Back from the nursery
By poppylover99
I said I would let you know what I came back with after my trip to Stonegreen last weekend. I do apologise, I almost forgot….!!!
Here are a few photos of the lovely things I managed to get. I have been arranging and rearranging. Not a chore, this is the part I really love. I’ve been imagining how they will all look in ten years time. In my head I’m singing ‘dreeeaaamm, dreeeamm, dreeeamm’ lol.
The hard part is I now have to dig out a fairly difficult piece of ground. It’s so dry! rock hard and full of stones. The ground is not very good either, so I’m going to have to incorporate lots of compost etc to get them all off to a good start. So I’m expecting a few blisters to go with the scratches from the nearby brambles. Nevermind I’m sure it will all be worth it in the end..
This gorgeous magnolia. Don’t know the variety but the label says it will have creamy white flowers. I’ll keep this in a pot though, because I dont have the right soil.
Promise of things to come.. buds fattening up nicely.
This is my favourite tree. Cornus controversa variagata. I think it looks lovely against the fence and really brightens up this area of the garden.
I hope mine looks like this in a few years time
You cant really see it in this photo, but a gorgeous betula jacquemontii is in the mix, together with a good old eleagnus ebbingei, which I’m hoping will make a good contrast against the Cornus and jacquemontii and make them stand out more. Thats the theory. If I’ve overplanted I can also chop this back quite hard too to make it fit the space.
To finish off for the foreground planting:
2 phormiums, yellow wave
and a lovely heuchera – Georgia peach curls, (same as Paulsgarden new one I think!!)
I knew it would not be easy to transform this part of the garden and was really not looking forward to it. But joining you folks on Goy has been a real pleasure. I’m even looking forward to doing that digging now, because I’ve seen what wonderful results can be had. I also have got loads of inspiration and encouragement from other members. This path was inspired by other Goyers and I think I will link it up to the gazebo on the other side eventually.
So now its back to digging! – Lots more work to do, but also so much more to look forward to. Thanks to everyone on Goy who has encouraged me. I am so pleased and grateful.
6 Oct, 2011
Previous post: A visit to my favourite nursery
Next post: The big garden tidy up
Thanks Ydd and Ml. I was waiting for the planting fairies to come in the night and put them all in for me!! I quite like the fence now the colour really compliments the plants. I will need a few more lower growing plants once these are in and there is another area around the corner, but think I will need a few new fence panels just there. I might try another mirror there too depending on how it looks. So that it looks like a series of windows with the plants in between???
6 Oct, 2011
Good shopping trip Poppy, I think planting them out is the best bit, I do like your meandering pathway, it encourages a person to go exploring wanting to see what is hidden away...
6 Oct, 2011
Some wonderful plants there, Poppy ...
you'll have fun making final decisions on where they will all live :o)
6 Oct, 2011
What a fabulous choice Poppy all the plants/shrubs look so healthy , I like the blue fence the plants will show up beautifully against that , I'm hoping we will have another photo when they are in place :o))
6 Oct, 2011
Ooooh low growing you said, brunnera will look great there, Perrenial, lovely heartshaped silver and light green leaves and hardy, pale blue flowers in spring, If your not too impatient im splitting some next spring for a few friends, ill do you a couple lol, but you will have to remind me, mine is Brunnera jack frost...
6 Oct, 2011
If you go to page 2 of my blogs and click on My semerviren pots, there's a pic of the Brunnera there, last pic..
6 Oct, 2011
Lovely plants you got, enjoy planting look orward to seeing how they get on.
6 Oct, 2011
thanks Lincslass, Terra and Clarice for your lovely comments. My plans get more ambitious every time I set foot in the garden. Yes Amy, of course I will share the finished results with you all!
ydd thats very kind of you to offer some of your Brunnera - Jack Frost is a beauty! - If you have any to spare next spring I may well take you up on that offer! Please let me know if I can recipricate with anything you see in my garden of course.
6 Oct, 2011
Cannot wait to see what it will look like when you finish planting:0
6 Oct, 2011
We`re all agog Poppy, it all looks very promising cant wait to see how those lovely shrubs look once they have settled in.
6 Oct, 2011
Lovely stuff Poppy - I checked in google "glossy magnolia" and it came up with Magnolia nitida :)))))) looks gorgeous it looks like camellia - beautiful pics and yes I have and adore that Heuchera :))))))))))))))))))))
6 Oct, 2011
They'll look a picture when they get planted, Poppy! Remember the cornus will get much bigger, so plant it well away from your fence! Have a look at Karensusan's pictures and blogs, she has a gorgeous one beside a patio! I think the fence will really show your plants off beautifully! Good luck with your digging!
6 Oct, 2011
First of all big boo boo. Must own up. Dont know why I said magnolia of course I meant camellia.. sorry Paul didnt mean to mislead. I'm so chuffed you all like my choice of plants. I cant wait to get them all in and get them growing away. Libet thanks for the advice to look at Karensusans garden. She has such beautiful plants. I'm making much better progress with the digging now, but only after really soaking the ground. Some of the stones I've dug out are enormous. - Day off tomorrow must have a rest!
6 Oct, 2011
Dont forget to remind me Poppy L :)))
6 Oct, 2011
I love your path, and that veriegated shrub is wonderful :o)
I can't help thinking your magnolia is really a Camellia - maybe I'm wrong but it does look like one. They're wonderful shrubs and flower early in the year, when there's not much else around.
7 Oct, 2011
Will do, ydd thankyou!!! - Hywel, well I cant get much past you can I??? - Yes you spotted my mistake, the magnolia is definately a camellia. Meadowland spotted it too!!! I'm glad its a camellia, the space is definately too small for a magnolia. I just hate it when people chop off their wide reaching branches to try to confine them, they just never look the same do they?
7 Oct, 2011
Sorry I didn't know it had already been pointed out. I don't read the other comments lol
Yes I agree a tree should be planted where there's enough room for it.
7 Oct, 2011
Woohoo Poppy, what a brilliant spend at the GC! So glad the "magnolia/camellia" confusion was sorted - I was wondering why Magnolia needed the "right"soil! Love your meandering path, and love the Phormium 'Yellow Wave' - going on my wish list. Btw, although Cornus 'Controversa Variegata' CAN get very big, it is Very Slow . . . you've seen mine, and that's six or seven years old . . .
7 Oct, 2011
Hi Poppy. What a lovely selection of plants you have bought.
Like you, I have been inspired by the other GOY members' gardens and their positive comments and encouragement.
With regards to your stony ground, I was given a pickaxe a few years ago and it has proved invaluable for breaking up the chalk and flint in my soil to make holes big enough for planting. It's still hard work but easier than just using a spade and fork.
Happy planting!
7 Oct, 2011
Aaah bless you all!! Nothing is impossible, when you get such encouragement! - It's so funny you should mention a pickaxe Frybo, I was going to try that. Now I've had the sprinkler on it, its much easier to get a fork into. The stones are reluctantly coming out. It may take a bit of time but I'm getting there.
7 Oct, 2011
How are you getting on Poppy....You've been digging for over a week now! :0)
16 Oct, 2011
Hi Pimpernel,
I'm just about done with digging now. Still a bit of the old compost heap to get out though. I've been making the most of the lovely weather. Thanks for noticing - it's nice to be missed! I will post some pics to show you v.soon.
17 Oct, 2011
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Fantastic choice of plants PoppyL, there going to look fab planted out, I have 2 Phormium yellow wave, they really are bright yellow and brighten up a border, low growing too...Love the Cornus and magnolia, well, there all gorgeous :))
6 Oct, 2011