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Time to divide plants.

Time to divide plants.

Last week I lifted and divided a large Sedum, today it was a big clump of Day Lilies.

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All of my Day Lilies were gifts from GoY member Simbad. Sadly, she no longer appears on the site, shame as I would love to thank her again for these lovely plants.

29 Mar, 2023


I must get my sedums divided Shirley, when.It's not raining, I will..
That is a shame, I remember her well. Daylilies
haven't done well in my garden, but I do like them. You've a few more there now..:)

29 Mar, 2023


Janey, I have trawled back through last years summer photos to see which variety this is ... it could be a bright yellow or a very bright orange! No worries ... :o)

Julia, mine have done pretty well as they are in the sun (what is that?!!) most of the day. It is raining (7pm) yet again.

29 Mar, 2023


That's a case of: How long is a piece of string?!

29 Mar, 2023


Am I right in thinking that Day lilies don’t like being moved & will take time to re establish? Are they the same as Hemerocallis?

30 Mar, 2023


Josie, I found this information:

Transplanting daylilies can even take place in the spring. The divided clump will still bloom that year as if nothing ever happened. Really, if you feel like moving the daylilies at pretty much any time of the year, these resilient troopers will reliably return.

30 Mar, 2023


I've taken sections from mine and put them in pots before now with no problems, and split them too. I couldn't do it here at the moment - the borders are sodden and the clay very claggy.

30 Mar, 2023


How did you get the roots out so tidily? Dividing mine, they are a tangled knotted lump!!

30 Mar, 2023


Siris, the clump was large so I just got it out with a spade, then separated the Crocus and the Welsh Poppies that were within it. I divided the clump with a couple of cuts with the spade, easy peasy!

Do you divide your lovely collection up very often?

30 Mar, 2023


You’ve been very industrious Shirley. A glorious day here today so I sowed some seeds “direct”, then sat in the greenhouse with a new gardening magazine 🙂.

30 Mar, 2023


Sounds ideal, Sheila. Today will be a housework day as the rain and wind are dreadful ... :o(

31 Mar, 2023


Yes, rain & wind here today also, :-(. Good news about moving Day Lilies though, Ty for the info.

31 Mar, 2023


Josie, I am off out to look around the garden as the rain has stopped - at last!

1 Apr, 2023


You’re certainly cracking on out there, Shirley. Very productive. Just hope April will be better weather wise for gardening, think we had our April showers last month!

1 Apr, 2023


Kate, just as I thought the sun was out, the heavens opened yet again! I must say that I am so fed up with the weather ... wettest March since 1981 apparently ... :o(

1 Apr, 2023

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