By pixi25
Since yesterday’s maintenace I now have warning sign and Error on page message at bottom of page..anyone else got this?
6 Sep, 2011
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No Pixi25 mine is allright at the moment :-)
6 Sep, 2011
Mine says Error on page, while I am writing this. Bottom left corner
6 Sep, 2011
Yep thats where mine is..get in on some sites..never had it on here before?
6 Sep, 2011
not on mine but couldnt open GoY on ipad today.
6 Sep, 2011
On mine as well Pixi.
6 Sep, 2011
Nope, all good on mine!
6 Sep, 2011
Hmm how strange
6 Sep, 2011
have you tried logging back in ~ would that work?
6 Sep, 2011
Don't have error, but when I went to edit a comment & send it sent the original and did post the edited version.
6 Sep, 2011
I am get error when trying to put photos on Goyp and when trying to answer questions I have sent them an email Pixi as they asked us to do. We always seem to get odd gremlins when they update the site, so do let them know.
6 Sep, 2011
I haven`t noticed anything untoward as yet..
Yes I have, just realised I always keep my remember me ticked, its never worked before so always had to log in everytime I came on, today I didn`t have too, was already logged in, it never bothered me though, its not hard to log in is it?
6 Sep, 2011
I'm not getting anything different anywhere at all so far, though I've not tried loading pics or blogging.
6 Sep, 2011
I have just had a reply from Peter, he was having the same problems and was able to fix them.
6 Sep, 2011
Added plants and pics, seem to be getting around everywhere, pleased to say no problems, in fact whizzing around at moment..
Thanks Peter and Ajay....
6 Sep, 2011
the 'error on page' just turned to 'done' so maybe its work in progress!
6 Sep, 2011
definitely faster here.
other difference is ~ when you click on add comment ~ it now says 'sending' and is very quick!!
6 Sep, 2011
Yeah 'Done' here too but still a warning sign?
6 Sep, 2011
Everything is ok on mine..
6 Sep, 2011
Thanks for emailing Peter DRC! :)
6 Sep, 2011
Not had this Pixi
6 Sep, 2011
Site crashed completely a couple of hours ago, but not for long - and it is much faster. I find myself waiting for my answers to go through, and then realise they already have, lol!
6 Sep, 2011
yes crash here too ~ thought it was my computer!!
6 Sep, 2011
Same here sticki, had to turn my modem off and then back on. Still have message error on page, yet all seems to be working ok.
6 Sep, 2011
I've got a yellow triangle with ! in it. and it sais 'error on page'.
Earlier I wrote out a long PM and then it disappeared, and in big letters on the page it said the service was temporarily unavailable - - a right nuisance after writing all that out :o(
6 Sep, 2011
Last night goy would nt come up just a blank white page, perhaps this has some thing to do with it.
6 Sep, 2011
it was down for maintenance sixpence
6 Sep, 2011
I just heard back from Peter - they had a problem this afternoon and had to take the site down to fix it...
6 Sep, 2011
Ahrr that explains it thank you Stickitoffee. :o))
6 Sep, 2011
And they did it just as I was sending a rather long PM - and it disappeared lol. I had to re-write it again an hour or so later :o))
6 Sep, 2011
Sods law Hywel perhaps thats why the pictures go a couple of pages then come to the end too lol
6 Sep, 2011
I had that Hywel.
6 Sep, 2011
Mine is back to error on was down a while back? COuldn't get on :)
6 Sep, 2011
No trouble for me since 4 this afternoon Pixi25, use the Contact Us.
6 Sep, 2011
Well I'll wait till tomorrow maybe when I shut this down tonight it will wake up refreshed! :)
6 Sep, 2011
I m ok too
6 Sep, 2011
I've had error message all evening!
6 Sep, 2011
Perhaps its which company we go with strange I had it last night but not today.
6 Sep, 2011
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No sorry Pix...can't help...The only thing that I found was I tried to correct a post with an extra word, but it wouldn't let me repost, so I had to leave it as was...
6 Sep, 2011