A welcome return this year ..:o)
By Bloomer
- 28 Apr, 2016
We thought we had seen the last of the Goldfinches,after a year's absence,but about two months ago,we saw four of them in the front garden area. We put out the specialist type Nyger seed feeder again,( or Nijer,Niger,as some sites call it) ..whatever ! in the back garden,and waited... Not only are they getting their fill from that,they are partial to the sunflower hearts too,as you can see..Those are the only things we have now,apart from one of those Coconut shell feeders...Fat Balls,and the expensive so called 'Quality' seed mixes are hardly touched,so I won't buy anymore of either..and even the Robin feeds from the Hearts now..Only the Blackbirds have to be ground fed..
So lovely to have them back :o)
Comments on this photo
They are lovely. I used to buy my sunflower hearts online...much cheaper. We arent going to feed the birds here as there are too many mice and sparrows. But I really miss them I must admit. Maybe one day the flocks of Sparrows (we still have at least 3 nesting pairs in the roof) will move on and then we might start feeding again.
28 Apr, 2016
You are so lucky......how lovely they are?
28 Apr, 2016
They are Julia..and we also get members of the Tit family..,plus sparrows..all seem quite harmonious together..so far !.I think the last fat balls we bought,are not as good a quality as they used to be,from the same supplier..All crumbled up for appreciative Blackbirds ..and our local cat,if he gets there first :o)
28 Apr, 2016
A shame you haven't seen them this year,Amy...It's strange isn't it? I can see why Christmas trees would be an attraction,as ours always went straight to a huge Conifer nearby,but sadly,Magpies took it over,so maybe that was why we didn't see them last year..dare I say I have only see a couple of them this year,so far? so they might have felt safe to return..fingers crossed..:o)
28 Apr, 2016
I had noticed a lot of people buy the Sunflower hearts,Karen,so that's why I tried them..a great success,and at least they get eaten..We get ours from a cheap store called Home B...g...ns ? A shame you had to stop feeding yours,but I do like sparrows..they must prefer the countryside environment where you live,mustn't they? along with the mice. !
28 Apr, 2016
Thank you Linda..It's a joy to see them..it's very rare there isn't one of the smaller species or another,that isn't feeding..my OH has rigged the feeders up by lowering them from the Shepherds crook at the top,so the Pigeons and Jackdaws can't reach down when perching on it..I feel cruel really,as they all need to feed..
28 Apr, 2016
Great photo Sandra.
28 Apr, 2016
Thank you Paul,I had to zoom in from the window,or I wouldn't have stood a chance :o)
28 Apr, 2016
You get extra credit for the dual shot.
28 Apr, 2016
Thank you...Luckily R had the good sense to have the feeder positioned with the perches at the sides,or all I would have got,is a rear end of one,and none of the other :o)
28 Apr, 2016
Lovely photo Sandra and so pleased they have come back for you your choice of food obviously helped them decide to grace you with their presence :o)
28 Apr, 2016
Lovely Photo Sandra. We actually saw a Goldfinch on our washing line a few days ago. Haven't seen one in the garden for a few years. We sometimes see small flocks of Goldfinches flying across to the fields near here, in the summer, when the thistles start to die back.
29 Apr, 2016
Thank you Sheila,it's nice to find something all the small birds like to eat..and looking forward to them bringing their young ones.. That's going to be fun..:o)
29 Apr, 2016
Thanks Neena..it's great to have them back again this year.Every garden should have some :o)
29 Apr, 2016
Thank you Lindak,How lovely to see a flock of them near to you..They love Thistles at that time of year..I believe the Nyger seed is from the Thistle family..I think that lone one was sussing out your garden :o)
By the way,we have snow again this morning !
29 Apr, 2016
It was just rain here but some of Derbyshire had snow. We have sunshine at the moment, so I've hung the washing out. Gerry's just picked some rhubarb that he put a pot over to force it up early, so I've added a few apples and have made a rhubarb and apple sponge pudding.
29 Apr, 2016
Sandra, I love this photo and have added it to my Favourites! The Finches seem to come in less and less to our garden, but we do have Great Tits, Long Tailed Tits and Blue Tits so all is not lost.
This morning I couldn't believe my eyes when a Blackbird landed on the trellis at the back of the garden, complete with what looked like a long piece of waxy/greaseproof paper in his beak, a bit like the sort that are wrapped around a gammon joint!
Michael reckons it's going to be a duvet in their nest ...
29 Apr, 2016
Thank you Shirley,that is nice of you..I wonder if they have times when they get fed up of the same place,and try somewhere else for a change? A bit like us sometimes ! lol..I think the Blackbird was in the know about the weather,and wanted a waterproof..:o)
29 Apr, 2016
What a super picture Sandra! I've seen the Goldfinches around about the garden, but so far they've not visited our bird table/feeding station. We have lots of other birds who come to feed, but so far nothing so exotic. Lucky you.
29 Apr, 2016
Thanks Julia..I think they are fussy little birds,and only eat certain things? at least that is what it seems to be here.I ,think the sunflower hearts won them over,so I put out the Nyger seeds again,which I almost threw away,when they didn't come last year..now they eat both..:o)
30 Apr, 2016
Perhaps I should order some sunflower hearts online...haven't seen any in the GC or the shops...as for the Nyger seed, I kept putting it out, but it just kept being left to get wet and soggy so I gave up and threw what I had left away...I've not your patience obviously...
30 Apr, 2016
Wait till Tuesday,Julia,you know I take you to the best shops..or should that be the cheapest ? :o)
30 Apr, 2016
I've heard that Wilko (Wilkinsons) are selling Sunflower hearts at £2 per kilo ...
30 Apr, 2016
Well captured Sandra its great you have them visit your garden
1 May, 2016
What did I say about patience Sandra? ...Went out today and while out called at yet another GC...well, you know me, and guess what I bought?...I've only got a small bag just to see how we go...so fingers crossed...
1 May, 2016
It's not often I go into Wlko's Shirley,but I told Russell,as he is the bird food buyer..and carrier :o)
Thank you 3d,nice to capture the moment :o)
I thought you might have a look around this weekend,Julia :o) I'm sure you will get lots of interest ..Did you get the Sunflower hearts ? if so,they will all be queuing up ! flew By the way,a large Heron flew past the window about 5pm..the wing span seemed huge! R ran outside and managed to get a photo of it,on a neighbour's fence ..I think someone has a pond nearby...oh dear !
1 May, 2016
I did get Sunflower Hearts Sandra, they're in the feeder as we speak...It will be interesting to see what happens in the morning at 'bird breakfast time' lol! We have Heron which flies over our house twice a day. I don't think we need to worry about the fish in our pond as for once the dratted cherry tree makes it almost impossible for the Heron to land and especially to take off...hope no one near you loses any fish.
1 May, 2016
I hope bird breakfast time was successful,Julia..if not,it soon will be when word gets round :o) Glad your pond,or rather the tree,is a Heron Deterrent !
2 May, 2016
It is Sandra one year I put nigra seeds out I was watching tv with back door closed over the tv I could hear this high pitched noise opened the back door to investigate in the tree that hangs over was loads of them taking it in turns 5 at a time on the feeders its called a charm the noise is horendous but an experience I enjoyed I hope you get to experience this too
2 May, 2016
Sandra, I noticed an advert on my screen for them! Big brother must be keeping track ... :o)
2 May, 2016
No Finches yet, but every type of Tit is having a feast!
2 May, 2016
I have heard them singing,3d,bt only a duet,not a Choir ! Lol :o)I thought it was a lovely sound,but maybe a lot of them would be a bit too much :o)
2 May, 2016
Isn't that strange,Shirley? I'm glad I never get the ads anymore...
2 May, 2016
That's great Julia..I'm really pleased ..just be patient,I'm sure they will come soon..:o)
2 May, 2016
I don't mind, I've never had so many feathered visitors :-)
2 May, 2016
Great photo Sandra and a lovely feature for any garden.
I put various seeds out and have loads of feathered visitors. Unfortunately the grey squirrels visit each day and "fill their boots". I put "Squirrels not welcome" signs up on my fences but they just ignore them ... lol.
24 May, 2016
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Lucky you Sandra we haven't seen ours as yet this year :o( I was reading an Ornithology mag. in the hospital waiting room this last week ( it was the only mag available so didn't have a choice ) apparently Goldfinches love Christmas trees real one obviously Lol ...
28 Apr, 2016