EMERGENCY NURSE- Conker the Sheltie
By Terratoonie

19 Oct, 2008
When my Welsh Terrier, Bonsai, had emergency life-saving surgery, Conker helped me to nurse him, telling me if Bonsai was about to lick his stitches, and fetching blankets for Bonsai's bed. Photo here is when convalescence was almost complete.
The operation gave Bonsai another 18 months in tip-top condition - very much quality time. Sad to report that Bonsai then became ill with liver cancer. The vet tried injections to help, and I was able enjoy having Bonsai for a few more precious weeks.
In background : white Antirrhinum.
The comments below were made prior to 21st Nov. 2008 when Bonsai went to doggie heaven. Rest in peace my special boy.
Comments on this photo
Yes, the PAT Dogs are wonderful.
They certainly cheer up people in hospitals and nursing homes.
The charity dog shows we attend in the summer are sometimes in aid of PAT Dogs.
19 Oct, 2008
Lovely photo.We could do with more PAT dogs as I think they do a fantastic job.
Hope your Bonsai is a lot better now
19 Oct, 2008
Tina 2 ~
Yes, thanks.
Bonsai is well, but a bit slower now that he's a veteran ! :o)
I haven't seen your lovely avatar dog on your photos?
19 Oct, 2008
Hi TT I will put some up.We sadly had to let her go over the Rainbow Bridge nearly two years ago and I thought it a nice way to remember her by taking her name for my user name.Tina was already taken so I just added the 2 on the end.
We have to cats as well that we rescued as Tiny kittens but most of them are on photos.I have plenty of them as adult cats though on Digi piccys
19 Oct, 2008
Tina2 ~
So sorry you had to let her go. I can see in the photo that she is elderly.
You have some lovely cat pictures, and would be nice to see Tina also.:o)
19 Oct, 2008
Thats an Amazing Pic TT. Made me giggle...
19 Oct, 2008
Youngdaisydee ~
I'm glad this gave you a giggle.
As Bonsai gets older, Conker still looks after him. :o)
19 Oct, 2008
Being a RN I absolutely LOVE this photo!!!! I would be glad to have Conker on my team anyday!
It is terrible to have a sick pet, poor Chummy has a collapsed trachea, which is treatable but not curable..She can't breathe when she is ill and takes many medications..She is currently fine. Thank God.
Hope Bonsai is doing well, and that Conker is monitoring him!
Maybe I could send Scrunchion to you guys so that Conker could train her in?????
20 Oct, 2008
Hi NN, or should I say RN :o)
Glad to know Chummy is currently fine. We worry so much over our pets.
Bonsai has not been so well again today. Conker is doing his best to help, but Bonsai is an old boy now.
Conker would love to teach Scrunchion some tricks. He plays a toy piano, so they could do a duet together. Any tune you would especially like to hear ? :o)
20 Oct, 2008
Scrunchion is currently doing a song for me as I write, via the toy squeaker....
Chummy is good, respiratory wise ....however, when I arrived home from work this morning "dad" was on the patio-one of the girls had serious "upset" in the porch..
We had a major clean-up on our hands, then had to clean Chummy in the yard! It's on the go...I can deal with this, but when my little canine daughter is collapsing to the floor without breath, I freak!
What is wrong with Bonsai? I hope he will be ok....
20 Oct, 2008
When the above photo was taken about 18 months ago, Bonsai had recovered amazingly from the removal of a tumour which was the size of a large orange and weighing 14oz . His spleen alongside the tumour was also removed.
Surprisingly he'd shown no outward signs of anything wrong. Just collapsed one day. All the tumour had been tucked up inside. The vets did a brilliant job.
Since recovery, he's been wonderfully fit, but now I wonder if more is going wrong inside. I'll just take it a day at a time. Thanks for your kind thoughts.:o)
20 Oct, 2008
Ladybug loves this picture. She had a bout with a small tumor and infected female organs 3 months ago. What a time we had. Happened on a Friday night. No emergency vet facities nearby. She had to wait until Monday for treatment and her kidneys had started to shut down by then. well, she made it but because she is so little, she couldn't afford to lose the pound that she lost. She weighed less than 2 pounds at the time of surgery.
I know Bonsai is geting up in years but I am hoping he has a few good years left.
Conker makes such a lovely nurse.
20 Oct, 2008
Skippy ~
Thanks for your encouraging words - much appreciated. :o)
20 Oct, 2008
Marguerite ~
Thanks. I keep some areas of lawn so that my dogs have space to play and practise their trick routines.
So I sort of built my garden around that area ! :o)
21 Oct, 2008
Here's a happy little story in this time when I'm obviously worrying so much about my precious Bonsai the Welsh Terrier. :o)
This is an example of how Conker the Sheltie helps with Bonsai ~
In the kitchen I prepare a drink for both dogs in two plastic dishes on the worktop. Conker is nearby watching. Bonsai is asleep in his bed in the studio nearby. Conker, with no instruction from me, goes out of the kitchen, gently tugs at the blanket edge of Bonsai's bed, just enough to wake him and indicate, there are 'goodies' on offer in the kitchen. He gently escorts Bonsai back into the kitchen.
When both dogs have finished their drinks. Conker picks up his own plastic dish, stacks it inside Bonsai's dish and then brings both dishes back to me, and does a 'beg' holding both stacked dishes in his mouth.
How lucky I am to have these special dogs. :o)
22 Oct, 2008
TT what a lovely story.It just goes to show how inteligent our faithful friends are....
It sounded quiet nasty what Bonsai had and it must have been such a worry for you all.Isn't marvelous though what the vets can do with their skilful hands.I am glad that Bonsai has made a full recovery and can see what a kind and loving owner you are to both of your dogs.
22 Oct, 2008
Tina2 ~
Thanks. Yes it was fantastic that Bonsai made such a good recovery. So we had a wonderful 18 months of 'extra time'. Now he has liver cancer, but, once again, the vets are doing their best to help.
Compared to years ago, we're lucky there are so many new treatments available to help our pets. :o)
22 Oct, 2008
~ Conker is a gem TT-love to all!
22 Oct, 2008
AAAAAAAAAAAAwwwwwwwwwww TT how clever of Conker :) I cant imagine Summer bringing her Dinner Plate back2me lol :)Maybe i should borrow your Conker for ashort while so he can teach her 2 :)
23 Oct, 2008
Hi Jacque ~
Do you think Conker should organise dog training classes ?
Special discount rates for GoY members. :o)
I'm just back from Bonsai's check up at the vets. Good news is that the treatment seems to be working and he is stronger today.:o)
He has liver cancer, so his days are numbered, but it seems the vet can do quite a lot to perk him up, at least for while. In fact today Bonsai brought me his own dish and did a very wobbly beg to offer it to me. So he's not going to let Conker do all the tricks! :o)
23 Oct, 2008
Hi TT glad to hear of your good news and it looks like all our paryers and positve thoughts are working.
We had an elderly cat that was diagnosed with Intestinal cancer and would never have survived any operation to get rid of it.She was put onto steroids which slowed down the rate of the cancer and she lived for another eighteen months before it got to the stage where she couldn't go on much longer.She had a stroke in the end and so after a flying visit to the vets and a good examination it was decided to let her go.She was 21 1/2 so had had a good life.
Think positive and don't give up,enjoy every day that you can with Bonsai and hopefully you will spend a lot more time together to enjoy his tricks and the love that you can both give each other.
23 Oct, 2008
Tina2 ~
Thanks for your messages both on the comments and privately.
These are a great help to me. Thank you.
I'll continue to give reports on Bonsai's progress on this thread here.
23 Oct, 2008
So cute brought a smile to my face.
23 Oct, 2008
Scotkat ~
I'm glad you like the photo.
I actually made that nurse's hat for Conker.
You make such lovely hats, that I thought you'd like to know that!
Both my dogs really love dressing up.
They elbow each other out of the way to be first to try on anything! :o)
23 Oct, 2008
Its great that Bonsai is still elbowing in to give his own dish after supper TT :) it makes me smile every time i read this Blog with the little Antics they get up2&how they behave 2gether is so wonderful they sound like a pair of Well Behaved Kids lol :D
23 Oct, 2008
Jacque ~
This morning at the vets Bonsai was given (well, charged a fortune) for a vitamin and mineral supplement which should help him cope.
I looked up this supplement on the internet and was rather surprised to find that it is most usually prescribed for foals and horses!
Bonsai is fast asleep right now ~
Maybe dreaming of winning the Grand National. Lol. :o)
23 Oct, 2008
~go BONSAI!~
23 Oct, 2008
Bless his little canine heart...
Lots of high pitched barks and wet sloppy kisses from chummy and scrunchion!!!
23 Oct, 2008
Thanks. NN. ~
Bonsai wants to know if he can run in the the 3.30 horse race at Newmarket.
Chummy and Scrunchion ~
you know which 'horse' to put your money on !
Arlene ~ collected your winnings from the earlier race ?
23 Oct, 2008
~ i'm thrilled that he is still himself as I think the more you let him do normally including telling him he is fabulous all the time the more his spirit and will to live will strengthen- they just lap up praise and love!I'm sure we kept Mags going by joint willpower!His and ours!
will be putting my money on him!
23 Oct, 2008
Precious photo Terratoonie :) Sorry to hear of Bonsai's illness. I recently found out that my dog, Rexi is going completely blind. Poor girl. I feel very sorry for her. The vet said that she's an extremely happy dog and seems to be adapting well. Our pets, they're family and it's very sad when they're not doing well. Sounds like your pets are well taken care on loved emencly, that's all we can do. Warm thoughts and wishes to your family from ours :)
24 Oct, 2008
I'm pleased to report that Bonsai had a very comfortable night. He slept on a huge new luxury pillow ~ a gift from a friend.:o)
Tasteyg ~ Thanks for your kind words. Rexi sounds a lovely girl. It's so sad when dogs go blind. Bonsai's sight has also deteriorated lately and I'm following the advice to keep all furniture etc. in its usual place, because dogs then don't continually walk into objects. Special caution when opening doors, so that dogs aren't knocked in the face.
Arlene ~ You're right that willpower can do so much , whether helping an old person or an elderly dog to keep up their enthusiasm!
And such support I'm getting from Conker the Sheltie. He's alerting me every time Bonsai needs to go outside into the dog run section of the garden. :o)
24 Oct, 2008
Its weird how some Medicines are used for other animals TT ! The Med my Summer was on for 5yrs was ment 4 Pigs? She no longer needs it which made me smile when i was told that :)
24 Oct, 2008
Medicine meant for PIGS ? Wow.
If it worked, that's all that matters.
I'm glad Summer doesn't need that any more.
Her woof, woof might have become oink, oink ! :o)
24 Oct, 2008
LOL i wondering if thats why she likes to roll in Worm casts TT 2 get all Muddy lol,She was only ment2be on that Med for 6months @most TT! & when i chaged Vets they took her off it ? so i dont know if it even helped her as shes no different 2 how she was when on the stuff? Makes me wonder if some vets just rip us off ? :/ Ur lucky TT2have such a good vet looking after Bonsai :)
24 Oct, 2008
Sounds like Summer needs some wellies for that mud.
She can enter the GoY canine Wellie Olympics.:o)
Yes I am lucky. Anthony is a super vet.
The practice has several branches.
The local sub-branch is very near my home ~
a real plus-point when I was choosing my house -
plus the fact that the garden suits my dogs !
24 Oct, 2008
Lovely dogs, cute picture with bittersweet story.
25 Oct, 2008
Lovetrees ~
Thanks. The tonic supplement prescribed by the vet is definitely giving Bonsai a bit more strength. Even at his weakest he hadn't lost his appetite, and he is eating well. ~ always a good sign. :o)
25 Oct, 2008
Hi Terratoonie - I've been off line for several days so have just caught up with Bonsai's story. Fingers crossed for him - he couldn't be in better hands (and paws!)
28 Oct, 2008
Hi Gee19 ~
Thought I hadn't seen any of your news lately.
Being without internet has a name: WING.
Without Internet - Need GoY ! :o)
Thanks so much for your messages about Bonsai. His appetite has come back so well that he is quite miffed about all his meals being an 'hour late' due to the clocks going back. :o)
No idea how long the vet's magic medicine can keep Bonsai so much better, but every day is a bonus.
On the next photo, you can see Bonsai holding the Welsh flags. Celebration of his 13th birthday last Sunday. :o)
28 Oct, 2008
TT, I've been reading all your recent comments about Bonsai and I'm so glad for you and Conker that he seems to be in good spirits and eating the hind leg off a donkey (WHY do they say that ???). Like you say, each good day is a bonus - a big hug
28 Oct, 2008
Thanks, Terry 60.
Yes, he is responding to treatment better than expected.
As mentioned above, reached his 13th birthday last Sunday, so I uploaded the Welsh flags photo in celebration !
28 Oct, 2008
Hi TT Bonsia sounds like he so much THESE DAYS :) Fingers crossed itl give u&Bonsia more than just 2wks as Vet Suggested ?:) XXX
28 Oct, 2008
Thanks Jacque ~
Yes, Bonsai has been pestering me for food all day !
After clocks go back, does Summer expect all her meals an hour early?
All being well, Bonsai has a check-up at the vet next week, so let's hope he gets a good report.
I really appreciate everyone's support in all this.
I worry about him so much. xxx
28 Oct, 2008
My Dear TT id be the same if i didnt know how much time i had left with My Summer :( Remember me telling u the Vets Z she`d only live to the age of 6yrs she`l be 9 End Dec !!! I take every day as it comes & be as normal as poss just like your doing TT:) ur doing what every Pet/Animal Lover would do :) XXX
28 Oct, 2008
Jacque ~
Thanks. And I like your new avatar photo. :o)
28 Oct, 2008
Thanx TT its last 1 now until new yr :)
28 Oct, 2008
~ my dogs are not in tune with the clocks changing~ it takes a while to adjust!~
They let you know when they are hungry!
Pleased Bonsai is doing well!~
28 Oct, 2008
In the autumn when clocks go BACK, my dogs don't like having to wait an hour for their meals ~
In the spring when clocks go FORWARD, my dogs never say, sorry, I'm not hungry yet, you're feeding me an hour too early. :o)
Yes, Bonsai perkier due to vet's medicine thanks. :o)
28 Oct, 2008
LOL Terratoonie!!!! It seems your dogs have an easier natural clock set than yours... hehehehe
29 Oct, 2008
Aleyna ~
Do clocks get altered in Brazil ?
You are so right.
It always takes me weeks to adjust to the hour change. :o)
29 Oct, 2008
My very best wishes Dave,
29 Oct, 2008
Dave ~
Thank you.
Bonsai enjoyed his 13th birthday.
That's why I uploaded the next photo with his Welsh flags.
Fingers crossed his improvement will continue for many more days.:o)
29 Oct, 2008
well what a fab site,every photo is a star photo,it was wonderful of you to share these photos,i think they may be humans in disguise.
29 Oct, 2008
Hello Lightdiane . Thank you.
Must admit nearly all my garden photos feature dogs. Lol.
Glad you like them.
I've commented on some of your pictures in the past, but realise there might be some feline ones I've missed, so I'll check those out later ! :o)
29 Oct, 2008
You bet Terratooine, right now its summer saving lights time, and I have to wake up at 5am (4am natural light) to come to my office...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
The only reward its the birds singing :o) they dont mind the clocks!
30 Oct, 2008
Wow - Aleyna ~
You're certainly "up with the birds".....
or maybe even before the birds. Lol
30 Oct, 2008
hey TT, sorry to hear about bonsai, hope he is doing well. glad to se he has a lil nurse at hand to help xx
8 Nov, 2008
Thanks Valandra ~
Bonsai's story carries over to the next photo where he is holding his Welsh flags. Looks like I'll have him for some more precious days yet. Your new puppy is beautiful. I wish you so much happiness with her. :o)
8 Nov, 2008
soooooooo sorry......enjoy the time you have and then treasure the memories
15 Nov, 2008
Thanks ~
You are so right.
We are treasuring every moment together.
I appreciate your kind thoughts. :o)
15 Nov, 2008
On 21st November 2008, Bonsai went to doggie heaven.
Rest in peace my wonderful Welsh Terrier. xxx
23 Nov, 2008
great picture great costume!
16 Jan, 2009
1cycling ~
Thank you. Conker loves to dress up :o)
I was recently sorting some of my deceased mother's clothes for a bazaar, and Conker thought it was fancy dress time, and insisted he should try on a few hats etc. :o)
17 Jan, 2009
i think i will use a curly coated fox terrier like yours for my giant dog i think that will work best
11 Feb, 2009
Hi NP ~
Have you seen my photo of Conker the Sheltie in front of my raised bed, entitled CAN YOU SPOT THE REAL DOG ?
That has a model of a Wire Haired Fox Terrier. I would love it if you copied that model to make your giant dog !
What do you think ? Make a comment under that photo, so that I know you've found it. :o)
11 Feb, 2009
no ill look i realy want a dog cocking his leg with a pump and it will be wear the dogs drink lol.ill have a look though it will inspire me thanx anyway terra
11 Feb, 2009
I hope you will show us progress of the project with photos. :o)
11 Feb, 2009
what do you think.i know you havent known me long.it will be one of the first places i put them terra
11 Feb, 2009
That's good.
I'll enjoy those photos :o)
11 Feb, 2009
cool ill probably get you to send me some pictures if thats ok.ill send you a tiger print for your trouble.i drew it . with drawing i can make the picture look just like your actual dog.with sculpture it will just look like the breed.i should think it would take training and hundreds of hours to do that.with drawing i am a perfectionist.with sculpture i like to just let my brain go wild.a lot of my pottery starts of being one thing and become something completly different.a bit like jeckyl and hyde lol
12 Feb, 2009
If pictures of Wire Fox Terriers would help you make the fountain, I can send you those when the weather warms up and you're ready to start.
It is understandable that with the sculpture, you are likely to make it more of a 'cartoon'.. Sorry it that's the wrong word, but you know what I mean. Lol.
12 Feb, 2009
yes just the feal of a dog though the hair on his chin,colour and short tail will convince your mind it is a fox terrier.im gonna give it my best shot.i know what you mean.im gonna let my mind loose and do it quite quickly.it would take apserlutly ages to make it spot on.i dont want to do that.i do that with my drawing thats enough.your model is cartoon like compared to a real dog if you know what i mean lol
12 Feb, 2009
Yes. Wirehaired Fox Terrier is ideal for making into a model for your garden fountain.
You know you need the moustache, eyebrows and furry legs. Lol.
Tails are not now docked, so to be up-to-date, make the tail just a bit longer than on the Fox Terrier model in my other photo.
12 Feb, 2009
ow it will look fairly real.it would scare you if you were a burgler lol.im gonna make it 6` tall lol
i mean it
12 Feb, 2009
Your garden fountain is sure to be something special.
Will it be a mixture of metal, stone and pottery ?
13 Feb, 2009
it will be concrete wire and any rubbish i can though in the dogs cavity to keep it fairly light
13 Feb, 2009
I'm really looking forward to seeing photos of each stage of the construction.
Just let me know when you would like some drawings/silhouette pictures etc.
Springtime ?
13 Feb, 2009
ofcourse no problem if your close enough to thetford you could come have a look
13 Feb, 2009
love this pic x
16 Feb, 2009
very good
16 Feb, 2009
Thanks Nita and NP ~
Conker is a very good little nurse :o)
17 Feb, 2009
your welcome terra
17 Feb, 2009
This is a very interesting , you have lovely dog smart
3 Aug, 2009
Pictures by terratoonie
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Just the sort of nurse I would like. I worked in a hospital for 17 years (but not in nursing) although I never saw one like this unfortunately. Saw a few 'pat dogs' though and they were doing a great job.
19 Oct, 2008