Robin calling for Benny
By Bonkersbon

31 Jan, 2009
Heres hoping he ll soon be back in your garden , Eileen.
Comments on this photo
Keep thinking of Benny cos you so fond of him , Eileen.Hopefully he ll show up - you still seeing your other robin ?
31 Jan, 2009
aye BB, the other robin was here this morning along with the blackbirds for their brekkie
31 Jan, 2009
We have a pair but cant photo together - we all love them but this weather really harsh on them . Read in the paper someone found a huge amount of wrens all huddled up together in one nest roost.Lets hope Benny looking for nest sites.
31 Jan, 2009
well i think everyone on this site are doing all they can to look after the birds and other wildlife which is great. i have plenty of sunflower seeds, suet balls, wildbird seed in for next week just a pity the kids will go hungry lol
31 Jan, 2009
Oooh know the feeling our larder permanently empty with this lot here,Eileen ! Sure the kids will understand - mine used to prefer takeaways to my cooking anyway !
31 Jan, 2009
lol same here. they thought for a while that the local chippy actually was our kitchen
31 Jan, 2009
what a lovely photo BB , we have had a pair of Robins in our garden I can,t go out of the door without frightening them off to take a pic.
I do hope Benny comes back Eileen , we are worried , Charlie the pheasant keeps calling for a mate , he had one last year we don,t know what became of her ... he looks so lonely :o(
31 Jan, 2009
Tried to get pic of our too but they perch about three yards from each other usually,and cant get both in view.One has a full redbreast,the other half ! Will keep trying lol
31 Jan, 2009
Lovely picture! wish someone would tell me how to step into the garden without all the birds flying away,get lots of different species but no pictures, just have to keep trying!
1 Feb, 2009
Same problem here Pp .We have a small table and chair by back door,and usually if sit still long enough they come back...but NOT in this weather...too cold to sit out ! Sure youll get lots of photos soon !
1 Feb, 2009
Funny how some robins are tamer than others ? One sometimes appears when I am right in the corner of our field, away from the garden, on the edge of the countryside. He sits chirping away, closeby and I wonder why he is so tame.
1 Feb, 2009
he is staking out his territory Dawn,by singing so loudly..and trying to attract a mate. maybe will nest in your garden ?
1 Feb, 2009
I hope so BB, we had one nest in a shed a few years ago, think they got in through a broken glass window - so cute, they learnt to fly in the shed before they went. Still need some robin nest boxes to be built .... got my sleepers by the pond though for the dragon flies,
1 Feb, 2009
Tell John well done..bless him..hes really coming up trumps !¬
1 Feb, 2009
Excellent photo bonkers, looks like he's been taking posing lessons from Cyril, very professional stance !
3 Feb, 2009
Flc....that branch is normally where Cyril poses..if he wasnt busy with other things !!
3 Feb, 2009
So glad Robin decided to step up and fill in for Cyril, make sure and give him an extra treat for doing such a fine job of
5 Feb, 2009
Only realised today that Benny was still missing.
I've suggested he's gone to find a lady friend and then will return with her to make baby robins.
5 Feb, 2009
Hope so TT...Eileens missing him......
5 Feb, 2009
Hi Flc,,we just want Benny to come home for Eileen..our robin calling for him !!
5 Feb, 2009
aw thanks BB , if Benny comes back you will hear me all the way from Ireland lol
5 Feb, 2009
Know how much he meant to you and become like a little friend - we shouldnt get so attached but look at the response a robin pic generates .
We all have a special regard for them - always love the way they sit and wait for worms when digging a true gardeners friend .x
5 Feb, 2009
aye BB they really are a gardeners friend
5 Feb, 2009
Sad Eileen I know my bird book says the robin one of our shortest living birds with an average life span of less than 2 years aww .
5 Feb, 2009
no long at all is it , maybe benny's time was up and the new one will get as tame as benny was
5 Feb, 2009
The good news Eileen is they are quite productive and often have 2 broods a year - so even in harsh weather which takes a toll quickly recover numbers.Brilliant idea to put those mealworms in a pot and stop those greedy starlings - we put them in rocks and crevices around the pond and robin and wagtail get them.
5 Feb, 2009
Fabulous, it is always a joy to see those happy little birds, harbinger on good things to come.
7 Feb, 2009
Thanks Doon...funny how we all love robins...lotts of GoYers seem to have one lol
7 Feb, 2009
Lovely photo, bonkersbon. Such a typical stance, and I love the contrast with the branch and the background. We miss seeing these birds - our American robin is very different.
10 Feb, 2009
Thanks Elke...Catfinch posted a pic of the American robin not long back...bigger than ours,but at least has a red breast !
10 Feb, 2009
Oh he's beautiful, great photo
11 Feb, 2009
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aww BB thanks. thats a beautiful photo xx
31 Jan, 2009