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Loropetalum chinense Fire Dance


By Amy

Loropetalum chinense     Fire Dance

Nov 2013

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Oh wow!!!....I love this Amy..Can you tell me a little more about it please?.......Gone into my favs......:>)

27 Nov, 2013


Amy, like yours ours has flowered on and off all year, still in a pot at the moment, so undecided as to where to plant it, will bring it in this winter, because it is still a baby, is yours planted?

27 Nov, 2013


I love it.:0)

28 Nov, 2013


Lovely Amy

28 Nov, 2013


WOW! Its beautiful Amy ! I've never heard of it before either.

28 Nov, 2013


WOW Amy, how gorgeous is that, and what a great pic! (Gone to faves to remind me to try another . . . I should have dug mine up and kept it frost free.)

28 Nov, 2013


Thanks all I'm glad you like it it's a lovely little shrub , Anita it's described as an evergreen although as you can see the foliage is a nice browny/purple colour contrasting beautifully with the pink it's a small shrub no more than 18" high at the moment ,the label states the flowing time is spring but this has been flowering on and off all summer and as you can see its blooming well in November DD has one and tells me hers has been flowering this summer as well , it is hardy up to -5 requires well drained soil in a sunny spot does not need to be pruned , it can be planted in the garden but I keep mine in a terracotta pot , Angela I've already put mine in the greenhouse I daren't risk losing it we lost so many plants last year !
What a shame you lost your Sheila ,I hate it when that happens :o(

28 Nov, 2013


Lovely Amy, I spotted this in a garden centre the other week but after reading on the label it wasn't completely hardy I decided against it, the sunroom is so full of pots at the moment daren't add any more lol.

28 Nov, 2013


Thanks Amy . . . yours is obviously very happy where you keep it, to flower for so long: terrific!

28 Nov, 2013


I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this one Kathy we don't heat the greenhouse anymore we use newspaper ,cardboard boxes and all sorts of strange things to protect the plants from frosts ! I hope so Sheila I don't want to lose it now ☺

28 Nov, 2013


Ours is still outside in its pot, might bring it in this weekend, just in case, because I would hate to lose ours now, I love it....

29 Nov, 2013


I fell in love with it the first time I saw it Angela , you know that moment when you think " I've got to have it " Lol ... it's far to nice to risk losing it !

29 Nov, 2013


Mine is still outside, in its pot, on the patio which faces south. I don't know when I'll be able to get my greenhouse, but it will be interesting to see how it does over winter. There are buds on it, but no flowers yet. Yours looks fab!

1 Dec, 2013


Keep an eye on the temperature Karen it states they are o.k up to -5 but I suspect wind chill must make a difference pop some fleece over it if it turns that cold if you can ... you don't want to lose it !

2 Dec, 2013


Yes, thanks. I will get some fleece, as I also need to protect my T-REX!

2 Dec, 2013


Thanks for the info Amy....I shall look into purchasing one...lovely...:>)

2 Dec, 2013


3 arrived this morning by post Amy....I have them potted on and in the exciting....

5 Dec, 2013


3 ! wow you lucky girl they will make a fabulous show :o))

6 Dec, 2013


Very aptly named!

17 Jan, 2014


I thought so Meani :o)

17 Jan, 2014

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This photo is of "Loropetalum chinense ' Fire Dance '" in Amy's garden

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