Such a nice day
By pixi25
Just a few pics of things in the garden today
was alovely sunny day :)))))))
7 Oct, 2011
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Well still a little bit..soon there will be nothing :(
Hate winter
7 Oct, 2011
So do I. Still, I think the garden needs it's rest in the winter months, ready for the summer ahead. Nature is truly amazing isn't it? Does matter what the weather throws at it, most of it still comes through.
7 Oct, 2011
Yeah! great skies in winter tho..shall we post pics of skies and snow and write peoms? lol
7 Oct, 2011
Why not, nothing much else to do in the winter is there? I like this site and spend a lot of time on it. (I call it Facebook for gardeners!!) X
7 Oct, 2011
haha ach its better than facebook!
7 Oct, 2011
Yeah, it it Pix, no bad language, no double inuendos and no filth, except dirty hands from gardening!! lol
7 Oct, 2011
I'm glad you got some sunshine today. It makes all the difference doesn't it :o)))
8 Oct, 2011
And the sun makes longer shadows at this time of year...lovely, eh? :)))
8 Oct, 2011
Yep the sun made me smile today :) Everyone seemed a bit happier..more talkative..more alive :)))))))
8 Oct, 2011
Lots still doing well for you Pixi , great work - our Fuchsias have died off now - yes I hate winter too!
8 Oct, 2011
Thanks Paul..most things have died off..but still come buds on roses and one fuschia is jsut about to start flowering..totally mental year its been eh? :)
8 Oct, 2011
It's all topsy turvy here too. The rainy season's supposed to be ending...but it's not! :(
8 Oct, 2011
Yes - quite annoying in a way - very dry here for ages - and so damn windy
8 Oct, 2011
Yeah the wind!!! Ive nver had so much ever! well inside and out hahahha and thats the truth! lolol ;)
8 Oct, 2011
8 Oct, 2011
8 Oct, 2011
Garden looking pretty Pixi :o)
8 Oct, 2011
Thanks TT hate when it all dies off :)
8 Oct, 2011
Nice pics Pixi, we have a turnaround, its grey and drizzly here....
8 Oct, 2011
I'm sure your flowers will go on for a bit yet,Pixi..looks nice :o).It is cold,grey and drizzly here too..and yesterday,although sunny..the wind was bitterly cold...we had to do a tour of 3 garden centres,with a pub lunch in between ! How bad was that ? Lol.
8 Oct, 2011
Your pond has grown!! It looked smaller in other pics!!
8 Oct, 2011
thanks Linc..been like that today..jsut got back from Dads drive in pouring rain and fog!
lol BAD woman! Hope you had fin :)))
Nooooo Lulu its the same pond! heh maybe teh angle?
8 Oct, 2011
8 Oct, 2011
and fun too! lol
8 Oct, 2011
great blog pix art..the garden still looking good and looks a well nice day..thanks for sharing
9 Oct, 2011
your garden still looking, brill send some of that sunshine this way please.
9 Oct, 2011
thanks..but..its raining heavily again..not often we get the sun these days :(
9 Oct, 2011
Not many days go by without us not getting rain :(
9 Oct, 2011
I couldn't make out was'fin' was Pixi..that's why I replied with 'Lol'!...It just about covers everything..:o) Of,course,I see now,it should have been 'fun'..and yes I did ! Lol..sorry you have heavy rain again..its just damp here,but much warmer :o)
9 Oct, 2011
hahah well you know my typos by now surely! lol
Windy and grey here :(
9 Oct, 2011
garden still looks pretty pixi, love the statue at the back there, the gentleman, is he just stood or actually doing something? :o))
9 Oct, 2011
well he has a spade in his hand so was just diggibg lol :)
9 Oct, 2011
lol , i like it pixi, something different :o)
9 Oct, 2011
His name is Clayton...I think ,San..unless I have missed something,and he has had his name changed ! Lol.Did you know Pixi created him with her own fair hands ? clever eh.?
9 Oct, 2011
NOT Clayton! thats Dallas! lol
Just the clay gardener lol Rick 2 :)
9 Oct, 2011
Lol,I knew that would get you going Pixi..ha ha..just seeing if you were still awake !..I logged off earlier last night,,as I wanted to watch 'Spooks',which we recorded,and I need to concentrate..can't follow the plot otherwise !..:o)
10 Oct, 2011
lol..ya me too tho I didnt watch Spooks , Downton Abbey tho! Just woken up to more rain..sigh..
10 Oct, 2011
I watched Downton Abbey too...well,listened I was playing on here at the same time..:o)Horrible weather here today again..heavy rain and strong winds,only not as cold..haven't been out since Friday !..going shopping this aft...under's that song again...I wanna break free.! Lol.
10 Oct, 2011
hah! Sunny here actually now! crazy mental!
Ooh not shopping! ugh! hate it..have to go to Asda :(
10 Oct, 2011
Your garden looks lovely nice to have Clay keeping guard on all your plants:)
11 Oct, 2011
Thanks Nana :) SOmeimtes I get a fright when I look at at night lol
11 Oct, 2011
Still lots going on Pix...really nice...x
12 Oct, 2011
Well its not so nice now..rain has more or less destroyed most things. Fuschia are still going strong..and Rudbeckia..but it needs more sun! The poppies never fully bloomed..but have some heads drying out for seeds. :)
12 Oct, 2011
Poppies are quite delicate aren't they, need an umbrella lol....
12 Oct, 2011
yes! lol ;)
12 Oct, 2011
12 Oct, 2011
Oh and thers lots of Cosmos rowing its lieka damn weed! lol looks pretty tho, need to plant it somewhere else next year tho. :)
12 Oct, 2011
Great to see so much colour and growth still around, Pixi. My garden is pretty dull now. Soil cold and wet and I have been preparing the planst for with their heads!
14 Oct, 2011
well i did a bit of that this week too, will wait a wee while before i do the final chops :)
14 Oct, 2011
Recent posts by pixi25
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Nice blog Pix, still lots of colour there
7 Oct, 2011