View from the studio
By pixi25
As you may or may not know, I am an artist. The view from my studio window is amazing sometimes, maybe that’s why I dont actually get any painting done!
Thought I would share a few pics to show you my world!
Hmm there were more but they failed to upload? Oh well.
19 Jun, 2011
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Next post: Some students paintings of my garden!
awesome as I love weather type pics too
20 Jun, 2011
Ah yes maybe they were too big..oh well might sort all that out sometimes if I get a busy jsut now!
The only thing that spoils those pics are the flaming telephone wires! grrr!
20 Jun, 2011
Lovely views for miles. That's nice :o)
I have a view of my garden from my pottery workshop (well garage really, but that's what it's used for lol)
20 Jun, 2011
I love those skies, could look at them for ages, there was a lovely sunset here last night, we can't see much sky because of the trees and we have telegraph wires too!
20 Jun, 2011
The sky is so awesome!
20 Jun, 2011
Yep, agree about those nasty wires....sometimes it would be nice to have them all buried underground but I suppose it is a cost issue with most local authorities.
The sky can change so quickly...a rainbow always is such a welcome sight. What kind of paintings do you do, Pixi? There are a few members who enjoy'll have to show us some on a blog :)
If you have a website you could PM me the address....I'd like to have a peek. There are some members who include their website info on their profiles so I think it must be allowed.
20 Jun, 2011
Hi Pixi, I am an artist too and the view from my studio stops work sometimes! I put the pics onto goy a month or so ago!
Wonderful sky there!
20 Jun, 2011
they are spectacular pixi, nice blog.
20 Jun, 2011
Afternoon Pixi, as WLass says its a shame the cables are`nt underground instead of spoiling those great views. As Lulu said she was good enough to share her artistic talents with us, so would love you to do the same.
20 Jun, 2011
Lovely photos Pixi agree with the other comments I am interested in seeing some of your work too:)
20 Jun, 2011
Lovely Photo's ...I love sky too..:o) it would be nice to see some of your work on here...when you can find the time :o)
20 Jun, 2011
hi pixi25 nicely you paint from pictures? its great to have a view to inspire and this is quite a dramatic vista indeed..thanks for sharing
21 Jun, 2011
thanks all for comments..OMG not been on for one day and so many comments to answer lol!
This is my site for those of you who asked
Skip..I sometimes paint form pictures, but as you will see on my site, eg SUnshine after the Rain, I was there I stood on the rock..just after a thunderstorm..the sky was still dark blue/grey..everything smelt so fresh! the sun came out and everything looked so green! It was amazing! So although I might take a photo of it, I have usually been to the place and felt the know?
Then the i s loosely based on Edinburgh castle..I had been there taken lots of pics..then got home and started to draw it all out in oils pastels before painting, i got bored with all the detail and had this idea it would look good by moonlight lol all in dark except 2 wee windows...all about atmosphere.
mostly my paintings are about atmosphere and emotions..some you will like some you will not lol
Hope you enjopy looking!
Pix x
21 Jun, 2011
maybe I should do a blog with my paintings? lol
21 Jun, 2011
oh wow..outstanding stuff on your site..excellent..
21 Jun, 2011
Thank you so much!
21 Jun, 2011
OOOOhhh an art website.....must go see....
21 Jun, 2011
21 Jun, 2011
Sent you a message in you 'comments' box! I get really excited when people leave comments on my site!! So many don't and the counter goes up and I have no idea who the heck is looking at my site!!
21 Jun, 2011
Just read your comment on my site site is jsut a freewebs one..not professional at all! and its free! :)
21 Jun, 2011
Not sure of the ads though!! I thought the belly fat ad was a cartoon maybe you had drawn!
21 Jun, 2011
hahaha! I dont like the ads either but not much I can do about them..I would have to pay to get ads removed I think
21 Jun, 2011
What is your site Lulu?
21 Jun, 2011
Pls leave me a message!!! LoL!!
21 Jun, 2011
I did! Think your site looks fab! Love your work. x
21 Jun, 2011
Great stuff, I can see why you don`t get much work done, that view must be constantly changing....
21 Jun, 2011
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- Some good things some not so good
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These are very inspirational, Pixi! Just check the size of the files on the pics that didn't load, they just might be too big!
19 Jun, 2011