Garden today 3rd Aug
By pixi25
Was a beautiful day here..sun shone all day long!
Sculpture is coming along nicely now..shouldn’t be too long till it’s all done and I can show you all.
Got some pics of Suki sunbathing lol and caught her in the act! You will see!
THought I’d take a few pics of plants which I think may not last much longer…some are still blooming and have lots more buds. Bloomin’ British weather eh?
Fairy for Sue
3 Aug, 2011
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You've some lovely plants there Pixi! Don't the water lilies look gorgeous, I could just dabble my tootsies in that lovely water, and I don't mind if Suki, has a drink at the same time! She's such a pretty kitty! Very like our Bear!
3 Aug, 2011
Some lovely pictures there. Is Suki after fish - do you have any in there?
3 Aug, 2011
Very nice Pixi, I have four cats here and three of them love to drink out of my ponds and water features, put fresh water out and they ignore it, lol.......
3 Aug, 2011
We had a border collie who used to like drinking out of the toilet - especially if it had one of those 'blue flush' things in the cistern!! We had to make sure the lid was down at all times as they contain chemicals. Never did him any harm mind as he was 17 when he died!
3 Aug, 2011
Lovely blooms kitten Kooki would have been right in the pond! He loves water. I panic when he is away 2 long, I live 100 yards from the river. I may have to put in a pond to keep him amused :)
Just noticed Suki rhymes with Kooki :)
4 Aug, 2011
Thanks ST:)
Thanks Sheilar..yes I have 4 orfs, Suki doesnt even bother bout them lol..omg your collie..good that he had a long life tho :)
yes Linc Suki si the same..wont touch fresh tap water lol..weird eh? lol
Thanks Scottish! I call Suki Kooki Pooki etc lol she answers to them all! Sometimes if i have a long soak in the bath she comes to see what I'm soing lol she peeks over te edge, and sometimes after I come out i let the water down a bit and she likes t stand in it and I gently pour the water over her, she loves it lol silly cats eh?
4 Aug, 2011
haha! lol!!... My old cat Teddy got into the bath with me on more than one occasion when he was little! Had to investigate why...found out that there's a breed of cat (ginger and white, like Ted) which lives beside and IN a lake in Turkey!!! Swimming cats!!!
...very, very envious of that gorgeous water lily! lol!! :)))
4 Aug, 2011
Love your honeysuckle, my poor thing has hardly raised itself this year let alone flower. I had two small ones and gave one to my son. His is now covering his garden shed.
Really nice pics
4 Aug, 2011
Hi Pixi, finally catching up....Thankyou for the lovely Fairy....x
The Astilbe puts mine to fact I binned it, fed up waiting for it do something...
The lovely me hope for mine, it is growing now...but unless we get Summer at Christmas, it will be next year before it flowers...
Gorgeous roses...and I bet that Honeysuckle smells gorgeous too...As you know I hacked mine back when we cleared the fence from the old chooks yard, and it's bounced back, and smelling delicious...
Gorgeous Lilies...and even more gorgeous Suki...another one that drinks from the there's always fresh water...Fish poo tastes better lol...
4 Aug, 2011
lol Karen! Yes I think I saw a programme about the swimming cats lol. I got that lily in B&Q for 1.99 4 yrs ago! lol It never flowered the first i got lots! :)
Thanks Grannyb..but to tell the truth its actually my neighbours We have things growing up the fence..some mine some theirs that intermingle its nice. love the smell of it especially after the rain..oh its raining again here today surprise surprise! lol :)
Shame on you Sue for throwing the Astilbe out! It prolly would have come the next year..took a couple of years for both of mine to get like that. I like them but hate when they die away in the winter. And dont give up on the campanula either! I love that plant.
Lol@fish poo! Yes silly cats..oh well maybe something in the tap water they dont like! Why do we drink it! she sleeps at the bottom of my bed after being up all ngiht racing up and down the stairs and God knows what else she was doing..made some racket! I kept wakening up thinking someone was in the house! lol :)
4 Aug, 2011
Nice that you have neighbours that seem to enjoy their garden and that you can share plants.
4 Aug, 2011
Yeah well that neighbour is good! the other one is a fat lazy b! his garden is a jungle! grrr
4 Aug, 2011
That lovely Scottish water did taste different last time I was back - sort of bitter - have they started putting something in it?
5 Aug, 2011
Think so it doenst taste the same as it used to..but then nothing does really..they changed Smarties too..had some last night..only the ornage ones are still orangy! lol
5 Aug, 2011
Whatever next...what is the world coming to! lol! lol! ;)
6 Aug, 2011
I know! its shocking! and milky ways used to be good till they changed them! I know my sweeties lol ;)
6 Aug, 2011
Lol! :)))
7 Aug, 2011
Twix are still the same...Pix...
7 Aug, 2011
Well! Sarah brought some ornage Penguins up to Dads yuesterday..the size of them! Omg they have shrunk! Worlds going nuts here!
7 Aug, 2011
7 Aug, 2011
:o)), my two cats like to drink out my pond aswell.
7 Aug, 2011
ornage penguins???
7 Aug, 2011
Yeah never had them before always ornage clubs but never penguins! lol two bits and it was gone!!!!!!
7 Aug, 2011
8 Aug, 2011
Oh I meant orange lol sry my typing is baaaaad! lol
8 Aug, 2011
love the pics Pixi - really need to catch up a lot now on GOY :)))) love those Lilies in the pond
8 Aug, 2011
Thanks Paul..yeah I bet you have lots to do! lol I leave it for a day and takes me a whole day to catch up lolol
Thanks..there's been loads of lillies.they took over for a while had ti cut some back so the fish could see daylight lol ...silly eh..oh that reminds me I need to get fishfood! ;)
8 Aug, 2011
Yes it is very busy Pixi :D I need to feed my fish soon too :))))
8 Aug, 2011
Dammit Asda and Tesco didnt have fishfood!!!!!!!! Need to go to Dobbies tomorrow. lol
8 Aug, 2011
:D your fish will be cross with Asda and Tesco :DDDDDD
8 Aug, 2011
lol Well they wont talk to me again tomorrow morning...oh wait..they never do lol ;)
8 Aug, 2011
Recent posts by pixi25
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naughty suki!! lovely flowers.
3 Aug, 2011