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White Nigella (Love in a mist)

White Nigella (Love in a mist)

First flower to open, many more buds to open.

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One of my favourite annuals, especially the white ones. This is a gorgeous close-up. None of mine have opened up yet. I pulled out lots last year but every border has a large number of them despite my efforts so I shall enjoy them and then pull them out to let permanent plantings breathe!

2 Jun, 2023


That is beautiful, Ive never seen this one before.

3 Jun, 2023


Ange, years and years ago I was given seed of Nigella from daughter-in-laws Mum and they continue to bloom in the garden. Yesterday I found some blue ones flowering.

Siris, the foliage is light and feathery and the flowers can be white, blue or pink. Would you like some seed later in the year?

4 Jun, 2023


Beautiful flower, Shirley! 😃 I had some flowering on the balcony about 2 years ago.

7 Jun, 2023


I love them too, so unusual and feathery and so pretty. My friend across from me has them every year popping up all over, the blue ones.
I can't grow them at all here, they don't like it.

7 Jun, 2023


I love them too, have them all over the garden. Mine have come up white this year.

7 Jun, 2023


David, I bet they looked lovely on your balcony.

Janey, isn't it odd how some plants just will not grow in our gardens? I love Pulsatilla flowers and Bleeding Hearts, neither thrive for me.

Ams, do you have some in your green and white area?

7 Jun, 2023


It is strange Shirley, but it makes me smile how plants choose where they're happiest, thank you very much, but no I'll give yours a miss..:))

7 Jun, 2023



8 Jun, 2023

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