Dark December ... Twelve pigeons perching ...
By Terratoonie

15 Dec, 2015
... plus two collared doves ...
can you spot all 14 birds ?
Comments on this photo
I can Terra. 10 days to Christmas. How is Conker doing? :-)
15 Dec, 2015
Conker doing well thanks Klahanie ... still taking tablets but he is very perky :o)
15 Dec, 2015
Hi Tt, I can see all 14, had to look carefully though, lol, Derek.
15 Dec, 2015
Well done Derek ... anyone who sees 28 has started early on the Christmas sherry ;o)
15 Dec, 2015
I can only see 13, perhaps I'd better have a sherry!
15 Dec, 2015
Hi Feverfew ...
yes, have a couple of sherries and then a re-count. :o)
15 Dec, 2015
I found 12 definites and two possibles but do need new specs...
15 Dec, 2015
Yes 14 birds a-perching! great shot on a dreary winter day TT :o)
15 Dec, 2015
Great pic Terra....who is going to do eleven...then ten...then nine? I already have three swans a swimming and one crow a crowing.
16 Dec, 2015
Took me two viewings to eventually find all 14 ... well captured on camera Terra!
16 Dec, 2015
Well done. Stera, Neena, Shirley and everyone who has found all 14 !
Linda .. all twelve numbers are on this blog I published last year... 10th Dec. 2014 ...
16 Dec, 2015
Ah... I've discovered new comments on my festive-sing-along blog from Dec. 2104. thanks all who've found it this week !
16 Dec, 2015
Just went to see your last Christmas blog, TT. It's brilliant, I love it, think I prefer your version to the original one.
16 Dec, 2015
Hi Greenfinger... thank you ... that's very kind ... I guess you sang along ... loudly ;o)
16 Dec, 2015
Yes, TT, I did & I showed it to my OH as well, now he is still singing it ....... over & over ......
16 Dec, 2015
ha ha ... sounds VERY festive in your household !
16 Dec, 2015
Found em all....despite my bad eyesight.....lol
16 Dec, 2015
I get some Pigeons..but mostly Morning Doves. They make weird calls...eeee!..eee! None of that cooing sounds.
17 Dec, 2015
We have more than 12 crows a crowing round here recently. Not all in one tree though. Chimbly pots, aerials, roof ridges. Aggressive looking chasing going on too.Perhaps they think it is Spring, as it is so mild? Then the days are so short they are confused perhaps? Probably just crow small talk about the strange weather. Have a lovely Christmas Terra and hope the doggies keep well too.
17 Dec, 2015
Bill Oddie has just been talking on Sky News .. says that birds are confused because of the mild weather, and some might already be thinking about nesting.
17 Dec, 2015
Plenty of Crows here. All year. They grab walnuts off of the native California walnuts next to my home...then fly up to only drop the walnuts in the street. Cars go by,POP goes the Walnut..and free food for the very smart crows. Ive seen them chase Hawks away.
17 Dec, 2015
Stan, seems like your crows have invented a game to see who can hit the most cars, lol.
On the left over in the wild native hedge there is a dead tree. Every morning when it gets light I see a parliament of rooks take off, circle a couple of times noisily then off they go over the hill.
On the right in the ash tree there is a lone crow that apart from the usual caw caw also makes a noise that sounds like the ratchet football goers used to twirl at football matches, after a while he takes off to the dead tree vacated by the rooks.
No signs of early nesting here but down in the villiage there are 2 cherry trees in blossom.
17 Dec, 2015
Hi Greenfingers, I'm not being pedantic, but I think the collective noun for rooks is a 'building' of rooks, and a 'parliament' of owls, Derek.
17 Dec, 2015
No,they don't hit the cars..they drop the walnuts in the street. Cars running over the walnuts are just really big walnut crackers to the Crow..clever heh? Sneaky birds. They really are smart. They must teach that to every new crow generation.
18 Dec, 2015
Derek, according to British Bird Lovers it can be for rooks too, there are several you could use:
rooks - a building of rooks .......
rooks - a clamour of rooks........
rooks - a parliament of rooks .....
owls - a parliament of owls ........
owls - a stare of owls .........
owls - a study of owls ........
owls - a wisdom of owls ......
Stan, very clever birds indeed.
18 Dec, 2015
Fascinating birdie comments ...
I wonder what is the term for a group of budgerigars ...
budgies ~ a conversation of budgies ?
18 Dec, 2015
Spotted them all TT, what a shame no partridge lol!
18 Dec, 2015
Hi Tt, according to Chambers concise dictionary, it's usually a chatter, but can also be referred to as a clatter, or a flock, all of which can be used for any group of birds, as can clamour, so you weren't very far away, lol, Derek.
18 Dec, 2015
Chatter of budgies sounds just right!
18 Dec, 2015
Lol, Derek.
18 Dec, 2015
Well done, Waddy ! :o)
Lol Derek and Green Finger ...
chatter sounds good !
19 Dec, 2015
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lol, sounds like a different version of the 12 days of Christmas.
15 Dec, 2015