Autumn at it's best..Red Pyracantha .
By Bloomer

11 Oct, 2022
It's never had as many berries,all the years I've had it..I did give it a drastic prune, last year,so it seems to have worked wonders.:o)
'Tom Thumb',Pittospormum ,from a cutting, also doing well,although it's taken a few years to really get going !
Comments on this photo
Thank you Balcony, I also have another red Berried ,and an Orange one,further along to the left of that border wall,which is backing on to a Crown Green Bowling club,plus a Yellow one to the right of the photo,which I planted for my late neighbours,to hide a downward water pipe,into a nearby drain,which was installed to stop water flooding their part of the Border..A great success too .:o)
I've just started my Amarylis off again this week ,so hoping to see lots of blooms again for a 3rd year? I noticed a little bit of Greenery ,so thought it was telling me,it was time ! :o) .
11 Oct, 2022
Sandra, that's fabulous! The 'Tom Thumb' in my front garden has taken ages to reach a decent size ... worth the wait though.
11 Oct, 2022
Thank you Shirley. I'm glad your 'Tom Thumb'is doing well now too. One of my favourite shrubs,and especially when the new green leaves appear,before they change colour to their darker foliage..beautiful .:o)
12 Oct, 2022
That's just how mine is looking now ... :o)
12 Oct, 2022
Goodness, that's fabulous specimen, Bloomer. Do you know what variety it is?
12 Oct, 2022
What a fab pyracantha, Sandra! Looks amazing, and an absolutely abundant amount of berries! Lucky wildlife too!
12 Oct, 2022
Thank you Ange2, sorry,I don't know,or I've forgotten,which is more like it! It's at least 20 years old,as it was one of the first things I planted in that border. I do keep it in check, each year,once it's flowered,and make sure I don't remove them..
12 Oct, 2022
Thank you Kate, I love it,but it seems especially prolific,this year.. I do think they have good and mediocre years ,probably weather dependant .dry winter maybe? I look at it from my kitchen window,so it cheers me up each morning..:o)
12 Oct, 2022
Lovely lot of berries there, just right for the birds to eat.
14 Oct, 2022
Thank you Linda,we have another one further along that wall,plus the yellow one on the right,which I planted on my Neighbours section .Also to the left, well out of range of my section,my other neighbour has three more,so they should keep the birds well fed this winter. :o) .
14 Oct, 2022
We used to have a bush in our other garden when we lived down the road, but I can remember getting pickled by it sometimes when pruning.
14 Oct, 2022
I don't know why, but our pyracantha hedge hardly ever has berries or many flowers in the spring!
Yours is amazing !
14 Oct, 2022
It's a lovely pyracantha Sandra, so many berries! I have one that is covered too this year, so good for the birds going into winter.
14 Oct, 2022
Linda,been there and done that many times,re the prickles,however well prepared I am,there's always one,at least,that gets me ! :o(..
How strange,Rose,do you think you might prune it too early,before the flowers are fully formed,or maybe they get frosted ? I never feed mine ,or do anything gets the odd bowl of washing up water thrown around the roots now and then,if I remember!.Lol.
Thank you Janey, so nice to get a vibrant splash of colour,when other plants are starting to fade..Saying that,they seem to be lasting much longer each year..still lots of colour here.:o)
15 Oct, 2022
Well, Sandra, we do have the pyrantha hedge cut in October but isn't touched at all after that!
15 Oct, 2022
I wonder if that's the reason you have no berries,Rose,with it being October now? Ours have had them for at least a month ..I only do selective pruning,on wayward branches,and try to keep as many as possible that have flowered,to form berries later. Only when needs must,do I give it a good haircut!. I don't get as many flowers,the following spring ,then it bounces back again :o) .x
15 Oct, 2022
Whatever time of the year you prune the Firethorns you are bound to reduce their production of berries being as they are making buds during the spring, flower in June & then set berries!
16 Oct, 2022
A lovely combination Sandra ,it looks lovely ,our berries are the same the pigeons are stuffing themselves silly :o)
17 Oct, 2022
Thank you Amy,I'm quite happy for the birds to feast on them, but they could just leave enough for me to look at ! The greedy devils ! Lol.
17 Oct, 2022
Amazing ! hell of a lot of berries
22 Oct, 2023
Thank you Paul, it's just as good this year too,as are the other Pyracantha's in that border. x
23 Oct, 2023
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Beautiful Firethorn, Bloomer, with soo many berries! I know of lots of them in peoples gardens as well as those planted as landscapes additions in several places here. One place that has lots of them is the multi-storey carpark built a few years back in the town centre. They planted dozens of them around the base of the building! 👍😀
11 Oct, 2022