Flowering frenzy from Coronilla ...
By Terratoonie

11 Jan, 2014
I'm astonished at this shrub ...
hadn't realised it would flower so well in winter ...
... really pleased with it :o)
More garden pics on my new blog.
Comments on this photo
Hello Hywel .. Thanks ..
yes ... the Coronilla is very bright ..
I'm so glad I planted it centrally in my back garden where I can see it from every back window ... :o))
11 Jan, 2014
Does it need shelter ?
How tall does it grow ?
Do you cut it back ?
Too many questions ? :o)
11 Jan, 2014
Hi again Hywel ...
I planted this in early 2013, so don't have much experience of it ...
Maybe take a look at this pic from Mid May last year when it was full of flowers ...
I really didn't expect it to be flowering so well again already !
11 Jan, 2014
Thank you. I'll have a look ...
11 Jan, 2014
This photo looks like it was summer, TT :-) Does this shrub have a nice scent?
11 Jan, 2014
Hi Kat .. thanks ..
My shrub doesn't have much of a scent, but I chose it more for its bright yellow. I think there is a paler yellow version which has more scent.
11 Jan, 2014
oh, i do so very much like this plant :-) the yellow rocks
:-) yes a sunny spot in a winters garden... most attractive :-)))
11 Jan, 2014
wow nice
12 Jan, 2014
Thanks Jane, Jent and Paul ...
Coronilla does seem to enjoy a warm cosy corner.
12 Jan, 2014
I love anything yellow in the garden, Terra. It always looks so cheerful !
12 Jan, 2014
Hi Rose ..
Thank you... I've just checked how the yellow flowers are coping after this morning's frost, and they seem very happy !
12 Jan, 2014
12 Jan, 2014
What a lovely shrub TT such a long flowering season for you it must love the spot you chose for it, the leaves are pretty too :o)
12 Jan, 2014
Hello Neena ..
thanks .. you've made a good observation that the leaves are very pretty too :o)
13 Jan, 2014
13 Jan, 2014
Lovely ... I think CottageKaren had this in the porch at her old house ... fabulous flowers and foliage ... :o)
15 Jan, 2014
Hi Shirley .. Thanks ..
Cottagekaren has a paler yellow version with more scent .. :o)
15 Jan, 2014
I thought she had one ... I wonder if it lives at her new place now?
15 Jan, 2014
Yes... she took it with her ... we are hoping to both make cuttings this year and do a swap :o)
15 Jan, 2014
What a lovely gesture from the both of you ... :o)
15 Jan, 2014
... let's hope we can both persuade a cutting to root ...
Recently, I was very chuffed to get a Baby Wisley Cream clematis started for Janey ..
I quite surprised myself ... I'm not that experienced with cuttings etc. and no greenhouse ... but it is amazing what you can achieve on a kitchen window sill ;o)))
15 Jan, 2014
Oh well done Terra ... I would be feeling quite smug ... lol!
15 Jan, 2014
Thats a super plant Terra. Sorry it's taken me so long to find you. I have been trying to write a blog during the rainy periods here, but to no avail. The internet is too slow to upload the pics. Ah well.....now, my Coranilla valentina subsp. glauca 'Citrina' (I know, what a mouthful!!) has a really strong scent, and to me it smells like jonquils, or scented narcissi. It wasn't flowering as much as this when I left it, but it was flowering away quite happily. I really will have to prune it this summer though as it is now getting woody and straggly. They are incredible plants for a sheltered spot and last year, mine flowered from about September through to about June. Fantastic! Most of the flowers come in spring and then it goes on sporadically until its summer rest.
16 Jan, 2014
Hi Karen ..
the scent of your Coronilla seems superb..
Let's hope we can swap young plants later this year :o) x
16 Jan, 2014
Yes, definitely Terra. I shall take some cuttings up to Glamis and see if they will take in the glasshouse....I bet they do!
16 Jan, 2014
It looks smashing.
What's it's height and spread, Terra?
16 Jan, 2014
Hi Tt, if you're taking cuttings you can take greenwood cuttings in early summer, or semi ripe in late summer, or if you want to try seed, you have 2 options, 1 sow the seed as soon as they're ripe in a cold frame, or 2 stratify them and sow in spring at 50 - 55 deg f in spring, Derek.
16 Jan, 2014
Thanks Derek ..
In the past, I've been successful with cuttings of various plants/shrubs, but it has always been just a matter of chance .. I don't really know what I'm doing ... such as the baby Garrya ellipticas I created from cuttings ... surprise .. magic !
so, thank you for the advice .. I'll do as you suggest .. try the greenwood cuttings in early summer ... and semi ripe in late summer ..
Hi Mouldy ...
The Coronilla is currently about 5 ft tall and 2ft across the 'branches' ... but would be easy to trim .. I shall let it grow a bit taller, but probably I'll prune the width back a little.
16 Jan, 2014
How nice to have some colour in winger
16 Jan, 2014
I meant winter
16 Jan, 2014
Hi Jackie ... winger/winter :o))) Thank you.
16 Jan, 2014
Hi Tt, you obviously have more skill than you give yourself credit for, or you wouldn't be successful, I presume you did the Garrya eliptica with semi ripe cuttings in summer, I would love 1 or 2 of these, but it frequently gets down below minus 10c here, and the garden is exposed, so not a chance of keeping them over winter, and they're a bit big to dig up and put in the greenhouse every year, Derek.
16 Jan, 2014
Hi Derek ..
That's a pity your garden is too cold to grow Garrya elliptica outdoors.
One summer I just chopped some pieces off and put them in a pot of compost in the garden ... and a few of them became baby James Roofs ... JR Jrs ... Lol.
16 Jan, 2014
Lol Tt, derek.
16 Jan, 2014
Ta very much, Terra!
One to keep in mind.
16 Jan, 2014
Thanks for the advice Derek. Terra, we can wait until June then. mine is flowering very nicely just now as well. mouldy, I'll do a cutting for you.
18 Jan, 2014
Thanks Karen!
Does it reach that height free-standing or does it require support?
19 Jan, 2014
Mine is supported. Without it, it would scramble untidily.
19 Jan, 2014
So, basically, it's a climber, then?
19 Jan, 2014
Well, no, not really, as it doesn't cling by itself in any way. I'd say it's a straggly shrub. It only gets about a metre high with support. I only have the main stem tied to the support....the rest just sort of 'dangles', but in a very attractive way! must get a pic..once the rain stops!
19 Jan, 2014
Should be about October, then. ;-)
19 Jan, 2014
beautiful day today, but too busy gardening to take any pics!
20 Jan, 2014
How lovely is that TT......
20 Jan, 2014
Thanks Dotty ...
this shrub has been such a surprise..
Loads of flowers :o)
20 Jan, 2014
Your welcome......x
20 Jan, 2014
Hi Terra, nice to have colour and attractive foliage at this time of year. Sounds like it has a long flowering season. Nice to be pleasantly surprised as well. Sounds like a win-win-win situation to me
18 Jan, 2015
Hi Tt, just seen this again, and wondered whether you had success with your cuttings, Derek.
18 Jan, 2015
Thank you Alan ..
this shrub is still in flower ..
... yes it flowers for many months !
Hi Derek .. nice to hear from you again ..
cuttings didn't do well ... I don't really have anywhere suitable for them... just my kitchen which gets very cold at night ... so I shall try again in the warmer weather.
18 Jan, 2015
Lovely looking plant!
23 Jan, 2015
Hi Thorneyside... I'm pleased you like this ... it is still very happy out there in my back garden right now, flowering away through the freezing frosts !
23 Jan, 2015
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Nice to have some sunshine yellow in the dark winter months :o))
11 Jan, 2014