Bad Suki!!!!!!!!
By pixi25
I know its natural for cats to catch mice and birds etc and she has brought in mice before, but today for the first time in her 13yrs she brought in a wee sparrow. I have jsut chased her all over the house trying to get it from her. Eventually got it, and held the wee mite in my hands. It was alive and staring up at me… I took it outside to have a better look and see if its legs wings etc were ok. It tried to fly away and flopped ot the ground twice! When I picked it up it was all but dead and blood was coming from somewhere.
its wee eyes were shut..I wasnt sure if it was dead..but thought it would be suffering…so I dont believe I did it, but I rang its neck as Ive seen done with chickens on tv..I’m almost in tears and I said sorry but I feel so bad now. Hope I did the right thing.
Suki is outside wondering why I’m not talking to her.
UPDATE 9/9/11
Rick told me it wasnt a sparrow..but a baby Robin!!!! :(
3 Sep, 2011
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Oh dear Pixi :(
3 Sep, 2011
Oh Pix! The cruel side of the cat...Try not to fret...You did the right thing x
3 Sep, 2011
Pix you're so very brave to have done that. You did the right thing at least it's not suffering any more.
3 Sep, 2011
I do feel for you. You did right. Sorry you had to go through that.
3 Sep, 2011
Sure you did right, but i could not have done it, but it is not suffering anymore.
3 Sep, 2011
Bless Pixi - such a shame - so sweet it was - did the right thing though
3 Sep, 2011
You helped it Pixi as it is not suffering anymore
3 Sep, 2011
Oh Pixie, well done, that must have been so very difficult.
3 Sep, 2011
I couldn`t have done it myself but you did the right thing as it would have been suffering, poor thing.
3 Sep, 2011
Pixi....I could not have done that. My wee boys bring things home all the time, it cracks me up. Luckily 90% of them are dead.
The ones that are alive I capture and let them go in the field over the road and hope for the best for them.
Very brave of you x
3 Sep, 2011
Thanks everyone ..feeling abit better about it now..still cant believe I actually did it though. Couldnt get it out my head all the way in the car up to Dads then i told him what happened and started bubbling again.
Anyway I'm glad you all thought I did the right thing..poor wee thing.
3 Sep, 2011
OH and I are always rescuing Butterflies and Moths from Sweetie....luckily she has only played and not pulled bits off...Haven't had to rescue any birds from any of the cats so far...thank goodness...The Birds around here dive bomb the Cats, so I don't think they risk a nice role reversal....x
4 Sep, 2011
Aw lol..well guess what..she is sitting down at the bottom of the garden in wait again! i shouted at her teliing her she was a bad puss..but she is just sitting there with her eyes almost the door closed here though so she cant jsut run in if she catches something. God knows why she is doing that..I mean she gets better fed than her owner at times! ;)
4 Sep, 2011
Morning Pix...natural instinct hun...try a collar with a bell on it, that will help warn the long as it's elasticated for Suki safety...x
Will be sending you a PM soon...
4 Sep, 2011
Mornin Sue!
Yes she used to always wear a collar wiht a bell..until one day she got stuck in the tree almost hung herself! so I took it off and she's never had on since..might think about it again tho :) Sun is shining today! :))))
4 Sep, 2011
Yes that's why the elasticateds are best...It's raining here, lighter than yesterday, we had a couple of Storms, and my Roses were just looking good, and have been battered...The water was bouncing off the Patio, so wasn't doing anything any good...filled up a few buckets
you have PM...
4 Sep, 2011
Well it was elasitcated..but whe still got caught up..I will have to think whats best.
Oh no your roses too..the only roses that I still have looking great are the ones round the secret door.
Got it :)
4 Sep, 2011
I wouldn't mind but they've not had the best season this year with the heat...and were just getting it together when this deluge hit us...still there's lots of unopened buds, so maybe it will stop now...
4 Sep, 2011
Same here..lost lots of unopened buds!
4 Sep, 2011
my grandsons cat caught a mouse,he asked his mum to get a collar n bell for the cat so the mice can hear it, genuine no lie.
5 Sep, 2011
Aw bless..I'm going to get one for Suki..:)
5 Sep, 2011
Get one with the quick release clasp Pixi...they do work - but don't buy out of Pets @ Home - they come away too easy, I found that I had to replace them 3 times in 2 weeks.
5 Sep, 2011
That's nature for you - not as wonderful as some people like to think.
I won't put a bell on my cat. How would you like a bell ringing around your neck everywhere you go - it would drive you mad :o( I think it's cruel to inflict that on a cat - just because it's doing what cats do ....
And it won't stop them catching things anyway.
6 Sep, 2011
Hmmm Well that was the other reason I took a clooar off a quandry now..
6 Sep, 2011
The cat I had before Blodyn was allergic to collars aswell. They used to make all her fur fall out :o( Dreadful things ....
6 Sep, 2011
6 Sep, 2011
I put a collar on Teddy after he killed a whole nest of baby blue tits and one of a pair of nesting wrens...but then I found the collar hanging in the tree, so I stopped using it :(
6 Sep, 2011
Yeah I decided against it after all :)
6 Sep, 2011
Suki must be relieved :o)
and you don't want the place to be over-run with mice do you .... it's nature's way of ballancing things out.
6 Sep, 2011
Yes you are right Mr Hwel..jsut dont want mice or birds in the house! lol Just have to look out the window before letting her in now! She has play mice with catnip in htem was playing with them earlier she goes nuts! heh :)
6 Sep, 2011
Rick told me it was a baby Robin NOT a Sparrow :)
9 Sep, 2011
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So sad...Pix...:((( have tears in my eyes for you...poor little soul...I don't think I could have done it, too scared, but OH says you did point in the little one suffering...and he/she is in a better place to fly free...x
3 Sep, 2011