The garden at night!
By pixi25
Thought it would be intersting to take some pics in the dark! lol it’s funny how different it looks. Felt a bit spooky actually!
25 Jul, 2011
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I think the night is creepy :O
26 Jul, 2011
cool - did you do some planting too :D
26 Jul, 2011
LOL! It was only 10.30pm hahah but yes KF i do have trouble sleeping sometimes!
Yes Mr H it can be sometimes..I felt like someone was watching me as I went around taking pics..silly really.
No Paul lol but I did pull out a few weeds I saw on my rounds haha :))))
26 Jul, 2011
The blues and whites look really good!
I often go to the pond at night with a torch and take photos!
26 Jul, 2011
Yes they do! I just used my mobile phone with the
26 Jul, 2011
If you shine a torch on the pond and also take a photo you get a really good effect!
26 Jul, 2011
Will try that tonight! :) ty x..oh I dont have a torch lolol
Will borrow Dad's one at the weekend :)
26 Jul, 2011
Don't fall in!! Or drop your phone! I usually drop mine in the loo (although hope I learnt my lesson by now!)
26 Jul, 2011
LOL! Never done that! THoone time I was taking a video at the Hermitage( a beautiful place up here) and was standing on the edge of a rock..I was terrified I would drop my phone! Actually I have a link to it¤t=uptheherm.mp4 ....try that? its one of my fav places :)
26 Jul, 2011
The link didn't work?! Off racing.....catch ya soon!
26 Jul, 2011
Rather spooky Pixi.
26 Jul, 2011
Just copy and paste it Lulu it works jsut tried it :)
Yeah Stroller..funny eh so differnet at ngiht.
26 Jul, 2011
Spooky but interesting.
26 Jul, 2011
26 Jul, 2011
The statue looks lovely in that photo:) Bit scared of the dark though
26 Jul, 2011
Me too sometimes sleep with the hall lgiht on! lol ;)
26 Jul, 2011
You've inspired me Pixi. I'm going to try to take something evening shots as well. Hopefully before the raccoons come out.
27 Jul, 2011
Torch shone on pond - I'll try that one.
27 Jul, 2011
Thanks Lil racoons! we only have a few mice now and then and slugs!!!!!!!! grr :)
Yeah KF I'm going to borrow a torch and try it! :)
27 Jul, 2011
Lovely Pixi you have inspired me to take some night pics and i will upload another day, have you a pic of your secret garden ?
31 Jul, 2011
its not a secret garden Lisal just a secret door with a mirror beside it..tey looking under secret door with mirror?
Oh did you mean the secret garden that s not mine? the mock ruin maybe? Will be under secret garden..jsut type in search box :)
1 Aug, 2011
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Some do look a bit spooky. Cann't you sleep - gardening in the dark you do have an addiction lol.
26 Jul, 2011