Ode Tae the Moose
By pixi25
A few weeks ago SUki..bad puss again brought a wee mouse in..luckily after a day she caught it as it had run away into the cupboard..I picked her up and put the two of them outside..felt bad..another murder in Dunfermline!
Headlines in next weeks local press will be
“Local artist jailed for 10years for aiding and abetting the murder of said mouse, and a further 10yrs for strangling an innocent wee sparrow’
Anyway I felt bad about the mouse..but wrote this little poem..silly really jsut off the top of my head but here goes..Now you have to say it out loud in the best Scottish accent you can..jsut read as is written. :)
There’s a moose loose aboot ma hoose
A’ couldnae bluddy fund it..only a goose!
Noo the goose was big n’ fat n’ braw..
but jist at that it flew aff wi’ a craw!
THe burdies flew up..near burdie heaven
whaur they ate some lunch tho twas only seven
But from awa up there they saw ma moose,
A’ didnae even ken if it wiz still in ma hoose!
The craw it cried awa doon tae me..
the racket hurt ma heid!
“watch oot wifie fur thon wee moose
is oot in yer gerden eating yer seed!’’
Weel! a wiz fair bilin’! so up a got
took ma poker..wiz nice n’ hot
A’ thocht a’ll git that buggar yet!
Bit twas a’ in vain an’ ma feet wir wet.
A’ gied up! Fair wabbit wiz I
awa tae ma bed fur a bit o’ shut-eye
But a’ o’ a’ sudden a got sic a fleg!
A’ felt the wee besom rin up ma leg!
Noo a’ hae a secret weapon..
and the moose..he isnae smart!
So when he cralled a’ the way up..
a’ let oot a big smelly fart!
THe goose and the craw cried
Aw whit a shame!
A’ yelled ‘Bog off ye twats or a’ll gie ye the same!
Over and out
6 Sep, 2011
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Na nae pics lol Did you undertstand it all? lol
6 Sep, 2011
Yes, but I had to read very sloooooooowly.......
6 Sep, 2011
6 Sep, 2011
Great Poem Pixi....
did you really understand all of it Lil????? :)
6 Sep, 2011
Well I knew YOU would! lol :)
6 Sep, 2011
LOL..Very funny Pixi, I had to read it a couple of times to get from your Scottish way to my English, it had me in stitches though so been back again for another look.....
6 Sep, 2011
No Scottish, not quite all of it but I think the main gist. I like Lincs had to go back for a 2nd, ok, maybe even a 3rd look :)
6 Sep, 2011
hehe :)
7 Sep, 2011
love the ending Pixi - you're hilarious :DDDDDD
7 Sep, 2011
Hee hee hee! Pixi!! Very good!!! I'd be SIMW...if it wasn't 9 am!! :))
Perhaps you could do one next about the wifie with the dormouse in her utility room!...LOL!! :)))))
7 Sep, 2011
Heh thanks Paul its jist a bit o' nonsense really :))))
Hmm thinking about that one K lol Oh aye maybe..dont know if I could rattle antoher one off..and to be totally honest I wrote this a few years back when a friend of mine in Canada had a mouse in her house ..but still applied to me..only there's nae geese here! lol
7 Sep, 2011
loved it pixie ,especially the ending LOL
7 Sep, 2011
;) naughty Pix lol
7 Sep, 2011
What are you on, thought I was daft!!!! Great really enjoyed your poem.
7 Sep, 2011
She had a bad day,yesterday,.didn't you Pix ? Lol.and needed some humour to cheer her up..:o))
By the way,have you fed your birds this morning ?????LOl.
7 Sep, 2011
LOL!!! :)
7 Sep, 2011
Briliant...OH and I really chuckled...well done lol :))))
7 Sep, 2011
O Grannyb I'm high on life! lol ;)
Yes Bloomer birds got well fed! lol forgot to take a pic..but it looked disgusting anyway hhah..I let Rick see it before I threw it out..he said I cant believe you made that..as my baking and cooking skills are usually not too bad lol. He's just left again coming back tomorrow for a wee while. :)
Seems it made you all laugh so that's good! :)))))
7 Sep, 2011
:)))) Don't worry Pix, I might be having a raw day with my Marmalade...should never bake, or make Jam, if the mood isn't right, or is it a full moon...will let you know...lol
7 Sep, 2011
oh aye its the moon to blame of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 Sep, 2011
:))):)))) be back in bit will let you know...
7 Sep, 2011
Cowardy Custard,Pixi..I was looking forward to seeing the masterpiece too..you could have used the Marzipan for Macho Man's thimbs..oops,sorry,I meant thumbs ! Lol.:o)))
7 Sep, 2011
LOL! The birds have feasted well for two days!
haha @ thimbs!
8 Sep, 2011
lol :D Poor mouse :D
That was great ! We need a laugh sometimes :D
- well often really :D
8 Sep, 2011
lol yes! :))))))
8 Sep, 2011
hi pixi, woz very funny, i did get it all, been in elgin for 16 years so am ok with the lingo, hen xx
8 Sep, 2011
haha cool Caz! My mate stays up there..Burghead?
8 Sep, 2011
Stop calling her names,Pixi..!! Burghead indeed ! Lol.
8 Sep, 2011
8 Sep, 2011
what a talented wordsmith you are Pixi..
12 Sep, 2011
LOL! it was just a lot of nonsense haha but thanks!!! lol :)
12 Sep, 2011
13 Sep, 2011
13 Sep, 2011
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Is there no end to your talent?? :)
Slowly scrolled down the page with my eyes squinted just in case there was a pic of a mouse :):)
6 Sep, 2011