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Solomon's Seal

Solomon's Seal (Polygonatumn falcatum 'Variegatum')

The variegated one I planted by the new sculpture - it's in flower now.

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very pretty

7 May, 2009


I like the white edge of this. very pretty.

11 May, 2009


These are nice with the cream in the leaf Spritz. One of the large moth caterpillars use to eat the leaves of my solomons seal during the early summer.

12 May, 2009


I have been warned to watch for sawfly... I wouldn't know one if I saw it (HAHA) ...I suppose they eat the edges of the leaves??

12 May, 2009


The caterpillars were huge and a greeny colour I think they had a very fat body and almost stood up one end.

12 May, 2009


Spritzhenry just saw a fly
as it flew by
that old saw fly
He saw the fly
fly on his plant
Oh no it can't
said he as it flew by
that old saw fly.

12 May, 2009


Saw flies, grrrrrr, they will devour the entire leaves if left unchecked. You can remove the grubs by hand - not a pleasant job though :(

12 May, 2009


YIKES!!! I really, really don't want to 'see a sawfly' - or its offspring!

Linda, You'll have to alter the 'he' in your brilliant poem to 'she', please!

12 May, 2009


have you seen the damage their cousins do to gooseberries? i have a bad photo of it on my photo's page.

12 May, 2009


Oh, dear - I am beginning to wonder why I planted these. :-(

13 May, 2009


Sorry Spritz got carried away in the writing...........but I'm back now......
Think positive it will be moth caterpillars and not the sawfly. It was moth caterpillars on mine.

13 May, 2009


Solomon seal, my favourite, being the true one or not, they R fine looking plants. Love it.

13 May, 2009

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This photo is of species Polygonatumn falcatum 'Variegatum'.

This photo is of "Polygonatum falcatum 'Variegatum'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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