Dad's birthday
By pixi25
Dad would have been 90 yesterday.
Felt a bit sad and still miss him so much.
We went up to Arbroath where he lived and I took a cutting of the pink Geranium and Lithodora. We took a wee rose from his garden and two other plants and we planted them around the grave.
THe headstone hasnt been updated as yet.
We were planting them..diggind with spade etc and people passing looked as if to say what onearth are you doing. Sarah said oh dont worry its my Grandads birthday, we are digging him up for the party lol..Dad would have laughed at that..the people tutted and walked on..we all had a laugh about it.
After they were all planted we sang Happy birthday to him.
Big bro took us out for was a nice day..and sunny too :)))
Happy birthday Dad..we miss you xx
Each side of the grave with plants in
sis in law made this
The plant we took from Dads garden was spilt into three. One bit for the grave and a bit each for big bro and me. I dont know what it is..anyone know? Here is my bit planted at the bottom of the garden beside Clay
4 Jul, 2012
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Ah, Pixi...that is lovely. I'm sorry you had a sad day, but I'm really happy that you had such a lovely Dad and that you love him so much. I don't know the plant for sure, but it looks like a Veronica perhaps? It's lovely, and I'm glad Sarah gave you all a laugh at the graveside. Can't think why people would want to stare at such a private family moment...but there you go. :D Have a good day Pixi :D
4 Jul, 2012
Glad the sun was shining for your dad's birthday. I bet he's looking down feeling really chuffed with the lovely plants around the grave knowing that you planted them with him in your thoughts on his birthday.
4 Jul, 2012
Pixi yes I am to so sorry your day was sad me too on New Years day was sad to as my Dad would have been 90 then to.
Your Dad looks lovely and reminds me of my loving Dad .
Its nice we still remember as I was very close to my Dad one in a million .
Sarah brought a smile to my face .
Dont worry what folk think its your Dad and was the right thing for you and your family to do.
And he is looking down on you every day .
4 Jul, 2012
That sounds like a lovely way to spend your dads birthday Pixi.
Plants look great, he will love that :-)
Good one Sarah, I think i would of said something alot ruder!
I can see you in your dads eyes :-)
4 Jul, 2012
Sad times when birthdays etc come around, but nice that you did that to remember.
Your dad was a lovely looking man.
4 Jul, 2012
He will have appreciated it Pixi, well done. Shortly after my dad passed away it was my Dads birthday, my mum and me went and bought something in flower, a small cherry tree. For the last 4 years its never failed to come into flower on Dads birthday.
4 Jul, 2012
Thanks we werent worried about them looking or what they were
yeah willi been told i look like my Gran..his Mum..idk i dont see me looking like any of them lol for a long time I thought i was adopted! but that was way back in the day. I certainly have my Dads hands..all veiny lol :)
yeah a fine figure of a man Mr Hywel! He was always so fit too.
4 Jul, 2012
Aw thats nice Stevie :))))) I'm not sure they will survive..I have planted a few things over the years since Mum died..and they all fingers corssed :)
4 Jul, 2012
I like Sara :)
4 Jul, 2012
Thinking of you Pixi - your Dad will be very proud of you x
4 Jul, 2012
Bless your heart Pixi, my dad would have been 89 June22, so I went to the grave on Father`s Day, he was always given his dad and birthday gifts on the Sunday, I had a little natter whilst there, its good to remember the jokes and good times, pleased you had a little family celebration..........
4 Jul, 2012
Yeah Lil she has a great sense of humour! :)
Thanks Paul :)))))))))))))))
Aw thats nice Lincs..Dad always used to say 'now dont be getting mr a fathers day pressis aswell as a b/day one' but I always did! :)
4 Jul, 2012
aw Pixi, your dad would have been so proud to see how you love him and remember him, it is sad but what shines through is what a wonderful relationship you two had and that will never go; its a special thing to treasure, as are the memories
your sarah has a wicked sense of humour ~ where does she get that from.
all the best pixi, and sarah.
4 Jul, 2012
What a lovely photo,. A real gentleman and loveing Dadxxxx
4 Jul, 2012
Aw ST thanks ..i know he would have been looking down with love. that doesnt go ever. Yes it was a great relationship we had..we understood each other and respected each others views. Such beautiful memories.
Me she gets it from lol..certainly not her dad! bah!
thanks xx
thanks Pam :)
4 Jul, 2012
Aw Pixi, I really feel for you. X
4 Jul, 2012
Thanks SHeilar xx
4 Jul, 2012
Happy birthday too your dad pixi! gosh im sure he loves the plants they look stunning there! we missed going up to lindisfarne this fathers day where my dad in-laws ashes were scattered because of petrol costs but i think i might get a lovely plant for him in the garden after seeing your blog then the kids can help look after it too! thank you :-)
5 Jul, 2012
Lovely blog Jxxxx
5 Jul, 2012
What a lovely way to remember your Dad's 90th ,Pixi..and so nice to plant something from his garden in memory of him...xxxx
5 Jul, 2012
yeah nice thought leigh :)))))
Thansk J xx
I jsut hope they survive Bloomer :))
5 Jul, 2012
late happy birthday to your dad and i can see it must be so sad for you pixi and missing him to, nice to plant his plants near his grave for him to see xxx
5 Jul, 2012
Ah Pixi big hug from me xxxxx
5 Jul, 2012
THanks San..x
5 Jul, 2012
your welcome pixi x
5 Jul, 2012
A lovely way to remember your dad .... My dad would have been 76 this year ...
7 Jul, 2012
:) x
7 Jul, 2012
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Hi Pixi ..
Happy birthday to your Dad.
The flowers look so pretty :o)
4 Jul, 2012