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lavender Platinum Blonde...

lavender Platinum Blonde... (Lavandula Platinum Blonde!)

Great name for a great plant...

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Pretty plant.
Read where you bought this and the hellebore - Garden beauty. Is this the same as Lowaters nursery, Hook lane? Thought it was wholesale?
Ps. Ref: buying black plant labels - Macpennys?

21 Mar, 2015


What a pretty Lavander! It must be new, I've never seen a variegated one. Gorgeous!

21 Mar, 2015


I agree,it's a beauty,Angela..I haven't heard of this one either..and I've just checked it out,'s a hardy one,and a close runner up for plant of the year at Chelsea 2013 :o)

21 Mar, 2015


It is new to me as well...very attractive plant. I think it will look spectacular with its blue flower spikes.

21 Mar, 2015


Siris it is Lowaters at Hook they have 3 plant sales a year invitation by email, if you want to come to the next one, I can email the details to you, just pm me, they also do mail order now, but very expensive, the plants are virtually half price at the sale, quite often pot bound!! not a problem for us!! They sell some very unusual plants, have been buying from them now for 5 years..
Macpennys was the nursery we bought the labels from...
Thanks Karen,Bloomer,Klahanie, Meadowland we were lucky to get this, not many left on the shelf.......

21 Mar, 2015


I looked at the prices on one supplier,Angela,and they were expensive..3 plants for £49..maybe some of the other nurseries sell them a bit cheaper..I suppose as it's said to be hardy,you would get your moneys worth,long term..

21 Mar, 2015


I hate buying plants via the post, don't know the condition when they arrive. Half the pleasure is looking round a nursery for little treasures even if they need a bit of nurturing. Thanks for the info about the labels, MacP, will have a trip out sometime, probably also buy a Hakenochloa which they stock and ....(oh! how did that get in my basket?)
So many of the small independent nurseries have closed, eg Blackthorn. Shame! Bought Hellebore and Hepaticas there.

22 Mar, 2015


Very unusual Dd! With it's name will it have White flower spikes? I've spent the afternoon carrying on planting lavender edging round my sunny border, a mixture of Munstead and Hidcote....looking forward to seeing them in a couple of months time....:))

22 Mar, 2015


Ooh Angela thats something special I would love the chance of sales plants like that ,being a little pot bound wouldn,t worry me either I'm looking forward to seeing it bloom .......

22 Mar, 2015


A real treat to see this beautiful new plant. I love all forms of lavender so will try to get this one too!

22 Mar, 2015


That's lovely DD. I lost a couple of my small lavender bushes this winter. I have a few gaps to fill, but am leaving it until next month to put anything in.

23 Mar, 2015


Janey Muntead and Hidcote are very reliable varieties, should look lovely as an edging......
Thanks Amy it is to be part of our French garden! Lindak we lose some most years usually due to the wet, and thanks to Wildrose hope you can find one....

23 Mar, 2015


Dd, what's a French garden? Lavenders and Herbs de Provence?

24 Mar, 2015


Yes lavenders and such like, Pelagoniums etc.
we are just giving the area under the grape vine a French theme, a bit of fun really!!

24 Mar, 2015

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