember. Worth doing to carry it on for next year just in case it doesn't tolerate the winter.
15 Apr, 2013
I don't know which way is best Linda, I have never tried to get cuttings from heather. Good idea though.
15 Apr, 2013
Very pretty Sticky
2 May, 2013
thanks scotkat, its gone a darker red now ~ im having to keep watering them!
2 May, 2013
Send it on holiday to Scotland.
That'll quench it's thirst. Lol.
4 May, 2013
No problem mouldy....I could take it on my holiday!
4 May, 2013
That is so unusual, I have never seen anything like it. Very pretty :-)
4 Jun, 2013
thanks tubby ~ i hadnt either but its not so happy looking now ~ have had to put it in a shady place ~ not at all sure its going to make it!
4 Jun, 2013
That would be a great shame if it doesn't make it. It kind of reminds me of something you may see in the mediterranean on the ocean floor with lots of little brightly coloured fish darting in and out of :-))
4 Jun, 2013
That's a very nice image! Not sure my pond would be quite the same thing?
5 Jun, 2013
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Very pretty!
9 Apr, 2013