Update of garden
By pixi25
..just pics of various plants
Lupins which I grew from seeds..not been eaten by slugs yet
Heuchera? I know the spelling is wrong lol
Wee cherub I got in the Asda sale for a fiver lol over head is Jasmine
Rose over the secret door
Love’s Knot..this has ad masses of blooms..what a great rose it is..though no scent.
Love’s Knot blooms
Another rose I got from Rick..can’t rememeber the name
This rose is over at the left side of the garden I dont know it’s name but has lots of blooms and smells gorgeous
Cosmos..there were lots of flowers on it,,grew it this year for first time but I dont like it too much really.
This is more purple than blue in the pic
25 Jul, 2011
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Oh cool! lol At last it flowers! I thought it had died this year but with a wee bit Miracle grow and a severe talking to it has flourished lol. :)
25 Jul, 2011
Lovely pixi, every time i see a pic of roses, I can smell them, yours are gorgeous, your Loves kno,t its beautifull,they look like velvet. I too have grown cosmos from seed for the first time, and im not sure, I dont know why tho! Maybe its the foliage, its dominating the border...
Your wee cherub is gorgeous, and a bargain :)))
25 Jul, 2011
Lovely pics.
25 Jul, 2011
Thanks Daisy..yes the Cosmos jsut isnt me or something lol..jsut takes over really..and I'm not that keen on them at all. yes Love's Knot is the best at flowering! Pity it doesn't have a scent..you would think to look at it it would..oh well can't have everything I guess lol.
The cherub I love it..lol tho not usually too keen on things like that I dont mind it lurking under the jasmine..wait till you see my life sized sculpture..watch this space! ;)
Thanks Lil :)
25 Jul, 2011
25 Jul, 2011
Well done to growing the Lupins from seed, the pics are great!
25 Jul, 2011
THanks. I did it last year and when I planted them out the dam slugs came along and anialated them! Grr
25 Jul, 2011
all your plants look really healthy,Pixi..The Astilbe is pretty..I love Cosmos,probably because I need something to fill gaps between the other stuff..but I like the foliage and the flower..good job we all like different,as we would all have the same gardens ! :o)
25 Jul, 2011
yes that's true :) Thanks Bloomer :)
25 Jul, 2011
What lovely plants, Pixi - obviously the result of all your loving care.
25 Jul, 2011
Aw thank you :) I try ;)
25 Jul, 2011
You've got a nice selection if flowers. I enjoyed seeing them all. Loved the last one :o)
26 Jul, 2011
Looks gorgeous Pixi - loving all your plants. You do a grand job of your garden :))))))))))))))))))
26 Jul, 2011
Thanks Mr H..I cant rememeber the name of the last one! I'm sure I have all the labels in the shed...somewhere! lol
THanks Paul..I do try..dont always get it right tho..I need to move that bright red begonia soon! Its hurting my eyes down the bottom garden..just doesnt go! It will get put out the front door or something..I'm not even really that keen on them but it was only 50p! lol silly me:))))
26 Jul, 2011
wonderful roses Pix.
26 Jul, 2011
Thanks Lulu! I love them! Jaggy beasties tho! I'm all scratched tying one back the other day lol :)
26 Jul, 2011
How do you manage to achieve that wonderful Campanula? I love it! ..... There are dwarf varieties of Cosmos, grow to about 2ft. tall and don't dominate as much as the usual taller ones. : o )
26 Jul, 2011
I've no idea SHirley! lol Just lucky! I grew it from seed a few years back and its been moved three times!
Well I'm still not gonna grow any more Cosmos I jsut dont really like them. :)
26 Jul, 2011
Perhaps I should move mine around ... obviously Campanulas enjoy the move! I only have a few Cosmos now as, last year, I ended up with 4ft. tall ones with masses of foliage and just a few flowers. .... : o ((
26 Jul, 2011
yeah mine have lots of foliage not many flowers :(
26 Jul, 2011
: o ((
26 Jul, 2011
lovely flowers pixi :o)
28 Jul, 2011
Thanks! :)
29 Jul, 2011
Recent posts by pixi25
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Lovely flowers, love the Astilbe. Probably because I haven't got one of those yet ! And you have spelt Heuchera ok.
25 Jul, 2011