The summer house and the wide border
By Spritzhenry

16 Jul, 2008
Comments on this photo
16 Jul, 2008
I want1 :)
16 Jul, 2008
Oh, so do I Jacque, and the garden around it!
20 Jul, 2008
I've been lookin around the site and came across this....It's absolutely great...
3 Oct, 2008
Thanks Skippy.
4 Oct, 2008
This is so are you doing? I lost my mother 7 years ago on Oct. 6. I know it is tough. hugs...~Cj
4 Oct, 2008
Thanks Catfinch. Now the funeral is over I am sure that eventually I shall be able to move on. Mum is free now and I am happy for her. It's going to be hard missing her.
5 Oct, 2008
There is no time line but your own dear, don't let anyone tell you you need to feel anything but what you do. It takes some time and time is needed to adjust and just grieve. Lots of stages to go through for a while but they are all needed. Her beautiful energy and love will always be with you.
5 Oct, 2008
So sorry to hear about your Mum Spritz, loving thoughts to you.
5 Oct, 2008
Thanks Catfinch, and Janey. So many people on GOY have been so thoughtful and caring.
5 Oct, 2008
Hi Again Spritzhenry, this is beautiful and a credit to you. (PS. I lost my Dad 12 years ago and still miss him dearly - he was a brilliant gardener and as I now live at the family home he is all around me), Dawn
30 Oct, 2008
What a lovely garden. I do like the summer house.
2 Nov, 2008
Thanks D.D.
3 Nov, 2008
I've just noticed - that is a HUGE purple sage bottom right - is it growing in/over something?
3 Nov, 2008
Sid, that's the point where the border is raised and turns into the 'architectural border'. So the sage is trailing over a stone wall.
3 Nov, 2008
Keep Smiling for our loved ones are with us in the garden and its beauty all the time - just peeping around the corners.
8 Nov, 2009
Sue - it's really hard still! But thanks. Did you see a blog I wrote on the new greenhouse I bought with her legacy? That helps every time I go in there.
8 Nov, 2009
Fabulous border Spritzhenry. I would love one similar. I'm glad your new greenhouse reminds you of wonderful memories. Loved ones are always with us in our memories. :0)))
16 Jan, 2010
It does, Loobee - and thank you. :-)
16 Jan, 2010
Have only just seen this, spritz - it is amaaaaaaaazing, soooo beautiful. Full of peace and love.....
1 Jul, 2010
Thank you, Minihoney....that's a lovely thing to say. :-)))
2 Jul, 2010
I just came across this and was going to comment on the size of the sage, but I see it has already been done and explained! Wonderful picture B. I bought me greenhouse with money left to me by an elderly friend....nice way of remembering and she would have approved!
19 Feb, 2011
You have to think like that, Karen. :-) Glad you like my photo!
22 Feb, 2011
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