Truffle and Conker.
By Terratoonie

13 Mar, 2009
Truffle, my Smooth Fox Terrier puppy and
Conker, my Shetland Sheepdog.
Which one is mischievous ? :o)
Comments on this photo
Hi Aster.
One is not so innocent ;o)
13 Mar, 2009
Bet you love it just the same
13 Mar, 2009
Yes, Marann, you're right. :o)
13 Mar, 2009
aww lovely photo TT
13 Mar, 2009
Thanks, Eileen.
They do get on well together. :o)
13 Mar, 2009
Oh, they're so beautiful, TT, you have a special pair there......Finn sends them both a Woof...that expression of Truffles is just like Finns...Lol "It wasn't me Mum....honest"!
13 Mar, 2009
O My Goodness TT how Truffle has Grown!! :) They look so Happy&Content Together :)
13 Mar, 2009
Janey, I know what you mean.
It's like they just can't help being naughty....
Jacque ~ You're right.
They aren't tiny puppies for long.
Conker and Truffle love to cuddle up together,
but there's getting less and less room in one dog bed. Lol. :o)
13 Mar, 2009
Well done TT gorgeous pic ,love it
13 Mar, 2009
Hello Deida ~
Wags and woofs to Percy xxx
13 Mar, 2009
~ah TT gone on favourites!what a lovely pair!Truffle is growing like mad~baby bio?
13 Mar, 2009
A wonderful picture of two totally innocent dogs. They are beautiful and if ever they need a home..........
13 Mar, 2009
Hi Arlene ~
Not Baby Bio for Truffle,
but goat's milk.... which seems to be making him leap around rather a lot. Lol.
Hello Toto ~
Truffle has been testing my patience today.
I'm lucky that Conker is very good with him.
I'll tell Truffle about your offer......... :o)
13 Mar, 2009
OOOh TT what a beautiful photo...........
13 Mar, 2009
Hi Milky ~
Thank you. :o)
13 Mar, 2009
They are so gorgeous together TT , you couldn,t have a better companion for Conker they look so sweet together , Truffle trouble No ... I can,t believe that innocent little face could be a mischievous imp.. lol ..
Gone to my favourites .....
13 Mar, 2009
Oh TT what a pair of cuties, Truffle,s has grown so much in the last few weeks ,I cant see this little cutie being any trouble , he looks so sweet and innocent lol :)
13 Mar, 2009
Oh, Amy and Janette ~
Truffle has spent all day being Trouble with a capital "T". Lol.
Conker is soooo patient.
He brings Truffle toys to play with.
They enjoy string toy games together, and Conker drags Truffle around the carpet.
They look like when John Sergeant danced the paso doble and pulled Kristina Rihanoff across the floor. Lol.
13 Mar, 2009
Who can resist those eyes....
13 Mar, 2009
LOL ...........
I would love to see them TT , I hope you have been videoing these precious moments to watch when they are older :o)
PS I never did watch the dancing .. but I can imagine !
13 Mar, 2009
Hi Gail ~
Mischievous eyes and angelic eyes. Lol.
13 Mar, 2009
Amy ~ I don't have video, but I've taken lots of photos.
Truffle grows so fast, that I have to take pictures almost every day, so as not so miss anything. :o)
13 Mar, 2009
LOL I did watch the dancing TT .... :)
13 Mar, 2009
Janette ~
For Conker's dancing ~ paso doble dragging Truffle style ~ Craig Revel Horwood would surely award ten out of ten. Lol.
13 Mar, 2009
Ten out of ten ,well that must have been a sight to see, Well done Conker and Truffles the dancing dogs lol.....
13 Mar, 2009
Aw, look at these guys, beautiful! It's on my favorites!
14 Mar, 2009
Hi Weeds ~
Truffle and Conker are honoured to be on your favourites next to wonderful Big Larry. :o)
14 Mar, 2009
That's a lovely photo TT :o)
I can tell which one is mischievous. lol
Blodyn sends a Prrrrrr and a miaw to you all.
14 Mar, 2009
Hello Hywel ~
I'm pleased you like the photo.
Yes, one of these two gets even more mischievous as he grows bigger.
Woofs to Blodyn. :o)
14 Mar, 2009
I'm sure you wouldn't want him to be any different TT :o)
I've put it on my fav page. I like the look in Truffle's eyes.
14 Mar, 2009
That look in Truffle's eyes is saying ~
"What can I do next that's naughty" Lol
14 Mar, 2009
Yes. And he's going to do it whether you like it or not. lol
14 Mar, 2009
What a good thing I have Conker to help me look after Truffle. :o)
14 Mar, 2009
Does Conker feel as exhausted as you TT ? He looks as if he's saying ' Don't worry, I have everything under controll '
14 Mar, 2009
Sometimes I say to Conker ~ "Okay, you take over for a while. I'm cream-crackered." Lol.
14 Mar, 2009
14 Mar, 2009
lovely photo truffle has a great look of i no i did it but please dont blame me
14 Mar, 2009
Lovely photo TT...........
14 Mar, 2009
Zandra ~
You've got it right. :o)
Holly ~ thanks.
14 Mar, 2009
Awwww......great photo of the two "angels". They seem to enjoy being together. The look on Truffle's face is priceless...."Who Me???"
14 Mar, 2009
Hi Gilli ~
Truffle is well-practised at acting
'Not guilty' Lol.
14 Mar, 2009
Ohhhhhhhhhh Terra what a brilliant photo, can't believe either of them are mischievous especially the little Fox Terrier he looks far too inocent! so much so They are both going on my favourites.
14 Mar, 2009
Hello Pansypotter ~
Conker and Truffle love cuddling up together.
If the puppy is naughty, it's hard to be cross when he puts on that cute expression. Lol
14 Mar, 2009
I think Truffle will be top banana soon, he has that look in his eye.
14 Mar, 2009
Hi Ams ~
Truffle already thinks he is top banana. :o)
But as yet, nobody has told that news to Conker, or to Crocus the budgie.
You know how these birds are about the pecking order. Lol.
14 Mar, 2009
You've taken a really lovely photo there, TT, one to treasure. They both look as gorgeous as each other and butter wouldn't melt in their mouth.
14 Mar, 2009
Hello Gee ~
How is Chloe ?
Glad you like this pic.of Conker and his new friend. :o)
14 Mar, 2009
I hope Truffle’s manner is a sign of intelligence, it would be worse if he was aggressive.
14 Mar, 2009
Good point there, Ams.
Truffle's parents and relatives are all happy and good-natured, so he should be fine, especially having Conker as a role model.
14 Mar, 2009
Oh my goodness, how truffle has grown. they look so happy together there TT. I see you have already said how well they get on, that is lovely. Makes for a happy home.
14 Mar, 2009
Hello Pottygardener ~
Yes, I'm hoping Conker will teach Truffle lots of good habits. Lol.
Truffle has grown so fast ! :o)
14 Mar, 2009
Is Conker keeping an eye on you Truffle. It's so difficult to get up to mischief isn't it? Very nice picture.
15 Mar, 2009
Thanks, Paul. :o)
The dogs have just had their first full day together in the garden dog run ~
watching me while I clipped lawns and trimmed shrubs.
Truffle discovered a whole new world of flying things ~
birds, bees, butterflies....
Now, for a short while only, he's far too tired to get up to mischief.... Lol.
15 Mar, 2009
I had a day off grass and shrub cutting today (Well I did a little when we got home) Julie and i visited an open garden event at a horticultural college about 25 miles away. Lovely weather and lots of photos (as usual)
15 Mar, 2009
I've already had a look at your photos.
A good set of pictures :o)
15 Mar, 2009
No one seems to have looked at the Bee on the grasses yet and I was quite pleased with myself on that one. They usually move before I get my snap!!!!
15 Mar, 2009
Check out your arch picture. Lol.
You're getting so clever you can answer comments before they've been written. I'll go find your bee. :o)
15 Mar, 2009
Lovely cute piccy, they look so angelic, bet they keep you on your toes :-)
15 Mar, 2009
Hello Lynne ~ Thanks.
How are your chickens ?
Truffle is certainly a handful at times, but is fitting well into the household. :o)
15 Mar, 2009
LOL..what a pair of happy me laugh right out
16 Mar, 2009
Aw they are such a good looking pair Terra, what a lovely photo
16 Mar, 2009
Hi Catfinch and Sewingkilla ~
Thanks for your kind words.
Conker and Truffle send woofs and wags to you both :o)
16 Mar, 2009
Your boys are certainly handsome!
My girls would love to play with them..I think Scrunchion and Truffle would make great friends, getting up to no good. I think Truffle looks a bit like Scrunchion, except for the color.
Gives them hugs from me.
16 Mar, 2009
NN ~
Hello to your pretty girls. :o)
Can you imagine Scrunchion and Truffle together ? Scrunch would teach Truffle naughty games. Conker and Chummy would look on like doting parents. Lol.
17 Mar, 2009
Aww such a cute pair, lovely shot, TT, gone to my favourites:-)
17 Mar, 2009
Hi Panther ~
Conker and Truffle send greetings and wags to Fiji from England. :o)
17 Mar, 2009
;-) Tt.
18 Mar, 2009
Stunning pair, Tt! great colouring, and names :-)
19 Mar, 2009
Thanks, David :o)
19 Mar, 2009
Lovely pair together TT,and they fit perfectly into their doggy bed ...
19 Mar, 2009
Hi Tina2 ~
My dogs have many dog-beds around the house, but Truffle likes to get in with Conker and cuddle up. Lol. :o)
19 Mar, 2009
It's fantastic that they get on so well. What a great bond they will have between them.
20 Mar, 2009
Hi Toto ~
Yes,the dogs get on well, and I love the contrasts between the two.
Yesterday I walked Conker around a garden centre, and bought some rockery plants. Conker was quiet and reserved and very well behaved.
Then I went in with Truffle ! He was sooooo excited ! I couldn't manage to buy anything when coping with the puppy, but all the staff and shoppers fussed over him, and he loved everyone ! It's lucky that most garden centres allow dogs to accompany their owners. So few shops and stores accept dogs these days.
20 Mar, 2009
They are true loveees....Is Truffle a puppy? Is he new???
24 Mar, 2009
Hello Poetgardener ~
I hope your dogs are well.
Yes. Truffle is my new puppy.
On previous photos you can see when he was smaller.
He's growing fast ! :o)
24 Mar, 2009
oh my goodness, TT, Good luck and all love with him. Nothing like a puppy, with that puppy smell, just like babies. We just found pictures of Odie as a pup, and it's hard to believe he was ever that little.
Popie and Odie send their hello to you and Conker and Truffle!!
29 Mar, 2009
Hi Poetgardener ~
Yes, puppies grow so fast. We have to take photos while they are tiny !
Woofs and hugs to Popie and Odie from Conker, Truffle ~ and tweets from Crocus the budgie ! :o)
29 Mar, 2009
i bet you just love them to bits TT
7 Apr, 2009
Hi Mary ~
Yes, these two are great company.
I love them both lots and lots. :o)
I hope you are well.
How is Molly getting on ? .xxx
7 Apr, 2009
hi TT Molly and Ben are fine Molly just loves the wide open Fields she can run till she drops but she never dose we have to watch her weight cos she has got quit big
8 Apr, 2009
Mary, I'm so pleased to hear Molly and Ben are getting on well together.
With the milder weather, Molly will be able to run off any excess weight ! :o)
8 Apr, 2009
You have to enjoy your dogs while you can,whatever they get up to.The last two years is the longest period of time that my wife and I have not had a dog,that includes the years before we were married,45 years ago.We cant face the upset of losing another one,its like losing a dear member of the family ( well they aren't they)
13 Apr, 2009
Hello Hameryllis ~
The quote which so often comes to mind.. "The only thing wrong with our pets is that their lives are too short" ..
"Bonsai", my Welsh Terrier died last autumn ~ you can see him on my photos ~ and I'm still adjusting to losing him.
A lovely quiet sunny day in my gardens with Conker and Truffle is one of my favourite things to do. Yes, our dogs are members of the family, and I understand the pain you went through losing your last dog. But, the rescue kennels are full of older animals. One there would be so grateful to spend the rest of its life with loving, responsible owners such as yourselves....
16 Apr, 2009
Ah, they both have cute puppy faces...No one would believe that Conker is not a puppy also, based on looks
20 Apr, 2009
Thank you Skippy.
I'll tell Conker and Truffle you think they're cute :o)
20 Apr, 2009
Picture perfect. I bet they are both just a little mischievous???
20 May, 2009
Oh, yes......
But Truffle is by far the most mischievous... Lol..
20 May, 2009
They are sooooo Cute
20 May, 2009
Hi Morgana....
Thank you. :o)
Truffle is a bit gummy this week... lots of puppy teeth falling out like hailstones. Lol.
21 May, 2009
HI TT, On "holiday" and showing my friend the pictures of your sweet boys...She agrees that they are SOOOOOOO cute! Hope all is going ok this week..
11 Aug, 2009
Hi Poetgardener and friend ~
Thanks for visiting this pic.
Conker had more chemo today.
Full update on my wagging
11 Aug, 2009
Hadn't noticed this photo of your two dogs till today. They are one happy couple! :)
7 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Balcony...
I'm sure you've worked out which is the mischievous one...Lol. :o)
7 Sep, 2009
truffle looks as if he is saying "oh no not more pics" bet he's grown since this photo! a lovely looking puppy, conker is stunning and looks so content and happy,
1 Feb, 2010
Thanks, Zanda..
Yes, there are some other photos of Truffle on GoY where he is all grown up :o)
1 Feb, 2010
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Beautiful pic TT they look so innocent ;o)
13 Mar, 2009