By Sheilabub

31 Oct, 2021
Untidy garden, but ...
Comments on this photo
Lovely Autumnal hues in your garden - considering the heavy rain and gusty winds of last night and early this morning I'm surprised there aren't more fallen leaves!
31 Oct, 2021
Oh Shirley … the leaves are lying thickly today, up to our ankles! Luckily I took the photo yesterday. Many thanks for your comment 🙂.
31 Oct, 2021
Lovely photo. Glad your Acer's OK.
31 Oct, 2021
Thanks Josee … very kind.
31 Oct, 2021
Who needs tidy at this time of year though? There's such pleasure in scrunching through heaps of leaves..Your garden looks so settled now - the new(ish!) design is really looking good. I envy you your lovely Acers - too windy here for them.
31 Oct, 2021
Lovely angle, Sheila! Very oriental. Your acers look good at this time of year. Mine are rapidly changing now, putting on their pretty autumn colours.
I'm not a lover of leaf drop in the garden either, but I think..well its autumn I guess. I love autumn! I do love a carpet of fallen leaves of all sorts of autumnal colour...everywhere else!!!!
31 Oct, 2021
Untidy ? It doesn't look like that to me.
31 Oct, 2021
Klahanie, thank you. There are two big apple trees at the back (so not evergreen), but alongside them to the left is a variegated Leylandii, evergreen.
Thank you Sue (Stera), yes I like scrunching through autumn leaves too, but here we get So Many from a tree in the car park next door that it’s a daily chore sweeping them up!
Kate, I love your comment, thank you … made me smile 🙂.
Thanks Hywel … I’ll just say ‘you should see it now!’ At this time of year it’s a daily battle, but of course I wouldn’t be without trees, so I’ll keep smiling 🙂.
31 Oct, 2021
That's not untidiness, it's nature :)
In one of the Poirot episodes he says trees make the place untidy because they have a nasty habit of dropping their leaves in autumn :D
31 Oct, 2021
Nice to see the trees in their autumn colours! I try to take as many photos as I can of trees in spring & autumn.
That made me laugh, Hywel! 😂 😂 😂 I can just imagine him saying that with his French accent! 😂
31 Oct, 2021
Sheila I have never counted the trees round our garden! The strong winds we get in Autumn do us a favour though - the South Westerly blows round one corner of the house and makes a circular current on the North side which blows a lot of the leaves into heap, saving a lot of sweeping effort! They mostly blow away on the south side, I don't know who gets the benefit! I have to pull out lots of young sycamore and ash seedlings in the spring though so they must settle somewhere! Idleness is useless unless it is well carried out is what I used to be told. But I really really love trees - very healing and soothing things. I read somewhere that patients in hospital recover more quickly if they can see a tree through the ward window!
31 Oct, 2021
I do love trees too, Balcony and Stera, and if these leaves were from our own trees I wouldn’t have a problem. But they’re from two huge trees over the fence and we get thousands every windy day! There’s nowhere for them to blow out again, so we just keep gathering them up … and there are other things I’d rather be doing 🙂.
1 Nov, 2021
Lovely to see how your garden has matured since I was last on here… looking good Sheila.
1 Nov, 2021
Many thanks Angela 🙂.
1 Nov, 2021
It always looks beautiful Sheila! I love Autumn leaves myself. Your Acer is a fabulous colour and is that a squirrel having a nosey by it?
Or is it your watering can..Haha x
1 Nov, 2021
Janey that's very observant of you! It's just taken me ages to find it. Definitely looks like a squirrel to me so its probably a watering can... Sheila, none of "our " trees are ours, they're outside our boundary, so nothing to be done about them even if we wanted to!
1 Nov, 2021
Haha Stera!
1 Nov, 2021
Well spotted Janey … the squirrel popped into shot just as I clicked! It would have been more exciting if it had been one of our black ones …
2 Nov, 2021
Just seen this lovely acer in full red costume at Harlow Carr, Sheila. It's a stunning colour at the moment.
2 Nov, 2021
How lovely Ange … that made me smile 🙂.
2 Nov, 2021
Lovely patio are and the Acers are lovely to have in the garden. Ours have shed two thirds of their leaves now. I leave some on the flowerbeds for nature to take a hold. I did sweep the lawn from the leaves that have fallen from the apple tree yesterday.
3 Nov, 2021
Thanks Linda.
8 Nov, 2021
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...I just wanted to show you that my precious Acer Osakasuki is still alive. To my relief you can see the leaves turning red - centre back of photo (past the dwarf Copper Beach in pot).
31 Oct, 2021