A Garden left to die
By pixi25
I have this old lady friend called Annie who had to go into hospital in March. Her gardener had been still sending her bills in hospital, never went to see her! She had heard through the grapevine that her garden was a little overgrown and wondered why..she can’t phone anyone from hospital (strange) so she asked me to go and investigate. I was horrified to find it all overgrown with weeds, obviously the gardener hasn’t been there for ages! So i took these pics so I could show her and she was almost in tears, she so loves her pretty little garden. I offered to do it, but was asked to phone the gardener and find out what was happening..when I did she said she wasn’t going to do it because Annie would prolly never get out the hospital! Shocking!
Anyway here a few piccs of it. I might jsut go up and weed it for her if the rain stops! In the second pic was meant to have been a vegetable garden, but all I could find at the bottom were two potato plants..she hadn’t even planted anything! God i’m so mad about it!
Sad isn’t it
2 Aug, 2011
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shocking..send me the gardeners details i will send some boys round..
organise a GOY Special Forces team..provide a BBQ and lets do it for her..
well done gardencrimefighter pixi
2 Aug, 2011
How cruel to send her the bills but not visit the lady in hospital ... obviously this 'gardener' has no conscience whatsoever! The 'vegetable plot' looks terrible and this 'gardener' should be thoroughly ashamed of herself. Pixi, I'm really cross about this as it infuriates me when folk take advantage of others. Annie should be re-imbursed at the very least. Sorry, rant over!
2 Aug, 2011
I totally agree with you Shirley
2 Aug, 2011
oh what a shame, thats a disgrace ~ not to say criminal.
lots of people would love a garden! someone could look after it instead of an allotment??
2 Aug, 2011
Well done you Pix, for offering your support, it's a wee bit far for me to come help.
Weeding is far easier in the wet Hun, easier to pull!!
Go for it girl. x
2 Aug, 2011
Outrageous! Can this "gardener" not be criminally charged? If not, karma is a b***h.
You have a very good heart Pixie. Hopefully there will always be more like you than the "gardener"
2 Aug, 2011
Thanks all.. DOnt worry i was ranting about it..still am! After phoning her too i said go see her and sort it out! she said she had been mean to her and i dont believe it for a minute! She s so sweet! and ill! bloody disgrace!
thanks for all your thoughts! :)
2 Aug, 2011
This makes me so mad Pixi not only for the poor lady but for all the genuine gardeners out there, most are entirely honest and above board.
2 Aug, 2011
Yes I know! She charges her a fortune too! grrrrrr
2 Aug, 2011
i have had issues with gardeners to be honest..actually had four in quick succession..none of them really wanted the work other than sit on the mower..
but not quite like this..very upsetting..id issue her a demand for it back..id be round there now..
2 Aug, 2011
Get the local newspaper involved, they may get her money back and maybe lots of folk will help do the garden.
If I lived near there I would bring my spade and help you out. Sorry.
Good Luck and wish your friend a speedy recovery.
2 Aug, 2011
Aw thanks everyone...Guy I know you would send the "heavies" lol Anyway i will know later this week when I see her what is to happen...such a shame she's nearly 90 and not very well! Anyway if the gardener doesn;t do it I will. I already told her that, but she has had the smae one for years so I understand she would rather get things sorted out herself.
And thanks for the good wishes Grannyb
Oh you mean you dont do your garden yourself Guy! ? naughty! lol
2 Aug, 2011
I am in total sympathy with the old lady Pixi. I hope she gets well soon. Not all people are angels.
2 Aug, 2011
Crikey there are some horrible people in the world poor lady:(
2 Aug, 2011
Poor Annie, how can anyone be so horrible, that garden as not been touched for ages, and still sending bills to her, i think that gardener wonts reporting, there are so nasty people around :(
2 Aug, 2011
Thanks Coshad and Nana and Clarice. It;s up to Annie what she does from here though. I will do it willingly if she wants me to. She may not even get home from hospital but we dont know yet. I will see her on Thursday :)
2 Aug, 2011
I loathe sitting on mowers, employ me! Xept I am far too far away!
2 Aug, 2011
I know you'll fix it, Pixi...:))))
2 Aug, 2011
2 Aug, 2011
Thats awful, shame on that gardener. Just because someone might not come back is no reason to neglect your duties.
If that gardener is still charging your neighbour for doing the job (although not doing the work) she may be committing a criminal offence. I say may, the laws in Scotland are slightly different from those in England. If its not sorted out soon and she has been cheating your neighbour out of her cash, give your local Trading Standards a call get them on the case.
If I lived closer I'd come armed with my spade as well. Your a good friend I agree with Lil hope theres more people in the World like you than the "gardener". Hope your neighbours feeling better soon.
2 Aug, 2011
Sorry Pixi! I've only just seen this, so I've only one thing to say about this...what goes around, comes around. Oh sorry... two things, please give Annie a hug from me, when disgraceful things like this happen, sometimes you just need some human contact, to let someone know there are at least a few decent souls left, who won't take advantage of ill old ladies. I'm appalled that thing calls herself a gardener... Sorry! that's three things...
2 Aug, 2011
THanks Samjp..well its up to Annie what she does next..I'm going to visit her tomorrow. If it was me or she had done that to my Dad I would sue her..or send Skipscanda round with his heavies lol.
Thanks Libet..yes I;m a great believer in karma..may it come back thrice on her! It is a shame her only living relative is in London..I dunno... :)
3 Aug, 2011
Surely that is classed as obtaining money under false pretences. If one knows the gardener in question and that person wishes to continue earning some money in the future, I think its probably time to name and shame, folk like that make my blood boil......
3 Aug, 2011
yeah true..its up to Annie what she does..I dont know the gardener..only spoke to her on the phone last week :)
4 Aug, 2011
Send the photos or copies of to the gardener Pix...and suggest she repays Annie...
OH and I had many a Customer that was not at home for weeks...and we wouldn't dream of doing anything like that...I don't quite know how she thought/thinks she can get away with it...actually she can't...Annie definitely needs support over this situation...I know you are a good friend to her, you talk about her all the time, with such fondness and it's so bl**dy annoying....
4 Aug, 2011
Well I cant interfere too much at this stage unless she wants me to Sue. But I will as soon as she gives me the go ahead. Maybe the gardener has taken a thought to herself after I spoke to her on the phone..I gave her a piece of my mind! Not like me I know haha :)
4 Aug, 2011
Good for you...Annie is too poorly to have any unnecessary worries...when all she needs is to concentrate on getting well...shame on that woman...
4 Aug, 2011
Well I went to see her today, the gardener hasnt been in to see her yet! I asked what she wanted me to do but she said jsut to leave it and see if she came in and sorts it all out..poor lady! I dont think she wants me to do the garden as she has had this gardener for a long time..oh well have to respect her wishes..not how I would have handled it but she has enough on her plate just now, trying to deal with social workers and stuff too! what a shame for her. My hands are tied..I'm not a relative, but her nephew is meant to be coming to see her soon..he stays in London. :)
4 Aug, 2011
Hmp he doesn't sound to positive either...but here's hoping Pix that a little word in his ear may spur him into action...."Who Knows"....all you can do is what you are doing, being a good friend...x
5 Aug, 2011
Well I already phoned him in London and told him what was going on! So hopefully he will get his arse up here asap!
5 Aug, 2011
fingers x'd for Annie....
5 Aug, 2011
Your such a good friend. I'm sure its a great comfort to Annie to know that your there for her and will help her in any way you can. I'd say shes a luck woman to have you.
Hope Annie is feeling better soon.
Hopefully one way or another that gardener will get whats comming to her.
5 Aug, 2011
Aye that's for sure!
Thanks Sam &Sue :)
6 Aug, 2011
How sad to see the garden in such a sorry state Pixi.But Annie is lucky because she doesn't only have gardener but a good friend like you.I will pray for your friend and hope she will get well soon.
6 Aug, 2011
Thanks Camilla..if this damn rain doesnt stop my garden is going to be in the smae state!!!!!!!!! Was lovely yesterday but had to go to Dads..did all his garden too..grr wish I could get out in mine...raining as i write!
7 Aug, 2011
Such a sweet of you to offer your help to the needful.It is difficult to find such a generous heart in today's world.I am happy that you are my friend :)
9 Aug, 2011
Aw thank you Camilla..you brought a wee tear to my eyes there. :)
Feeling a bit emotional this morning about the riots ..my nephew jsut moved down to London and is only a few mins away from all of it..didnt sleep much last night.
9 Aug, 2011
Yeah Pixi,I is so sad to hear the wave of rioting and looting across London.I think it is the worst violence in Britian's capital since ages.But don't worry so much.Everything will be alright.Tell your nephew to take care.
10 Aug, 2011
He is fine//spoke to him this morning :)
10 Aug, 2011
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31 May, 2011
This is appalling... poor Annie, the gardener should be ashamed of herself... wish I could help x
2 Aug, 2011