2m x 3m Amateur vegetable patch Week 2 update!
By pita
Hi everyone!
I thought I would write a quick update on the 2m x 3m worm fest! I am very excited as the little seeds in the garden are poking their heads through the soil – salad leaves are growing thick and fast and Popeye’s spinach is loving it new home, whilst Granddad Charlie’s Boot-root is coming up fast behind (Sounds like the Grand National – all bets now being taken! hee hee) I have garlic that will be great if it keeps growing at this speed and the flower seeds in the little plastic greenhouse will need to be re-potted to develop on as they are getting ‘leggy!’ (I think that’s the correct technical term!)
I water my pots daily and lovingly put them in the sun and as I look closely at the tray of trailing lobelia wondering why its taken so long to grow, unlike its companions – it suddenly dawns on me…….. “Best I check the packet” – lo and behold, I forgot to plant them! I’ve been lovingly watering a tray of soil! Yes – official mad!
My canes are going up next week as the beans and sweet peas are getting big and will soon need going outside! (they are going in the border! potatoes in the pot!)
Indoor plants are going to be re-potted (as per my new GOY cacti friend’s suggestion!)
Its very exciting! Best I fly as I have a camera to charge ready for my supporting evidence!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Love & virtual hugs – Pita x :D
13 Apr, 2012
More blog posts by pita
Previous post: A new 2m x 3m Amateur vegetable patch + one border & several pots!
Next post: 2m x 3m Amateur vegetable patch Week 4 update!
great blog pita! you obviously have the gardening bug!!
glad to hear its all growing so well, i have trouble with the 'leggy' stage too
loved the bit about watering a tray of soil!!!
13 Apr, 2012
"Ohh no" - don't tell me about frosts! I'll have to go and tuck my little seedlings in under a duvet of fleece! :D
I am a wally watering the tray of soil - I've been lovingly talking to it too! (I saw Prince Charles do that so I thought, "if its good enough for Charlie.......") hee hee
Hope its a sunny weekend!!
:) x
13 Apr, 2012
perhaps he talks to empty trays too!!???
have a good and hopefully warm weekend!!
13 Apr, 2012
Great progress, Pita. Well done :o)
13 Apr, 2012
Well done sounds great.:)
13 Apr, 2012
my goodness you have been busy dear, fancy watering a tray with no seeds in, its about time you put some photo's on here Pita, you must have some from last year so folk can see how talented you are, what you doing in the grand national today, !!!!!!!!
14 Apr, 2012
wearing a hat? or riding?
14 Apr, 2012
ha ha very amusing, I have picked two horses out Sticki, OH put a bet on for me, you doing it,
14 Apr, 2012
no, never have, i would pick on whether i liked their name!!
im too mean to bet! I might not win???!!!
14 Apr, 2012
Lol, sensible lady, I have picked them by name.
14 Apr, 2012
oh dear yorks ~ wrong on two counts ~ i dont think of myself as sensible or a lady.
14 Apr, 2012
Well done Pita, sounds like your doing really well... great blog
14 Apr, 2012
Thanks everyone! I'll get some pics uploaded Yorkshire and Sticki - I'll try hard and not talk to anymore empty trays! hee hee
Have a good one everyone! x
14 Apr, 2012
14 Apr, 2012
Lol Pita Sticki told me to talk to my sulking white Dicentra.... should have seen my kids faces :-)))
14 Apr, 2012
what will your children think of me SL???
14 Apr, 2012
Lol Sticki, my Youngest Jade said are you really going to talk the the plant.... so i did it the next day with her and her face was a picture :-))
14 Apr, 2012
i hope you took a photo!!
14 Apr, 2012
Lol :-)
14 Apr, 2012
Everything's coming along nicely with you.
I hope your cacti will be all right now.
15 Apr, 2012
Hi Pita...welcome to Goy from me......I,ll go and look at your photo,s now
17 Apr, 2012
Hi Pita, welcome to GoY . . . good to know you have a sense of humour - you'll need it on this site, lol!
17 Apr, 2012
you will have a treat in store pam ~ they are wonderful
17 Apr, 2012
Blush, blush ladies! I'll soon look like a 'Little Miss Happy' with all these lovely comments! 8)
17 Apr, 2012
SOS said your making him feel sick with all these lovely comments.
17 Apr, 2012
You are so right Sticki they are incredible. Welldone Pita,
he,s just jealous. Yorkie.....:0)))
17 Apr, 2012
please don't encourage her Pam, she is bad enough now, Lol she knows how much he loves her, in fact she is pretty spoilt,
17 Apr, 2012
I think I deserve to be spoiled actually! ha ha ha ha ha :D
17 Apr, 2012
I keep moving mine around but we've been having very frosty mornings so I'm only thinking about putting them outside, lol, I always chatter to my plants and seedlings, I even swear at them sometimes if they misbehave, if I'm honest I've also watered a few empty trays in my time....
Keep up the good work Pita...
17 Apr, 2012
great blog and you are indeed working hard on your veg plot..looking forward to seeing all the updates through the season..
20 Apr, 2012
Thanks SkipS1 - this gardening hobby becomes an obsession hey? I have to keep going and checking it! :D
20 Apr, 2012
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Well done Pita, you are doing well, just watch out for frost though as I don't think we are done with that yet.
May have to watch those seedlings/ love the thought of you watering a tray of mud !!
13 Apr, 2012