Can you spot the real dog ?
By Terratoonie

1 Sep, 2008
This Wire Fox Terrier trotted over to visit Conker, my Sheltie.
In the background: Mahonia, Primula denticulata, Aubrieta, Pieris Forest Flame, Grape hyacinth, Camellia and Sedum.
I constructed the raised bed from recycled brick block sections.
Comments on this photo
Conker says Many Thanks, Janette.
1 Sep, 2008
Conker Looks disgusted haha..Your Raised bed looks Fab many flowers...
1 Sep, 2008
Thanks, Youngdaisydee.
The raised bed is probably at its best in the spring time, but I've tried to put in other flowers so that there's colour throughout all seasons.
Conker certainly prefers to be centre stage when photos are being taken.
He knows when I get the camera out, and likes to perform, so to take photos of my garden or of my flowers WITHOUT a Sheltie in the picture will be virtually impossible LOL
1 Sep, 2008
Tell Conker hes welcome Terratoonie
1 Sep, 2008
Conker has obviously decided that his visitor is not at all interesting and it's more important to pose for the camera.
1 Sep, 2008
Great photo TT, looking forward to more...Conker is very handsome and your garden is so pretty!
1 Sep, 2008
Thanks, Chrispook and Lorrainenagle.
You'll notice Conker is trained to NOT damage the plants.
I can't vouch for that metal Wire Fox Terrier though.
Looks like, given half a chance, he would prance through the primulas. LOL
1 Sep, 2008
Why is it that dogs like to pose when they see the camera appear? He is lovely, by the way. So are the flowers!
1 Sep, 2008
Thanks, Spritzhenry.
I wonder if you can please identify which type of Mahonia I have to the left of the picture?
It was inherited, so no information.
My original photo has more flowers to the left and right of the raised bed, but it is cropped a little to fit the GoY page.
How is Henry? I'll be checking Henry's photo for updates on his sore paws.
Conker suggested it should be like the health bulletin updates they give for royalty: regular reports on Henry's convalescence EXACTLY on the hour !........... LOL
1 Sep, 2008
Looks like Conker is performing a classic 'double-take' !!
He's a comedian too !!
Looking forward to more photos Terratoonie !
Keep em' coming...
2 Sep, 2008
Thanks, Cluelesskev.
I asked Conker to act surprised for this one.
I'll be photographing more plants as time goes on, but I reckon a dog will sneak into every picture.
2 Sep, 2008
lassie and snowy comes to mind lol
2 Sep, 2008
You're right Lyd. lol
I'm still waiting for an id on my mahonia. (Left of photo)
Any ideas, folks, please.
2 Sep, 2008
...ain't got a clue....
2 Sep, 2008
looks like Mahonia piperiana i could be wrong, its been known lol
2 Sep, 2008
Thanks, Lyd. I'll try to take a better photo of the mahonia next year.
It's a plant I inherited with the back garden when I bought my house, so I've no ID of it.
Originally it didn't look suitable for my planting scheme, so I moved it to a west-facing border I had made outside the back fence. I sometimes call this my 'guerilla garden' because it isn't really my land. The passers-by had been viewing a strip of weeds, so I thought I would make a pretty border and put my spare plants along there.
But this mahonia then became so attractive,that I must admit I 'stole' it back into my own garden. There are lots more reminiscences of the strange ways in which GoY members acquired plants on my blog, Beg, Steal or Borrow. Please feel free to add your own stories or confessions!
Did you see on the TV news that in the USA, to prevent thefts in California, they are now microchipping Cacti !
My blog has a very apt title when you read the tales told by some folk! Isn't that true, Mrs crocosmia !? LOL
3 Sep, 2008
Conker is a beauty , lovely flowers as well :D
3 Sep, 2008
That is true about the cacti...people are removing them from the deserts in an alarming rate so much that in some areas they are dying out..
Love the photo...Conker is such a sweetie!!!
3 Sep, 2008
Yes. The cacti on the TV were being stolen from town planting schemes in California.
Apparently when the cacti grow large they can be worth £2,000.
... or the dollars equivalent... LOL
Anyway, a LOT of money, whatever the currency.
I wonder if any vets will be amazed to find their next patient visiting the surgery for microchipping is not a dog, but a CACTUS.....
Do you see how I've turned this theme right back to the heading LOL
Go into the vets with a Sheltie and a cactus and ask:
Can you spot the real dog? LOL
3 Sep, 2008
From what I can see TT Mahonia looks very much like M.aquifolium as stems seem woody.aka Oregon grape.Does it get a lot of grape like seed fruits and change colour quite dramatically?
5 Sep, 2008
hi nice the daisy tree : Sandra tells me its correct name is olearia macrodonta: it has holly type leaves and is evergreen. it grows particulary well in coastal regions: unfortunately i dont have a close up pic at the mo and it is finished flowering will take a close up next year and add it to my pics. it produces seeds rather like the dandelion seeds'
5 Sep, 2008
Thanks BB and Islander ~ useful plant information from both.
Yes, Bonkers ~ the Mahonia in the above photo does get grape-like thingies.
So I Googled your suggestion, M. Aquifolium and the photo looks like mine. In fact I just went out in the rain to check its leaf shape, which is similar to holly in a way. Same as in the Google photo. Thanks for that.
Islander ~ Thank you. I'm glad you like Conker and my raised bed.
No 'like' clicked though? Conker will need to have word with Lassie !
On your photo collection, your daisy tree hedge looks really pretty. I'll look forward to seeing a close-up photo of it next year. Anyone wanting to take a look, its in Islander's photo behind Lassie holding the rope toy. (Islander's black Labrador Retriever) . Funny that it has holly type leaves, because that's what I thought about the shape of the leaves on the Mahonia above !
I've just Googled your Olearia macrodonta and it says this Daisy Bush attracts butterflies, aphid eating insects and bees, so it sounds like it is both pretty AND functional ! Can't wait for you to take more pics. of it.
If Lassie is in the photos, too, that'll be nice. The black and white colours will contrast well. Thanks for the info.
5 Sep, 2008
Hi - yes, I think that BB is right. Those Mahonias are prickly! They tolerate some shade, too, so if you want to move it again....
5 Sep, 2008
Thanks, Spritzhenry ~
Actually the Mahonia side is quite a shady area. especially in the middle of the day.
Don't give me extra tasks - LOL
The shed in the photo needs a tidy.
With the wet summer, that job just didn't get done.
If we have a sunny summer next year, I'll need a different excuse for not tidying the shed, how about :
... Too hot in the shed, must water my plants instead. LOL
5 Sep, 2008
did they chat for lone, sonny.
5 Sep, 2008
Conker seems to be ignoring the other dog.
What do you think, Sonny !
5 Sep, 2008
sorry thought i had clicked the i like button done it now m8
5 Sep, 2008
Thanks, Islander ~
Conker whose ancestors come from Shetland,
says hello to Lassie up there in the Orkneys.
5 Sep, 2008
cute puppy :) gardens are lovely!
6 Sep, 2008
Conker is beautiful and seems very happy with the company, Polly gets lonely sometimes perhaps you could send your Fox Wired Terrier over to pay her a visit lol.How many dogs do you have?
Your border looks very pretty with some very nice plants.
6 Sep, 2008
Amy, Mrs c and Aleatha ~
Conker thanks you for your comments,
and apologises for taking a while to reply.
He's been busy herding the plastic ducks.
It's not easy getting them up on that raised bed.
6 Sep, 2008
Pansypotter ~
Polly can borrow the Fox Terrier model any time.
Maybe warn Polly its reactions are a bit slow these days.
My other dog is Bonsai, the Welsh Terrier, pushing the wheelbarrow above my name.
I'm conserving energy in anticipation of loading another photo soon, and it could well be one of Bonsai.
I'm pleased you like the plants ~
I do go a bit overboard on the aubrieta,
but its variety of purple shades are amazing
and it stays in flower for a long time,
so is one of my favourites.
6 Sep, 2008
aww what a beautiful dog :)
7 Sep, 2008
Sandygrove ~
Thank you. Conker is vacuuming on the next pic.
And thanks for giving Crocus the budgie a 'like'.
He sometimes says that the dogs are getting too much attention. LOL
7 Sep, 2008
well well then you should get another picture of him up here :) he is very cute :)
7 Sep, 2008
Sandygrove ~
Crocus bashed his bell in delight at your compliments. Thanks.
You're right, though.
I must work harder on uploading more photos. LOL
8 Sep, 2008
I love the ducks and ducklings along the wall! So cute!
8 Sep, 2008
Tammielee ~
Those plastic birds kept very still indeed while I took the photo.
They're almost as well-trained as the Sheltlie ! LOL
9 Sep, 2008
What a lovely photo ..Conker can be proud of your garden
9 Sep, 2008
Thanks, Deida51 ~
I rather randomly mix up flower colours,
but nature doesn't seem to mind,
and makes sure the end result looks pleasing !
.. and Conker says hi to your dog Percy.
9 Sep, 2008
Oh how sweet!! And how lovely is the garden too, very nice!
12 Sep, 2008
Thanks, Eveningshade.
You can see the plastic ducks are still standing motionless, not moving at all.
Very obedient. LOL
12 Sep, 2008
Wow! This is one of the most beautifully colo defined Shelties I have ever seen. Very cute face.
13 Sep, 2008
Thanks, Skippy5869.
The British Shelties are a bit finer-boned than the American ones. Conker is tri-colour. I chose him from a litter of five puppies,and he had the best colours. He is on the next photo, pushing his vacuum cleaner, so you can see his coat more from the side in that one.
13 Sep, 2008
Aww, what a cutie! Pretty flowers too! : )
14 Sep, 2008
Hi, Charlieb.
Conker went to a dog show today, and performed his new gardening routine, complete with his mower especially imported from the USA. ( Yes, honestly - John Deere 'real sounds' mower, sent from Colorado. It's fantastic !)
He won first prize with a lovely trophy and rosette. He would rather have won dog biscuits. LOL. I'm so pleased you like Conker and his garden.
14 Sep, 2008
congratulations to Conker!How many hours do you have to train him?Harvey could do with some obedience training but the local group meet on Thurs and I dont get home until after 6 from work.
Do you have a pic of him with mower and rosette?
14 Sep, 2008
Alright! Way to go Conker!!! Gee, my dogs helps in the garden, but only in the manner of chasing rabbits and deer when he sees them. lol : )
15 Sep, 2008
Charlieb ~
Conker was looking for a picture of Jack on your photos.
Is he hiding in the undergrowth ? lol :o)
15 Sep, 2008
Arlene ~
I train Conker at home, and also Bonsai the Welsh Terrier, seen pushing the toy wheelbarrow on my avatar here.
Not at group lessons.
Maybe about 20 minutes per day.
It's our 'playtime' together, in the garden or indoors.
Might try to take photo of toy mower in garden this week.
15 Sep, 2008
Terratoonie, I just uploaded a photo of him. : )
15 Sep, 2008
I've just taken a look at the photo of Jack.
What a handsome dog !
15 Sep, 2008
The garden is gorgeous. Your Sheltie is so handsome. Not so sure about the terrier - he looks a bit stiff and "standoffish" - !!
28 Sep, 2008
Magnoliatree ~ Thanks for your comments
While writing this, there is a REAL robin perched on the right-hand plastic duck. Never a camera handy at the right moment!
You've definitely worked out which is the real dog ! :o)
28 Sep, 2008
I have such a soft spot for shelties and collies! Conkers is so handsome! my Mandy has a collie coat...but alas ...her breed is far from purely anything...she absolutely HATES I feel like a meany when I must brush...and I should teach her some of Bonsai and Conker's skills...vacuuming would be very helpful!
17 Oct, 2008
Hi Lori ~
When it comes to gardening, I guess my dogs and I do about the same amount, but with housework, well I reckon, my dogs clock up more hours than I do - vacuuming, sweeping, tidying. :o)
Maybe you can upload a couple of new photos of Mandy by her favourite plants. That would be nice,.
It's funny about grooming. Conker likes being brushed so much that he is jealous of ANY brush I use. If I use a hand-brush on the mats, he snuggles up close, hoping I might brush him instead. He's even envious when I brush my own hair. Lol
17 Oct, 2008
How I do envy that...Mandy will run a mile if I just say the word "brush"...
24 Oct, 2008
Yes, even if I open the drawer which contains the brush, Conker runs around excitedly in circles, and then jumps on the pouffe-style footstool where his grooming always starts with his neck being brushed. :o)
24 Oct, 2008
Who trotted over to who? I think one is a fake!
4 Dec, 2008
Yes Rob ~
One is a fake.
But which one ???
And are some of those ducklings real ?
I'm sure I just saw one move :o)
4 Dec, 2008
Now you are really messing with my mind. LOL!
5 Dec, 2008
The Wire Fox Terrier model has a history.
It was the sign over the kennels where I bought my first dog as a youngster.
When the kennels closed, I was by chance visiting that area, and was lucky enough to buy the sign. It has stayed with me on my travels ever since. :o)
5 Dec, 2008
That's great when you can hang on to some history and what a great way to remember the happy times. Now about the duck and ducklings? No just kidding I do not need to know. Rob
6 Dec, 2008
I'm going to tell you about the ducks. ha ha.
Are you now sorry you asked. ???
The white duck and 3 babies were actually a discontinued line, so are almost extinct. Very rare. :o)
6 Dec, 2008
Wait, I'm laughing...when I looked at this before, without my new glasses, I had NO idea this wasn't two REAL dogs..only now when I glanced at it again did realize that one of them is fake!!! LOL...that's a good one, TT!
16 Dec, 2008
Poetgardener ~
Pleased you realized that one of the dogs is a fake ~
but which one ? LOL :o)
17 Dec, 2008
what is that made of please terra
11 Feb, 2009
The Wire Fox Terrier model is made of metal. Quite heavy.
It is old. Belonged to the kennels where I bought my first Wire Haired Fox Terrier, and that kennels had been in existence for many years. So the model may be 90 years old. It used to be outdoors at the kennels, but I keep it hidden away safely. I just put the model outside in the garden to take the photo.
11 Feb, 2009
wow your realy lucky i thaught it was a cement mould.thats probably worth a few bob.not that youd sell it.result
12 Feb, 2009
Yes, that's why the model no longer lives outdoors. Lol.
12 Feb, 2009
ofcourse lol
12 Feb, 2009
Just beautiful I like the beautiful dogs you have and lovely garden
23 Feb, 2009
Mohammad ~ thank you :o)
23 Feb, 2009
hows the pup terra ?
24 Feb, 2009
Hi NP ~
Thanks for asking.
He's energetic but enchanting. :o)
24 Feb, 2009
brilliant i cant weight to breed sausage my sharpi.trouble is i got 3 dogs already and can i sell them all i ask myself.
24 Feb, 2009
Might be a good idea to wait.
Due to the recession, lots of dogs are being handed into rescue.
Also, many pedigree breeders have made the decision not to have puppies from their bitches this year, because of worries about not being able to sell the youngsters to suitable homes.
24 Feb, 2009
well handely enough shes only a pup still so i cant and im not greedy.ive got 3 homes already.i do apreciate your advice mind as most people wouldnt think of that.i cant help thinking i wont be able to resist keeping a sucker for a you know people are allways the problem with dogs but fighting dogs or power breeds get a bad name that they dont deserve.they are going to be stronger willed maybe.i wouldnt advise a rotty to a first time dog owner.after all your dealing with a dangerous bit of staffy/american bulldog looks just like a pit bull and is built like one but a sweeter natured dog ive never had.when i bread her with an old time bulldog i wanted a puppy for me and good homes.i advertised them for £250 to keep the idiots away.i only actualy sold one for that.the last 2 i sold for £50 each but they all got great homes and though my pup died i got what i wanted including merkin being spayed and i know all the puppies are well loved as i see them all.bye for now terra take care and thanx again
24 Feb, 2009
youre garden is very beautiful,for you dog i dont now what to say...just beautiful
16 Jul, 2009
Hi Mihaella ~
Thank you for your nice comments about my dog and my garden. :o)
16 Jul, 2009
I just came accros this photo. I don't ever remember seeing it but I must have done so because I've put a 'like' on it. I really don't remember it. It is a beautiful pic TT. I assume it'sin your garden.
7 Aug, 2009
Hello Hywel ~
Seems amazing that I've been on GoY almost a year....
..the picture was one of the first photos I uploaded...
Yes, this is part of my back garden...
I'm pleased you like it.. :o)
8 Aug, 2009
Isn't it a year yet ? I feel as if I've known you for ever lol. I saw the photo very late in the night - I couldn't sleep so I had a look at GoY :o)
8 Aug, 2009
A year on 14th August.... !
GoY is very useful when any of us can't sleep...
... interesting also to be participating in the night hours, when the overseas members are making their comments and uploading their photos.. :o)
8 Aug, 2009
Greenthumb was uploading some this morning about 5.30 but I fell asleep in the chair before he'd done them all lol. I saw the rest after I woke up.
Have a nice week end TT :o) The weather is supposed to be good.
8 Aug, 2009
Thanks, Hywel...
I hope you have good weather in
8 Aug, 2009
Hmmm, Tt. Of course, I spotted the real dog ages ago! Am now looking at that border in the background, the raised bed, and really like it!!! :-))
22 Nov, 2009
Thanks, David.
Seems ages ago I built this raised bed... but I was pleased with the result, and I still enjoy the plants in it. :o)
22 Nov, 2009
Do you still have that foxterrier? I love foxterriers. I had one. She was my honey. Unfortunately one guy shot her in front of my eyes.
29 Apr, 2012
I have the Wire Fox Terrier model, Kat ..
.. but Truffle is a Smooth Fox Terrier.
Wire Fox Terriers and Welsh Terriers have a special place in my life :o)))
29 Apr, 2012 my too :) They are very rare now, they were replaced by jack russels.
29 Apr, 2012
Pictures by terratoonie
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Featured on: dogs in the garden building raised beds aubrieta bricks walls
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Lovely photo Terratonnie
1 Sep, 2008